Tuesday 4 August 2020

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

The weekend here in Germany was overshadowed by a huge demonstration in Berlin. 20,000 people traveled there to protest against the 'cutting'  of our rights by making us wear masks and keeping distance. An eclectic collection of Covidiots from the extreme left, extreme right, mixed with vaccination opponents and world conspiracy theorists demonstrated. They refused to wear masks and didn't practice distancing, attacked police and journalists and behaved really badly. The number of Covid Infections is rising here, and some  people still think they have a right to do what they want and couldn't care less what happens to others. Bad, sad and mad!

Today we are starting a new challenge At TIOT - words and numbers. Projects of all formats are allowed, but there must be some words  and/ or numbers included. Hope to see you joining in. You can see the work of the other team members on our blog, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Have fun!

I made a 12 x 12" page. The vintage man was printed onto book-paper, fussy cut and collaged. Then I just went made with letters, numbers and words and glued them on with gay abandon. I added some crackle glaze to a few parts, but it didn't work well, hardly any crackle and it dried cloudy. Perhaps it was too old?

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.  I'm sure you can guess my drink?

In our little town - and in many other places - they have created more spaces for people to sit and enjoy a drink or meal outside with plenty of space between people. Here cars have been banned from parking on one stretch and the space used for tables and chairs:

The little 'summer village' in the moat is still there. You can see the old town walls in the background on the left:

The photos were taken from the bridge in the early morning, so there's  nobody there:

The 'Füchschen'  pub  has outdoor seating,  as does Cafè Schuster:

On the market place more tables are allowed than usual, and all well apart:

In the bookshop they are offering a course on calligraphy and suitable books and pens etc. I thought of CJ here:

Last week my post from Elizabeth arrived - lots of collage pieces and a piece of her precious home made paper - thanks so much!

And I received a beautiful card from Ro - thanks for the lovely surprise!

I am always up very early and enjoy the sunrise with my first coffee:

Another hungry visitor to my balcony:

By the Rhine:

Looking for breakfast:

The Canada geese were picking crumbs from the pavement near a pub:

The pigeons were busy in the tree behind the garden.

And as we have hardly had any rain lots of leaves, acorns, conkers etc are already falling from the trees - sad!

Some of the beautiful flowers I saw on my way to Aldi:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! The events in Berlin were really shocking, so many stupid people who endanger everybody to get there own way and just do what they want, like small kids, but less charming! Your art today is beautiful, love the masculine piece with all the numbers and words. Wonderful photos, too. We can go back home tomorrow, the builders are finished, but we will need to keep the special fans on for a week or so to speed the drying process. Hope you are feeling better, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Yes, some people are so stupid....Glad to hear your place is almost ready, that's good news. But I'm sure the kids have enjoyed being together. Have a wonderful day, stay safe! Hugs to all!

  2. OH how sweet - I love your new blog look! And the gentlemen with the top hat - so artistic and creative! What a fun walk around (I was just at Aldi yesterday!) I'm so glad they've come to America! Fabulous post!

    1. Thanks Kelly! Aldi is always good! We have one a couple of miles down the road. Have a great day, stay safe!

  3. Hi Valerie oh dear that's not good. Don't these people realise that covid won't go away if they keep getting together in large groups and it's frustrating for the people doing the right thing,they make restrictions go on for longer. Oh I love your man ,what clever pages you have made,well done my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Those people don't seem to care....we just have to be extra careful now. Stay safe!

  4. I hadn't heard of the problems in Berlin. We have our own problems in the states. Over 156,000 dead and the numbers seem to climb daily. We don't have good testing and when people get tested, they have to wait 7-10 days to learn if they are positive or not. Mask wearing has become a political thing here. Many Republicans refuse to wear them because Trump doesn't. However, yesterday he changed his tune because someone told him that "our people" (meaning republicans) are now dying in droves. He is now saying that people "probably" should wear masks. DUH!!

    I love your manly page. It's beautiful. I like how you treated the man and his face, and I really like all the numbers and words you included on your page. It's awesome.

    Yes, I can guess what you had to drink and I was glad to see they have setup places you can safely drink your cappuccino outside. Who wouldn't love to be surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants, too? Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday.

