Wednesday 5 August 2020

A new challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

On the 5th of each month we start our new challenge at More Mixed Media. Our challenges are always anything mixed media goes, this time with an optional colour extra which is bright colours. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and mixed media projects of all formats are welcome. There are also prizes of digital paper packs for some lucky winners.

I made an A3 mixed media collage, using collage and  stenciling over a gessoed and painted background. The quote was computer generated:

This was the background before I added the lady. The parrots and blue leaves are tissue from a roll of fancy toilet paper - it was on special offer, so I bought it The other pieces were from paper napkins!

We had wonderful clouds when I went out for my afternoon walk yesterday:

I was not the only one out walking:

It didn't rain here, but we did have a beautiful rainbow:

There is a second rainbow on the right:

It hung in the sky for nearly half an hour, which made me happy!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love this bright cheery page. I need to start writing down these online challenges as I seem to never remember them. And now that I have time...well like everyone says, where does the day go? Those little parrots on the tissue make a fun addition. And seeing those horses out for a walk too is fun. Nice rainbow. Happy middle of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Time flies, that's certain. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Lovely page and pretty clouds today!

  3. Good morning Val! Love the new page, so pretty, and the lovely photos. We're moving home again today, so it will be a busy one. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  4. Eine fanstische schöne Seite und so auch dien Spaziergang mit den tollen Wolkenhimmel, manchmal denke ich komisch dass diese schweren dunklen Wolken kein Regen bringt undziehen einfach vorbei.Der Regenbogen wie gross und bunt er wirkt!
    Schöne Fotos sind das wieder.
    Moment mache ich mich was rar hatte viele Termine diese Woche!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke schön, liebe Elke. Viel Glück mit den vielen Termine, und hoffe dass du bald Zeit für Kunst hast! Bleib gesund!

  5. You nearly blew my mind when you wrote the parrots were toilet paper. I've never ever seen colored TP before. Your use of it was great, too. So were the napkins. The colors you chose surrounded the black and white image. She was certainly set apart as a result.

    I'm loving the photo of the horses out for a walk, and the arches. I saw a double rainbow all the way across the sky. If I was just squinting, it might be different, but I swear I can see the double rainbow in the last photo. Have a super day, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. I don't usually buy things like that, but as it was cheaper than the regular sort AND pretty, I just had to. And it really melts into the background when used on a collage! It's well possible that you saw a double rainbow, I just don't see well and with each OP it gets worse. Anyway, I can still manage well so that#s the main thing. You have a great day, too!

  6. Beautiful art work once again Valerie, loving your walk photos. We have had some really cold weather, rain and hail and big black clouds!

    1. Thanks a lot! I always forget that it's winter over there. Sounds bad. Here it's too hot and much too dry! Look after yourself!

  7. I think your toilet paper has been used to a far better use on this collage! Lovely photos of your walk, and the double rainbow is beautifully captured. I do like the red brick arched passageway.

    1. Thanks Deb. It's good to have things with multiple uses! The red-brick arch is part of a watchtower from the 13th century, I always love walking through it. Have a great day, stay safe!

  8. Lovely collage piece. Have a great day.

  9. Nice walk you had, Valerie, with some great rear ends - both human and equine! Your sky shots are very dramatic indeed and to capture a rainbow is always very special. It is easy to understand how primitive peoples attached deistic significance to such natural phenomena. An eclipse must have really led them off the deep end! Your artwork, as always is very creative, and birds have once again made the grade, I am happy to note. We had a couple of days of rain here, and everywhere looks green and fresh again. The birds are happy to be able to pick worms and other juice prey off the ground. It is slim pickings for them when it is baked hard. But they can always resort to the Gascoigne Diner where a buffet is always laid out for them - no social distancing required.

    1. Hi David, I did indeed have a great walk, and just got back from today's walk, which was also good. Glad you appreciate all of the rear ends, that was really a pretty girl from front and back! It's easy to understand how primitive peoples were impressed by weather phenomena, it is always very impressive. Glad you got some rain, we're still waiting and have a week of very hot temperatures and no rain forecast. I'm sure the Gascoigne diner is a well visited spot, the birds here eat everything away every day. Have a great day, take care!

  10. Loving your MM and awesome colours, the rainbow in the photo is beautiful. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, rainbows are always special. Keep safe!

  11. Stunning piece Valerie..I love the background.
    I love the image of the girl.I wonder if she is musing or is sad.xx

    1. Thanks Sandra. Perhaps she's dreaming about her new love....Stay safe!

  12. Beautiful page. I really like your pink flowers and parrots. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, nice to See you! Have a great week, stay safe!

  13. It is a fabulous quote you added to the beautiful journal page Valerie, I will be grinning for ages at the thought of using the pretty toilet paper for its intended purpose,
    The photos looked lovely as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, glad it made you smile! Have a great day, stay safe!

  14. I love your new header! All that blue makes me smile big!

  15. This is a great initiative and yes here the wether is not so fantastic :(
    Great photos! :)

  16. Your artwork is absolutely gorgeous Valerie, and great photos as always!
    Alison xx

  17. I love the parrots in your art. Also the rainbows are beautiful.

  18. Wonderful clouds indeed. Ahhh...A double rainbow.
    Love your piece.
    Take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Beautiful clouds and rainbows make me happy.

  19. Hi Val, just wanted to say we're back home and all is (almost) well! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. I'm glad to hear it! Enjoy being home again, there's no place like home!!

  20. Your artwork is so colourful ...

    Lovely cloud photographs and to see the rainbow was wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  21. Gorgeous, colorful page Valerie, I love that quote! Stunning photos of the clouds and the rainbows are beautiful, what a nice walk that must of been!
    Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Nature is the nest artist and gives us so much beauty to see! Stay safe!

  22. What a gorgeous page - the texture of the brushstrokes in the background is fabulous, and I love the flock of birds flying away. Beautiful work, and wonderful photos as always, capturing Nature's magnificent (and humankind's occasional contributions!).
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! The texture in the background comes from using a brayer, and it's quicker than working with a brush. Have fun weekend!

  23. You have wonderful walking spaces, and you do a wonderful job photographing the scenes. That double rainbow is glorious!

  24. I love this piece, such beautiful colours. It must be nice to see others out and about too (from a safe distance of course) Have a great weekend, Sue xx


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