Saturday 1 August 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Thanks again for all the good wishes. I am having a quiet and restful weekend, reading, listening to music and audio books, and in general trying to keep cool during these 'dog days'. 

I have another A3 journal page, made on a loose page, so I was able to sew the edges. the background was gessoed and painted before I collaged lots of napkin scraps and stenciled a dragonfly, I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, art journaling, and to Paperbabe stamps, summer:

And some more photos from the farm, where they also have a wonderful collection of old farm implements and toys, which I will show another day:

Have a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! So sorry I never got to your blog yesterday, there is so much chaos from the burst pipe and water, water everywhere, I can't begin to describe it. We are all staying at Leah's just now, I hope we can get back by the middle of the week when the workmen have got rid of the worst damage. Your new page is gorgeous, as are the photos. Love those chickens! Look after yourself, get plenty of rest, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Don't worry about visiting, you have more than enough to do just now. Hope you can soon get back home. Look after yourself, hugs to all!

  2. Hopefully I'm not late this time and it's not even 2022! You got great texture out of that napkin. I loved how it looked up close. The entire page is beautiful and subtle in its coloring except for the flowers which draw your eye.

    Speaking of flowers, I have a friend who tells me if it can be turned into a planter, I'll find a way to do it. I loved how the farm utilized old farm equipment to hold flowers. That was great. And of course, the chickens are adorable, too. Hope your surgery is healing nicely.

    1. An I hallucinating?! 2 comments in a few minutes, and this one not even not late, but really early? Wow! A man at the market here sells planters made from old household implements, and the always look fantastic, but he charges a lot. If you can make your own, it's better! My mouth and ear are still sore, but healing, and my eyes are still running all the time. Anyway, I'm staying home and resting! Have a lovely day!

    2. I had a cream separator that was taller than me. It had a large bowl at the top and I used it as a planter. I've used various large tea pots, and I had an old fashioned washing machine that I turned into a planter. Sadly, I gave them all away when I moved to Wichita. Now I'm on the hunt for a few things I can turn into decorative planters that I can make or buy cheap.

      I wonder if having your ear and mouth operations at the same time as your eyes, was a good idea. However, if you are confined, it's best to be sore al at once, I guess. Glad you are staying safe. And yes, you'll have to mark this date because I'll more than likely be late visiting tomorrow (grin).

      Forgot to ask. What is the bronze (?) animal sculpture?

    3. It probably isn't a good idea, but Lupus often provokes lots of inflammations, and this time it just happened all at once. The eye surgery was planned, after being postponed because of Corona the other things just 'happened'. Not a good time, but there is probably no good time... The bronze donkey was in the middle of the farm yard, I don't know more about it, sorry!

  3. Beautiful journal so nice and clean in a way. Loving the fabulous photos....hugs.x

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, stay safe and hugs to Monte!

  4. Great art work, I love how bright and cheerful it makes me feel with all those colours. I think I am a little bit in love with the hens, and the cockerels are splendid ~ much more to my liking than the peacock! Have a good weekend, and keep on healing well.

    1. Thanks Deb! The cockerels, hens, ducks, geese and birds are all beautiful, although one of the hens ran off squawking every time the cockerel came near her, too funny!Have a great weekend, it's hot and stormy here, and I am resting at home.

  5. Wunderschön wieder dein Bild und wieder was ganz besonderes mit der Libelle die funkelt mit diesem Gel hat es was magisches und auch die Dame mit den Blumen und dein Spruch genial mal wieder.
    Der Kinderbauerhof, ich habe da sogar kleine Filmchen gedreht ich habe so manchen Fahrradausflug alleine gemacht und bin spazieren gegangen. Der ist so toll! Danke für die schönen Fotos davon!
    Gut dass du cool bleibts bei der Hitze was ihr habt und wir hatten getsern gerade mal 22 Grad aber erst um 18 Uhr und gerade 22 Grad und stark bewölkt war froh dass wir um 8 Uhr raus sind wo noch die Sonne schien.
    Alles gute wünsche ich dir und gute Besserung!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Ja, das Bauernhof zieht magisch an und da ist immer so viel zu sehen. Hier war sehr heiß gestern, ist etwas besser heute, aber sehr drückend. Ich bleibe schön hier! Dr einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  6. Your farm photos are gorgeous -- so colorful! I hope your recovery is quick.