    Your photos are beautiful, even though the lack of rain has caused many leaves to fall. I think your walk to Aldi is wonderful with all the beautiful flowers. Scott was at Aldi last night. He called me and I told him what I needed when he walked through the aisles. As a result, I'm never surprised and I'm totally safe here, too. Hope you stay safe, too, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I watch the news from the USA as well each day, and I cannot understand why there are so many people that think a conspiracy can kill so many people....Glad you have someone to shop for you. I have to manage everything myself but I am very careful, and I need to keep moving....Happy T day!

  5. Good Morning from Wales! Missed you yesterday, and I hope you are feeling better and less sore now? Such a shame about the protesters, they are making things worse for all of us. There is a central reservation area in a lot of British towns too, councils trying to help traders with more safe space. Those purple and pink flowers at Aldi are so pretty. Have a lovely Tuesday.

    1. Thanks Deb, good morning to you, too. I just took some time off from blogging, I needed to rest. The tube is out of my ear now, and that makes a big difference, so yes, it feels better! I hope some of these protesters will come to their senses soon! Have a good day, stay safe!

  6. Fabulous colourful post, love the beautiful flowers and birds, enjoy your day. xx

  7. Your vintage man is very creative VJ. Loved those birds too

  8. Love your creation, such wonderful layers of interest. Hope you have a great week and keep safe. x

  9. Happy T day Valerie. The big demonstration sounds like what people are doing here in the US. Not demonstrating masks but just not wearing them. It is such a simple thing to do to keep this virus under control. I live in a tourist area and our numbers were low. Then the tourists came and many are out and about and not wearing masks. So now our numbers go up. Ugh. And I love your latest TIOT piece. It has a great vintage feel to it. And happy t day too. Elizabeth is very generous isn’t she? And lastly. Nice bird photos. You might have more pigeons nearby soon I think. Little babies perhaps? Hope you day is starting well. Or going well. As I think you are an early riser like me. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Some people are just stupid, careless and ignorant to behave like they do. They endanger us all. And yes, we will have even more pigeons soon.... Yes, I am an early riser, I always wake up as soon as it starts t get light, in spite of blinds and dark curtains. Up with the lark! Have a great day!

  10. My dear friend Valerie, I am not a stranger! Ha ha! I am VERY busy lately. That's why I did not leave any comments to your blog. But be sure that I have seen all your beautiful art. I just did not have the time to write two words. I know it sounds crazy, but this the truth, sweetie. I will be free in the end of August. But until then, please do not misunderstand me. Hugs and I want to tell you once again how much I love your amazing pages and your beautiful photos.

    1. Thanks Mia, good to see you again! Take care!

  11. Good morning Valerie: In every country we have our share of idiots, and if only they could confine their stupidity to the confines of their own lives and of their fellow morons that would be fine, but under current circumstances they jeopardize the health and well-being of others. Your vintage man is very appealing. Well done with this. The photographs of all the birds are superb! The young Canada Geese are getting big and strong, I am pleased to note. Maybe it's time to sic them on the mentally-challenged demented fools in Berlin. Secretly, and quite maliciously I must admit, I hope that some of them pay a steep price for their folly. Hugs from the land of the Canada Goose. David

    1. Hi David! Unfortunately, their stupidity affects us all. And I am sure if they do get ill they will complain the loudest that the government has done nothing to stop the pandemic! I have lots of visits from hungry winged visitors to my balcony. I wish those geese would drop their 'blessings' on the heads of those stupid people! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  12. I wonder how those protesters would feel if someone without a mask passed on COVID to their Mum. Gran, brother, sister etc? My son has a problem asking builders from a nearby building site to wear masks - they say things like "Oh! I'm fine!" Some now comply after he asked them this question. It's all very well saying that we shouldn't be told what to do but it's a different thing to think about why it is so important! I love your page and your coffee pic! That behatted gent looks great at the centre of your page! Some of those cafes look so inviting - whats great idea to ban parking! Your bird and flower photos are brilliant! Happy T Day! Hugs,Chrisxx

    1. I think those people would protest the loudest if anything like that happened. And if they get ill they will expect other people to look after them and risk their lives to do it! And now they are going round behaving like spoilt, defiant kids. Anyway, have great day, and stay safe!

