Wednesday 12 August 2020

Midweek post

 Hi Everybody!
Sorry, not much blogging today today.  I 'm feeling rather bad just now. I was at the doc's yesterday and got more medication and 2 injections, and I just need to have a rest till they kick in and stop the pains. I have a post scheduled for Friday, and will try to get round to visiting you soon.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am sorry about this. Take care and listen to the doctor.

  2. Hi Val, sorry you are feeling worse, do as the doc says, take it easy and rest, even if it's not what you like! Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  3. A hug from USA, New York State! Please take good care. I pray you are better very soon!

  4. Sorry you are not feeling well. Hope that you feel better soon. x

  5. Yet you still manage to share lovely pictures. Hope those meds kick in quickly and you feel better very soon.

  6. Rest up and get well, Valerie. I will be thinking of you.

  7. Take it easy Valerie and rest up! Sending hugs, Tammy

  8. Beautiful, serene photos.
    So sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope you are much, much better soon.

  9. Oh My friend, I'm sorry you aren't feeling good. Hang in there, Valerie - you'll be back at it in no time with your gorgeous crafts and photos and cuppas! Hugs!

  10. Sorry to hear that Valerie! Hope you feel better soon. Lovely birdies!
    Hugs, Alison xx

    1. Thanks, the birds are really beautiful, always so lovely to see!

  11. So sorry you are not feeling too well.
    Sending healing thoughts to you.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    PS Your photographs are wonderful, thanks for posting them.

  12. Valerie, you do realize that if you don't blog for a day, it's allowed? Maybe even two? What counts is that you take care of you.That's all that matters. I hope you feel better soon. It sounds so rugged.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Yes, I did realize it, it's just so strange!

  13. I hope the medication has kicked in for you now and you are feeling much better. Look after yourself. The bird photos are wonderful.

  14. Valerie, I am so sorry you are not feeling your happy self. I will light a candle for you and send you healing energy. Just rest for now. Hugs N.

  15. Hope the pains go away very very soon. There's nothing worse than feeling under the weather and it being hot. Love the bird photos. ANd I will send good vibes out into the universe for you! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The heat really doesn't help! Have a great day!

  16. Sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. Your photos are marvellous, as always. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Teresa

  17. Gute Besserung dass es bald an schlägt die Medizin!!!Ruh dich gut aus!
    So schöne Tierfotos!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

  18. Lovely photos of nature, we are blessed to be able to have these to see. xx

  19. So sorry, that you don't feel good! Hope the meds kick in and the pain disappears quickly, so you can enjoy your weekend. Love the heron!

    1. Thanks a Lot. The heron likes to hang out in the stream here.

  20. Popping in before my day begins, later start today so it will be evening before I get back and bed will call before anything i'm sure.. so glad I did as I can send a (((Hugs)))) and hope you are feeling a little better today Valerie? You take time out for yourself and rest your always so giving with your posts even when feeling down. Take care my friend Tracey xx
    P.S That Heron is a fine looking creature x

    1. Thanks Tracey, much appreciated. The heroin is handsome and I think he knows it!

  21. Twoje fotografie są przepiękne , kocham ptaki. Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. Dobrego dnia :)

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Lucyna! Have a great day.

  22. Oh no, I'm so sorry, you take care of yourself and rest 💕xx

  23. Feel better. Hugs and praying.

  24. Hope today is a better day.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I'm taking the medis and trying to be patient.

  25. So sorry you are feeling under the weather. I hope you're feeling better soon. Take care.

  26. Hi Valerie lovely photos,hope you are feeling better soon my friend,take care xx

  27. So sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell, Valerie - I've seen your PPF post, so I'm glad you managed to fit that in. Hope you are feeling lots better soon, and thank you for these lovely bird photos.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I can move a bit better today, and hope that the meds continue to work their magic. The birds are always so wonderful to watch. have a good day, stay safe and well!

  28. Hope you are feeling much better Valerie! Your photos are beautiful, the light and colours you captured on the duck ones are amazing 😁. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The light on the water when the sun goes down is beautiful. Hve a great weekend, and thanks for the good wishes!

  29. Hi! finally found the post that tells me why your not feeling well ~ I'm sorry to hear that you need shots and meds for pain :( I'm glad you've been taking it easy.

  30. I am sorry you were feeling so badly. But- I am glad they were able to give you some meds to help you feel better. I know you are starting to feel better (from your post today) but sending you lots of healing and healthy vibes.

    Also- these pictures are stunning. What an eye you have!

    1. Thanks Jess! Sometimes there is the perfect light and subject for a photo, that's life serendipity.


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