Saturday 8 August 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!
It's hot, hot, hot here - we had 38° today, tomorrow will be hotter. In my apartment it's still 34° although it's already night.  Some like it hot - I don't!
Today I have another journal page with Leda, made some time back. It was under a pile of others and I lost sight of it. It's an A3 mixed media page. As I wanted to link to Alison's tags/pockets theme again at AJJ I made an altered version of it, shown as the last image, where I magicked a tag on a necklace to hang round Leda's neck:

And this is the AJJ version:

For Pinky's Christmas challenge at Tag Tuesday I have 3 more tags:

And a few photos from the past week:

We had another rainbow:

 That's all for today!
Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful post ~ Love the quote and the beautiful lady ~ Terrific Christmas tags, and wonderful photos as always! Do you post your photos to pinterest? I would love to start a board of my favorite photos from your site but I wouldn't if you didn't want me to ~ I just would like to see my favorites in a grouping to enjoy :) Let me know! ~Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen! I don't do Pinterest anymore, I don't have the time, but you are welcome to post anything you would like to! Have a great weekend! Take care!

    2. Terrific! I know what you mean...I do spend a lot of time viewing and pinning :)

    3. Exactly, and sometimes I need to concentrate on one thing! But as I said, take whatever you like!

  2. Great adaptation of your art page, love how you have used lace on it. The tag with the image of the birds with the hats is so cute too. I always enjoy your walk photos, I see bike helmets in the window 😁

    1. Thanks! The birds with the hats always stand on my window ledge in winter! Have a great day!

  3. Absolutely beautiful love the gorgeous lace and design of your creations. Exquisitely created and gorgeous photos again. xx

  4. Beautiful page. The Xmas tags must be hard to do in a heat wave!

    1. Thanks Christine. It's strange for me doing Christmas in summer!

  5. Good morning Val, how are you? I hope your flat hasn't heated up so much that you're roasting! Beautiful art again, the Leda page is fantastic, and I like how you did the little tag round her neck. Nice tags, too. We're slowly getting back to normal here, just a few damp patches still. Have a good day, keep cool! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm enjoying some fresh air before it gets too hot to breathe again. Have a wonderful day, glad things are getting back to normal!

    2. Great journal page, love the tags. Hope you say cool and safe.

    3. Thanks Anesha! I think safe will be easier than cool today!

  6. Your Christmas tags are miniature works of art, and little gifts in themselves. Love all the red brickwork, and the first moon shot is spectacular. Stay as cool as you can! I wish I could send you some of our cooler weather!

    1. Thanks Deb! I love the old brick walls here, too. And yes, I would love to get some cooler weather! Stay safe!

  7. Good morning Pal Val: The extreme heat you are having to deal with must be quite debilitating, especially if you cannot escape it in your apartment. We had a spell of it, but recently temperatures have been much more bearable. Yesterday, for example, the mid-afternoon high was around 25, and with the hint of a breeze it was very pleasant. GREAT shot of the Black-headed Gull, already out of breeding plumage, but looking very handsome with its red bill and red feet. It could even rival you for funky footwear! As always, it is pleasant to meander through town with you, and you have a wonderful eye for seeing captivating angles for the pictures. Try to stay cool at Balconia-by-the-Rhine and enjoy a relaxing weekend. Toujours ton ami, David.

    1. Hi David, Your weather sounds great, that's how I like it! That gull was really pretty, you know I like red foot-wear! There's a lot to see in our little town, and I like catching fun angles and shadows. I went for n earl week and am trying to catch up on sleep now, and go out again later this evening. Have a great day!

  8. Gorgeous page and adorable tags. I love the fabric and fibre edgings you added to the lady. Hugs, Teresa.
    PS - Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I was really delighted with your birds! Have a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful art and loved all the photos. I really liked the tunnel with all the bricks-where does that lead to? looks really old too

    1. Thanks Kathy. It's not a tunnel, just an arch leading under an old watch tower from the 12th century. Have a great weekend!

    2. Yes it is, and I just love walking through there!

  10. I love the braids in Leda's hair and her beautiful nose. So many photos and your blog is free!

    1. Thanks. As long as the photos are each under 1 MB in size there's no limit.

  11. Leda is beautiful, with or without her tag. I love the mixed media details of the lace and the flowers. And nice holiday tags too. Elizabeth has to love the rocking horse. And I know it is not your favorite challenge but you found some great images. I can relate to your heat. I hope you can find a way to stay cool. Ours is coming back but today we have had some rain. Hurrah. I wish it would rain all day to keep my flowers happy. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm sure E. will love the rocking horse. The heat will be with us for another week at least, and I wish I had somewhere else to go. But I haven't, so I'll just have to get through it!