  13. Such a fabulous page! I love all the numbers and letters that you added and the way you layered everything together - stunning 😀. It was lovely seeing all the amazing texture in the close ups too! Nice to enjoy the coffee with social distancing being considered, makes for a relaxing experience! Loving your photos too, those flowers against the red siding are beautiful 😊. Happy T Day and wishing you a wonderful week! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Thanks Jo, I had fun making the page, I couldn't stop sticking things onto it! Have a great day!

  15. LOVE the steampunk-ish page! All the elements you added are amazing.. and there is something new to look at every time I look at your layout! LOVE it!!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  16. Your stampuk page is so fantastic!

  17. I love your page Valerie, the man stamped on bookpage is fab. We have loads of coviots in this country too, stupid, selfish people!

    Joan x

    1. Thanks Joan. We all seem to have our share of idiots, who are making a difficult situation worse. Stay safe and well!

  18. I love your art piece!
    The protest is very sad-I don't understand what is making people behave like that and think like that. That stuff will just prolong this virus. We have idiots here who refuse to wear masks in stores or in public. We live in an area where the tourists per year are measured in the millions-but off-season the population is only 2,000. So we are worried about the volume of people from all over infecting this area-which so far has been very low in infection rates.

    1. Thanks Debra. I think no 'normal' person can understand those who do their best to undermine the system and endanger other people. Look after yourself and stay away from strangers where you can. Stay safe and well!

  19. A fabulous page Valerie, full of many things to look at including the textures you added.
    It looks like your area is well organised with the tables at the cafes seperated out.
    The protests are another issue, there are a number of folk who I fear will never do the right things , so selfish when so many could suffer.
    Take care of yourself
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Most people re working so hard to keep themselves and others safe, and others are, as you say, selfish. Stay safe and well!

  20. Piękne są twoje prace. Gość na balkonie naprawdę śliczny. Mam nadzieję, że naukowcy wreszcie poradzą sobie z tym wirusem i wszystko wróci do normy. Dobrego dnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. We can only hope and pray that someone will soon find a solution! Stay safe and well!

  21. You are wonderful to let us join in your wanderings around the beautiful villages and landscapes near you. I really enjoyed all your photos.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Mae. Wandering around and taking photos are an important part of my life!

  22. This is a lovely post Valerie. Well people across the US are doing the same. We have so many different riots going on it is a total mess. Your art however is beautiful and your town is doing what my town is. Parking spaces where people are eating have been blocked off. However, with all the rules put into place 6 restaurants have been closed down due to covid.

    1. Thanks Nicole. There are so many stupid people in the world, it is hard for us to understand. Stay safe and well!

  23. I thought we had the monopoly on idiots protesting basic safety measures meant to protect everyone. Glad you stayed safe from all of that.

    That coffee drink looks delicious!

    Our town has closed off parts of Main Street for more outdoor dining. No one is really enforcing anything, though, so we're still not going out much at all.

    I love the flowers. It's so nice that we can still enjoy them, even with so many other things falling apart.

    1. Haha, I think those idiots are spread all over the globe, unfortunately. I have 2 places where I like to sit outside for a coffee, and where I feel safe. I avoid all other places. Most people here are sensible, so I suppose we can be thankful for that. Have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  24. Shocking about those protests, ugh! Lovely page, the coffee looks good and enjoyed your photos today Valerie. Interesting to see the social distancing measures that have turned our world upside down.

    1. Yes, it is shocking. The world has changed so much in the past few months. Stay safe and well!

  25. LOVE your beautiful collage art Valerie! I hadn't heard about this protest as I don't watch much news. How sad- and scary too because I sense this is going to occur in many other places around the world:(
    Elizabeth has been so generous with her T Day gifts!
    Love your photos of the outdoor cafe seating. They are doing the same here but we have yet to go anywhere to have a drink or a bite to eat. Love seeing all the birds-I'm really missing the sea gulls...happy T day!

  26. Thanks Linda. I always watch the news, but lately I am always worried about all the new catastrophes that happen. I just go for a coffee here and there. I feel safer just walking around where nobody is. I hope you can soon go to the beach again, I know how you love it! Stay safe!

  27. Nice art featuring words and numbers. I love the looks of your coffee. And it is lovely to sit out in the open during the summer, isn't it?