    be well... mae at

  7. Great shot of the Chaffinch, Valerie! As are all your other pictures of course. I am sure the visit to the farm was very enjoyable and I will look forward to pictures of the toys. Your plan to take it easy this weekend seems very prudent. Your poor body has been through quite a bit over the past few weeks and I am sure it will appreciate some time to recover. Big hugs. David

    1. Thanks David. The birds and animals at the farm are always worth observing and I love taking photos of them. Nature is the best artist. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you and M!

  8. I very much like this piece of art. The photos are rustic and I love that. Glad you are resting.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad ou like the photos. Have a great weekend!

  9. Glad you are resting comfortably. The page is beautiful. Enjoyed the farm photos today. The tools indicate hard but rewarding work.

    1. Thanks Christine. People had to work a lot harder back then, that's true!

  10. The farm is such a lovely place-awesome art!
    Happy weekend Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great weekend, stay safe.

  11. The colors in your page are very striking and I love that quote. Your farm photos look like painting especially the window boxes. The roosters made me laugh. They look like they think they are hot stuff. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks! The farm is a great place and very well kept. The roosters were always chasing the hens who ran squawking away, too funny! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Another wonderful page. I can almost feel a light breeze blowing when I look at it:)
    LOVE that header.
    Take special care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Nature is beautiful! Have a great weekend!

  13. Hi Valerie :) Oh the rooster photos are stunning. I love the photos of the farm! Your art is wonderful, you're so good at dragonflies!! :) Enjoy your quiet weekend! Alex and I are doing the same thing, NO house work or renovations this weekend, we need a break! :)

    1. Thanks, the roosters are handsome and don't they know it! Enjoy your break, have fun, you both deserve it!

  14. Love that girl's face in your art. She looks so wistful.

  15. Beautiful art! And I love the duck with the hair-do!

    1. Thanks Debra. That's really a stylish duck, huh? Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Your page is lovely. It reminds me of a silk scarf. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, that#s a lovely idea! Have a great weekend!

  17. aweeeeeeee I want to go there. The chickens are awesome. Great shots as usual. I really love the lips on your lady... I feel I know her from just one feature that you've made out of your mind and hands

    1. I wish I could take you there, it's such a fun place to be! Thanks for the nice comment. Have a great weekend, take care!

  18. Great journal page. Glad you are having a good weekend.

  19. I love your journal page, Marie Antoinette looks fabulous! Wonderful photos too, it was either very quiet or your were social distancing! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. As long as you don't go into the middle of town, it's always quiet around here, except at weekends when tourists arrive!!

  20. Hi Valerie, beautiful art and photos. Bill

  21. Pleased to read that you are recovering well Valerie. Its a beautiful art page and the photos looked super as well.
    Stay safe and take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! Have a great day, stay safe!

  22. Fantástica esa página Valerie ...los colores...las texturas ... todo.

    Increíble ese lugar en plena naturaleza rodeada de animales que andan sueltos.

    BESOS... Gracias por tu visita!

  23. I'd enjoy a stop at the bench :) So many different eye-catching elements with unusual pieces and bright flowers. Some of the farm implements look quite large!

  24. Beautiful art, lovely colours.

    I really enjoyed seeing all of your photographs from the farm.

    Sending healing wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. I love your journal page! You've got some great texture going on there! The museum does look to be such good place for a long visit. I hope that you are well rested. Friday was very hot and then it cooled down - but there is more heat on it's way! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Wonderful photos and a beautiful page Valerie!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  27. Hi Valerie,once again what beautiful journal pages,you never run out of ideas for them,well done my friend. I love the farm photos it reminds me of the time i lived on a farm,take care my friend xx

  28. Those journal pages are beautiful. And I love the flower pictures.

  29. Your page is so magical! It has such a beautiful, happy feel to it. And oh, I loved all the photos but especially the chickens!


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