  12. I really need to set aside more time to enjoy the beauty of your blog posts Valerie!! Amazing post again.

  13. Beautiful photos and art Valerie! Thanks for giving Leda a tag necklace and linking to my AJJ theme.
    We are hiding in the house, too hot for us too! We went out at 6am for our usual walk though, before the sun came out. It was lovely then :-)
    Keep cool,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Walks are only possible early mornings or late evenings. Keep cool!

  14. I LOVE your piece and tags:) Purrfect. AND you always get the best moon shots.
    Hope you get cool breezes this weekend.

    1. Thanks Sandra. No chance of cool breezes this week, sigh! Enjoy your Weekend!

  15. your journal page and tags are stunning, dimensional creation! hope you are able to cool off. we had very hot weather for several days but it has now cooled off a lot. be well. xo

  16. Thanks Michele. No chance to cool off, I have the same Temperature inside as outside!

  17. I've always loved the line work in this piece by da Vinci I often wonder if the head of Leda was THE piece of art that escalated my love of portraiture. Beautiful work Valerie she wears the lace and tag necklace very well. Sunday Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, Leda is always beautiful, in all variations, definitely one of my fave da Vinci pieces. Have a great Sunday!

  18. A lovely journal page Valerie and I love the added lace to the image, so feminine (great magic too to fit AJJ)
    It's been a little too hot, but we've got thick cloud today, so maybe I shouldn't grumble! The night time moon photos look very atmospheric and your little town always looks so pretty.
    Take car, Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Lace always makes things looks softer and more feminine. Have a great day!

  19. Eine so hübsche Seite mit der Frau und der Kleiderspitze!
    Toll die Fotos! Bei mir war 27 Grad in der Nacht und es ging nur auf 23 Grad runter morgens und steigt auch wieder. das langt mir genug. Das wäre mir auch zu viel diese Hitze bei dir.
    Ich wüsnche dir einen schönen Sonntag
    Liebe Umarmrung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, es ist zu heiß! Ich war heuet unterwegs sehr frühm kurz nach6, und es war schon 31°, drinnen und draussen. Und jetzte ist es wieder viel heßer. Aber, da müssen wir durch! Dir einen schönen Tag und vielleivht eine steife Meeresbrise zum abkühlen!

  20. Your da Vinci piece is so pretty Valerie, and definitely magical how you've turned it into a tag neclace. It's much cooler here now, a really nice temperature, but so cloudy it's really dark. It's the British Grand Prix here today, so it's into the craft room for me and no-one will even notice. Happy days! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Glad it's cooler for you today and hope it cools down here, preferably sooner than later. Grand Prix is a good excuse to get into the craft room, I don't know how people can watch it! Have a fun day, take care!

  21. I love that angel tag, cos I love angels in general! Yes, it is soooo hot here too! Have a lovely week ahead!

  22. Nice to see the rainbow...some lovely photography VJ

  23. I tried the get moon photos during the last full moon, but blur was all I got. Yours are always great :) Your rainbow shots are lovely, too!

  24. Hi Valerie wow how beautiful is Leda I absolutely love how you have attached a tag with the necklace stunning work my friend and very clever,well done. Oh such beautiful photos you are sharing with us hope your day is a good one Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, glad you like it. Have a great, new week!

  25. More lovely tags, and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I love the nighttime pics, and seeing the colors of a rainbow always make me smile. Hugs and hope you are doing well! RO

    1. Thanks a lot Ro! It's scorching hot, so doesn't feel like Christmas. Life is a struggle just now, but sooner or later things will get better - I hope! Have a great week!

  26. You will guess I am catching up again, this journal page with Leda looks beautiful and so do the tags.
    I hope the hot weather isn't to hot, we don't seem to be able to cope with so many hot days and ask for cooler. I guess when winter comes we will be asking for more heat.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I can't cope with this extremely hot weather. Have a good week!

  27. Hello Valerie, I feel for you with that oppressive heat and hope you get some reprieve from it real soon.
    Your mixed media page is so beautiful. She caught my eye immediately with the gentleness she conveys. The sentiment she conveys is so apt for our times.
    Cute tags too!
    Lovely rainbow and, ah yes, so nice to follow your photos as you go on your walks... those cobblestones and narrow streets are beautiful indeed.
    Really nice to catch up with you and your posts Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I Hope the heat will soon go. Good to see you around again!

  28. I've always loved that DaVinci image. Nicely done, my friend. And that rainbow -- wow! And the moon. So beautiful, all.


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