    1. Thanks a lot. Sitting outside ist indeed wonderful.

  28. A fabulous page Valerie, lots of details and I enjoyed reading the different words you chose. That protest must have missed our news, but we have had similar in London, one woman wore a single layer fine net mask - her choice of face covering - crazy. This virus is here and ain't going anyway so staying safe is common sense and it looks like your town is organised and it's nice to see the photos.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It's sickening how stupid some people are. Common sense seems to be missing by many people. Stay safe and well.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Gorgeous page Valerie! I love all of the different textures & elements, love how you printed the vintage man on book paper! beautiful photos today, love all of the birds especially the first one with the orange breast. When people protest they put so many lives in danger... I'm sick of what's going on here in Colorado, the US and around the world, very scary! Take care of yourself and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love taking pics of the 🐦🐦🐦 that visit me. It's hard to stomach what's going on everwhere. Stay safe!

  31. Love the bird and floral shots. Just beautiful.
    Your piece is great:) Wonderful textures.
    That's so disgusting about the masks protest. To loosely quote Cuomo on mask wearing: You don't have the right to endanger me or others. I could go on and on...but I won't:)

    1. Thanks Sandra. It's scary how this is developing!

  32. The events in Berlin sound a lot like what is happening in various places in the US. Covid numbers are on the rise because people think with the nice weather things are back to normal and the virus is gone so they are having large parties, not wearing masks, not social distancing. Deep sigh. It looks like your town is doing things right. Lovely art you created and I'd love to visit the bookstore and check out their calligraphy supplies and books. Your balcony visitor is very colorful. What kind of bird is he? The seagulls at the Rhine always make me laugh because I imagine them waiting for the ferry. The pigeons were very busy and look more like Love Birds. The flowers are so very pretty and I always enjoy your sky photos. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. The world is in a sorry state just now. I just don't understand why these people behave so badly, it's so anti-social. They're offering a calligraphy course, too, it was full in a few hours. The bird is a male bullfinch. The seagulls always wait for people who have something to eat! Yes, the pigeons were busy! Happy T Day!

  33. Lovely artwork. Wonderful assortment of photos. People here in the US are fighting each other over wearing / not wearing masks. One woman in a store was assaulted, shoved to the floor, and ended up with a broken leg. It's scary.

    Happy T-Day!

    1. It really is scary. I wonder what the next weeks will bring us. Stay safe!

  34. First of all, I love every single photo, both your art and all the others. That bird! Your art! All of it. I'm glad you didn't ask us to pick a favorite.

    Sounds like Germany is taking a page from the U.S. -- and not a good page. I just DO NOT understand people who act this way. But you know that....

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Who can understand such people. Today people had a huge flight on a plane, it's unbelievable. Stay safe and well!

  35. The protests and riots are just horrible. No good can possibly come from them.

    Fabulous page for TioT, Valerie. I love the composition.

    I enjoyed the photos of the village with so many restaurants for people to visit. I miss going to restaurants.

    The orange and black bird is darling. I wonder what it is.


    Your photos always raise my spirits.

    Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Indeed, no good can possibly come from them. The darling bird is a bullfinch. Have a great week, take care!

  36. Love, love, all your photos! And the news from where you live was very interesting; shows me it is going on everywhere! I will be glad when all this stuff is over! And thanks for telling me about the TIOT Challenge. I forget to check the challenges until I read about it on one of the TSFT posts! LOL I absolutely love your 12x12 page of words and numbers! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon! Yes, the same sad happenings seem to be world-wide! Glad you like my page! Have a wonderful week, stay safe! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  37. What a fabulous piece Valerie, and the crackle looks good to me. I'm guilty of holding onto things for too long rather than using - I had some texture pastes grow a wonderful culture on top - too much information lol. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I always WANT to use things, but think I should perhaps save them for another time....and then they go mouldy, or dry out....Have a great week!

  38. I love your fabulous page Valerie, and your bird photos are wonderful.
    Such a shame those stupid people are spoiling all the good that sensible folk are doing.
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It is really a shame that there are so many stupid people spoiling everything! Have a good week!

