Saturday 22 August 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Today was another hot and humid day, but we have been promised that from tomorrow on it will be getting back to normal. I can hardly wait!

Today I am sharing another mixed media A3 journal page with yet another rare bird from Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I started off with a painted and textured background to which I added one of my heads, evidently full of weeds. The bird is the bicoloured jester bird, which is about the size of a pigeon. Its call is a hearty 'ha-ha-ha-ha', which together with the beautiful markings, reminiscent of a jester's costume, led to its name. It is a very fussy eater, living off fruits and grains, preferably organically grown, and is strictly vegan. The female bird is slightly smaller, and has a different call - 'hee-hee! hee-hee!' The male is responsible for collecting the food while the female guards the nest, which is often lined with socks, which it purloins from washing lines.

And I have a special edition again with an added tag for Alison's challenge at AJJ

This morning I had to go to the doctor for an injection, and I enjoyed the walk as it rained for a few minutes - not heavy, but refreshing. On the way back the sun was up and the wet roads were steaming.

And the coffee bike was out and about - could I say no?

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your art,
    Love your photographs, especially the rainbow.

    I do like the look of the coffee bike and although I like coffee, I'm just wondering would it serve me a cup of tea?

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thnaks- Yes, the coffee bike serves tea and chai as well!

    2. Thanks ... if I ever visit I'll order a cup of tea :)

      All the best Jan

    3. The drinks there are really good!

  2. Beautiful art work and I enjoy your bird stories hugely. Great photos Valerie and that was a good thing coming across the coffee bike.

    1. Thanks a lot! I enjoy thinking up the stories!

  3. Great post and most lovely story of your bird....great photo's and amazing art. xx

  4. Lovely art from the balconia. Gorgeous photos from your steamy walk.

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Thanks for the smiles in the early morning, another wonderful bird and story. I love your imagination. Thanks for sharing the pics, too. Hope ou have slept well. Have a great day. We're off to visit mum later. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Glad you liked my new bird. Have a great day, take care, and give our mum a hug from me!

  6. I absolutely ADORE your jester bird. Ha-ha-ha!! It was clever and colorful. You are filled with imagination of those Balconia Birds. I love how you changed and included the tag to turn it into a journal page worthy of Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. I really like this bird. I love organically grown fruits and veggies, too!!

    Great photos today. My favorite on your walk is the one of the harvester with the gulls following behind it. I loved that photo.

    Of course, I simply adore that you shared your cappuccino from the Coffee Bike. At first, I was reading and wishing you had shown the entire menu. Lo and behold in the next photo you DID! I was thrilled. Thanks for taking me with you on this walk. I hope the injection works and you are feeling OK.

    1. Thanks E! My birds feel honoured that you like them, they love to be admired! The gulls and other birds are always trailing behind the harvesters, I love to sit on the embankment and watch them. And the coffee bike is always a joy to me, as you can imagine! Have a fun day!

  7. Your work is so unique, I absolutely love it. And that rainbow looks so pretty!

  8. Your creativity is inspiring. I love today's work. Walking in the rain is so restorative and refreshing, as long as you don't mind getting wet. Have a super creative weekend and stay safe.

    1. Thanks Deb. There's nothing better than walking in a soft rain shower, refreshing and much better than the big heat. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  9. Beautiful photos:) Have a nice day :)

  10. ach wie ist das denn süss dein Bild, so hübsche Idee mit dem Vogel und der Spinne! Klasse Bild. Der Spaziergang war auch so schön mit dem Regenbogen und der frischen Luft.
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Dank, liebe Elke! Ich hab manchmal Spaß an solche Spielereien! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  11. I like your page, especially the bird. What an interesting and entertaining species. I’m glad things are more comfortable for you now. Our weather cooled down so much, yesterday we had to wear jackets .That's Prince Edward Island for you. We have our own weather system that can never make up its mind about the season it wishes to be. Except for winter. It likes that one. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. At least winter is a sure thing. Here it is a bit cooler today, and I like it! Have a great weekend!

  12. My ornithological brain is spinning. A third brand new species from that epicentre of avian discovery, Balconia-by-the-Rhine in just two days. And this time, using your very astute powers of observation, you have identified several characters of its lifestyle and have cannily noted that the female and male have different vocalizations. I have racked my brain, searched my tomes, checked my records, examined my images, spoken to my colleagues, and I can state with confidence that sock pilfering is a behaviour unrecorded in the annals of ornithology. Very careful consideration will have to be given by the classification committee as to the phylogenetic sequence of this species, but it seems patently clear that it will merit the addition of a new family. Valerie, your name is going to be renowned. Perhaps since the discoveries of Charles Darwin nothing rivals the new and exciting taxa you are presenting to science. It is amazing. Not only that, you have immediately produced stunning, full colour images of these birds. I will have to lie down for a while to still my beating heart!

    1. Hi David, I am glad I have been able to astound your brain again! This is a special place, that's for sure. And the sock pilfering is disgraceful, but what can you do!? Have a good rest over the weekend, because I still have several new and exotic species to report on over the coming weeks - you will learn lots of new species this way! By the way, yesterday a lady left a comment on my blog saying that she had never seen such birds in England! Our avian treasures here are definitely unique! It's a bit cooler today which is a great relief to me, and I hope it stays this way. Have a good one!