  39. Hi! I'm sorry to hear your numbers are going up too ~ so frustrating ~ I have not heard of the term covidiots but it's perfecftly fitting. Terrific page with so much to see ~ Loving all the nature shots ~ I hope your feeling better! ~ blessings on your week ~

    1. Thanks Karen. It is indeed frustrating that a few stupid people are causing trouble for everyone else. I am slowly getting back to normal, just still very tired. Have a good and safe week!

  40. Hallo liebe Valerie!
    Ja was da in Berlin passiert ist verstört die meisten Leute, die vernünftig Abstand halten und Maske tragen in Läden und wenns eng wird. Was ist daran so schwer, es hat uns ja bis jetzt auch viele Erkrankte und Tote erspart. Aber die Dummen sterben leider nicht aus.
    Schön deine Collage und die Crackle-Effekte kann man doch gut sehen im Detail. Es freut mich daß du weiterhin deinen Cappucino genießen kannst und es bei euch so prima mit dem Abstandhalten in der Gastronomie geregelt ist. Wenn man kreativ ist, geht Vieles. Das kleine Sommerdorf finde ich gut. Deine Fotos sind wieder sehr schön. Der kleine bunte Vogel sieht toll aus, hab ich hier noch nie gesehen. Es ist ein Dompfaff. Hoffe dir geht es gut und du bleibst fit und kreativ.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Hi Sabine! Ja, was dort passiert geht nicht mit normalen Menschenverstand zusammen! Schön wieder ein Zeichen von Dir zu sehen, hoffe Alles bei dir ist in Ordnung! Dir eine schöne Restwoche!

  41. Some beautiful birds, especially the orange breasted one.
    I loved your art this week. A wonderful bit of collage and vintage.
    I loved seeing all the cafes and sidewalk restaurants. You have a lovely town.
    Happy Tea Day,

  42. Covidiots...nice term. So frustrating about the demonstrations endangering everyone. It completely baffles me that there are folks that still claim that COVID is a conspiracy and not real. WHAT!?!?! The whole world got together on something and they decided this was it?!? WOW...just wow.
    Love all your bird photos. The first orange one is a beauty!
    Your journal page is fantastic! Love the layered images.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Halle. Some conspiracy, huh - it would be the first time in history that the world agreed on something! Some people are really Covidiots! Have a good week!

  43. Your page is cool. The protest you described was not cool.
    Love that orange-breasted bird. What a vibrant colour.
    Stay safe,

    1. Thanks Teresa! The protest was definitely not cool! The bird is a chaffinch.

  44. I hadn`'t heard about the demonstration in Berlin. How awful. I have a neighbour who is a conspiracy theorist. The stuff he comes out with! He believes there is a group of very powerful men out to kill a large part of the human population by whatever means.He believes in a lot of other insane things. Oh well, we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead. That's equally insane, but at least our faith doesn't kill anyone.
    I love your brown page. That's my style and I have most of the components(or similar) in my stash. Including a little pot of crackle paint, which like yours has probably dried out a bit.
    It's lovely to see all your summery photos. The birds, the outdoor cafe's in the sun and the sun rise. It's like I'm there (without having to get up at dawn! lol)
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

    1. Yes, sometimes I really wonder how people find such obstruse ideas....I always wake up as soon as it starts to get light, so I get more sleep in winter than in summer. Have a great week!

  45. Yes, we saw the protests on the TV news over the weekend.
    Covid 19 is definitely not going away and we all need to do our bit to help prevent the spread. Here in the UK we are beginning to experience local lockdowns, it is worrying.

    The government want all schools to start back in September, time will tell if they do.

    In the meantime Eddie and I are doing our bit to follow the rules.

    This post was full of beautiful photographs, which I always enjoy seeing.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Let#s hope that the sensible people will outweigh the idiots! Sta safe!

  46. He's looking rather Dapper Valerie, I wonder if it's the boy looking up to the man as a possible Father figure or the man looking down on the boy seeing himself as the years have passed by. Love thought provoking pieces just like this alongside all that suave and steampunky twist. Hope those disturbing the peace have left you be this weekend? I'm a believer in free speech but when it's downright selfishness I find it hard to believe and tolerate... grrrr! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Yes, that's the question - perhaps a bit of both? More demonstrations this weekend, but not so large, and they hve increased the fines for people not wearing masks or keeping their distance, so let's see if it helps!


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