  13. Piękny ptak i ciekawe informacje. Podobają mi się te kolorowe letnie prace. Miłego dnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Summer gives out fantasy wings! Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. omg u live in a such a beautiful place... love the blossoming pictures
    Have a nice day


  15. This piece is sooo creative ~ I love the bird lesson this AM & isn't it beautifully drawn. ~ The head of weeds with the bloom and the butterfly is so clever ~ I love it! - Your coffee looks yummy ~ I'm sorry to hear you needed another injection...I hope they help. That is pretty amazing to see the hot wet roads steam :) Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen. I had fun making this piece, I used to invent fantasy birds and animals for my grandchildren when they were small- I will have to have another few injections in the coming weeks, but they are helping. It was really surreal to see steam coming off the cobble stones here, I've never seen that before! Have a great weekend, take care!

  16. Fun page! I also like the face you created and the little idea spider starting to spin. Gorgeous rainbow photo and the contrails looks like and hugs and kisses (o and x) I hope you are feeling better. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! My head was looking so empty, so I gave it a little spider! Those contrails were really fun, writing in the sky! Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Hi Valerie awesome mixed media page ,love the colourful bird,well done my friend on your beautiful work.oh what a beautiful rainbow Thankyou for sharing your beautiful photos Valerie,take care and stay safe xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Rainbows are always very special. Have a happy and safe weekend!

  18. I like your bicolor jester bird a lot. I would love to hear his ha-ha-ha. Too bad it can't be heard. And I wonder what makes him so friendly to be so close to the head on your page? Maybe complaining about the non-organic bird food? Cool rainbow photos too. I saw one yesterday in the boat but the husband just motored around the corner so by the time my camera was ready it was out of sight. Oh well. Enjoy your weekend. And thanks so much for linking up to AJJ again. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. To get an approximation of the ha ha ha, pinch your nose and squeak the words with a high pitched voice, that should give you an idea. I think they were talking about organic foods! Sorry you missed getting a pic of the rainbow, but the main thing is that you saw it- have a fun weekend!

  19. I love the photo of the gulls (I think they are) on the field. And those rainbows! This art series is really very nice. I love the happy birds!

    1. Yes, they are gulls, always there when there's something going on! Glad you ove the happy birds, they are fun!

  20. Very interesting to read about the birds that look like jesters and sound like they are laughing. Wish I could see and hear them in person. Nothing like those here in Hawaii. Take care. I hope your health improves.

    1. Thanks a lot! I am sure you have lots of wonderful birds in Hawaii. Have a great week!

  21. Gorgeous art page Val, and I enjoyed all of the photos-Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks a lot Kathy. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

  22. Your beautiful art is so reminiscent of that gorgeous rainbow photo graph that you shared today.
    Your talented and artistic eyes and hands knows no bounds 🌈

    Hugs ❤

    1. Thanks Jan. Rainbows are always magic to me! Have a great weekend!

  23. Hi Valerie this is an excellent piece. You are always so inventive and creative. I really like the coffee bike. Have a great Saturday.

    1. I wish I could take the coffee bike home with me!

  24. Beautiful photos of your walk Valerie! Hope the injection wasn't too painful. I went for one last week, and ended up having two instead!
    I love your page with your colourful jester bird, and thanks for adding a tag to it for my AJJ theme.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. 2 infections sounds hard! Glad you like my jester bird! Have a great weekend!

  25. Beautiful page! I love how you encompassed nature in your design and the bird is gorgeous 😀. Lovely to walk along the Rhine too, hoping your injection wasn't too painful. Wishing you a great weekend too! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The injection didn't hurt! Have a great Weekend!

  26. I like that colorful bird :) Your rainbow photos turned out well. I've never heard of a coffee bike, but it looks irresistible to me.

    1. Thanks. The coffee bike was probably invented specially for ne!

  27. Happy weekend! I LOVE your bird art-but I think those birds would make me creazy to hear them laughing!!! :) Your Balconia Birds are enchanting!

    1. Thanks Debra. It would make a change from the noise the crowd make!

  28. I love a head full of weeds. How creative.
    And look at all those colorful berries.
    Have a weekend as grand as that rainbow.

  29. oh it's pretty there... like MOnet's paintings

  30. a stunning journal page and photos! try to stay cool and safe! xo

  31. Rainbow always brings peace and happiness.

  32. At first I was believing your bird was real - until I got to the laughter! You tell a marvellously good story Valerie. Love the picture of your bird and how he lines his nest with socks.
    I hope the injection is helping - thank you for the photos, I always love the journey with you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I love making things like this. I used to make similar stories and birds/animals for my grandchildren when they were small! Hope all went well at the hospital. Have a great, new week!

  33. Oh I love your jester birds Valerie, we must have them over here too as I always seem to have odd socks! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Scarcely! The washing machines are not always to blame!

  34. Everything looking very nice! Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing! 🤗🤗🤗 Have a great week! 🏜️🏖️⛱️

  35. The bird on your page looks fantastic, so colourful and cute. It was a super post to read and see all the great photos.
    Yvonne xx


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