Sunday 16 August 2020

Sunday Monday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Thanks again to all who left good wishes on my blog. I am slowly feeling more 'normal', whatever that might be, but still feel a bit like a clockwork toy that somebody forgot to wind up....I managed 2 very short walks today, which was good. If I can I would like to try again on Sunday, but I'm still a long way from my usual fitness. But I will get there again! We had very mixed weather, it's still hot and humid, but we had some rain and storms. Some places had so much rain that the rivers overflowed and the streets and houses filled with water. The Big Heat isn't over yet, but a few days a bit cooler would be lovely....I would like to get my apartment back to a normal temperature instead of over 30°.

Today I am sharing a colourful A3 mixed media piece made in my large journal some weeks back. I can't do any crafting just now as my kitchen feels like an oven, so I must wait till it cools down a bit. The background was brayered with pastel colours over gesso. I added circles in various sizes and painted them with the same colours as the background, but not diluted. I rubbed on some hologram paste for a bit of glitter, and added some scraps of Jane Davenport tissues:

And some beauties from the gardens in Südpark:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie :) I'm happy to hear you've been out a bit, but don't tire yourself! (I am guilty of that!) Your art piece is gorgeous, that corner with the eye and mermaid is amazing! Very emotional! I hear you about needing the house to be below 30...I'd be happy with 25 at this point. The flower photos are so pretty!

    1. Thanks Rain, I am being careful just now. 25° sounds heavenly, I hope we get down there again!

  2. Maybe you will feel better when it cools down, can't be too long now. Beautiful page and flowers.

  3. Hi Valerie good on you for going for your walks ,your art work is amazing ,you always do such beautiful work,well done my friend and love those pretty flower pics,stay safe and take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, the flower displays at the park are wonderful. Have a great day!

  4. Very nice post, lovely designed and colours on the flowers are beautiful. We had a long walk around the lake today too... ♥

  5. Good morning Val! Glad you were able to post again, love your beautiful art and the gorgeous photos. As much as I don't like the heat either, it did help the house to dry our place quickly after the burst pipe. Just 2 more walls which need to be painted again. Look after yourself, take things slowly. Have a great day, keep resting. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad your house is now dry. Hope you are all well and fit. I'm having a quiet day here, a little walk along the stream again later, but apart from that, rest and more rest! Hugs to all!

  6. Glad you're feeling better and the best thing for you to do it to take things slow. Rest in the best. I like the mermaid swimming through the bubble planets. The dahlias are gorgeous! Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. The gardens are really wonderful, the dahlia garden stretches for several hundred yards and is really a fantastic sight. I am taking things slowly, I can't do anything else just now!

  7. Be gentle on yourself, don't overdo things. I hope you continue to feel better. I know I wish I could. The mermaid floating in your work is so cutely quirky, I love her, and I love the dahlias too, such vibrant blooms, not sure which I like the best, but they must be so delightful in person. Keep feeling better and hope your weekend has gone well.

    1. I am really on a go slow just now, and I need to stick to it for a couple of weeks. Hope you soon feel well, too. The dahlias in the park there are fabulous, and 'my'tram here takes me all the way there. When I feel stronger I will go again. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Beautiful flowers 😊 have a nice day 😊

    1. Thanks Martyna, you have a wonderful day, too!

  9. Good morning Valerie: It would be miserable living in a thirty degree apartment under any circumstances, but given your current fragile condition it must be unbearable. I am glad to read that you have been able to get out for brief walks at least, which no doubt provides some respite, with perhaps a little breeze to help. I keep hoping that I will read that Nathalie dropped by so that you are not dealing with this all by yourself, but I guess she has other preoccupations at present. It is a testament to your iron will that you are able to handle all this the way you do. Miriam and I thunk of you and send you our very best. Big hugs from across the ocean. David

    1. Hi David! Some like it hot - I don't! I hope the heat wave will really be over in a few days, it's NOT fun! Nobody is here just now, my neighbours right and left are on vacation, so it's really a bit lonely just now. Good that I still have Alexa to talk to! Hope you ad Miriam are well and able to get out and see lovely birds and other wildlife. Have a great Sunday, look after yourself!

  10. You are such a dedicated artist, Valerie. Your page is lovely. I especially like the eyes. I’m glad you are getting back to normal, slowly but surely. I hope the heat calms down for you soon. Hugs, Teresa

  11. Good to hear you are feeling better VJ...
    Great colorful post.

  12. These flowers are so pretty!

  13. Beautiful art and beautiful blooms. I'm so glad you are improving, day by day. That comeback is long and hard, isn't it? But you'll do it -- your general fitness will help you return to it far easier than if you weren't in the first place. I'm grateful that while you are confined more or less you have your beautiful art to keep your mind busy and creative!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Yes, this time it's really hard, and the weather isn't helping. It can only get better!

  14. I like your art. Those eyes just get to you, don't they? And the mermaid, oh my. Lol. Love the flowers, too. So colorful. Glad to know your health is improving.

  15. A super page and beautiful blooms Valerie!
    Glad you're feeling better, and getting out and about again.
    Alison xx

    1. I'm trying, it's just mini walks at the moment, but sooner or later.... Have a great, new week!

  16. Glad to read that you're feeling a little better and have managed to get out on a couple of short walks and hopefully the weather will cool down soon.
    A lovely journal page Valerie, gorgeous colours and the dahlias in the park look stunning, such vibrant colours.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. I'm trying to get fit again, but need go take it slowly. The Dallas are really beautiful. Have a great, new week.

  17. I'm so glad you are feeling a little bit better, it all takes time doesn't it. Lovely artwork and photos today as always. Take care of yourself and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I'm taking the time I need. Have a nice evening.

  18. Thanks, I will indeed. Have a great week.

  19. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love how colorful it is and the touch of sparkle is beautiful! The photos of the flowers are stunning, your photography is amazing! So happy you are starting to feel better.
    Have a great week, hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! A bit of sparkle here and there is good! Have a fun and sparkly week!

  20. Good to hear you are feeling a bit better and are walking again. Slowly, slowly though 😁 your art work is beautiful, I like how you layer the colours . The dahlias are beautiful, some have so many layers of petals.

    1. Thanks a lot. The Dahlias are always beautiful. Have a great week!

  21. I hope you continue to improve Valerie. And I hope the heat breaks too. This is a fabulous piece. The eyes remind me of something in the water. Especially the one by the little mermaid. What a great page! Take care of yourself and I hope all is back to normal soon. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I hope the heat breaks, too, it's just too much. Have a good and safe week!

  22. I love the poem and the beautiful colours on your page. I want to try pastels over gouache too. I ordered some Jane Davenport pan pastels and they will be my first Jane products. I hope you are feeling well!! I love all your flower photo portraits.

    1. Hi June, nice to see you again! It's fun using pastels over various painted backgrounds, gives nice effects. Have a great week, stay safe!

  23. Hi! I hope today finds you feeling stronger and healthier ~ I love all the blooms and the art. Your mermaid among bright happy sparkles makes me smile. We have had soooo much rain and humidity, but today this week is suppose to be a little better here so I hope it is for you too.

    1. Thanks Karen. It is a bit cooler here today, so I'm hoping it stays this way! Hope you will have better weather this week, take care and stay safe!

  24. Farbenfroh ist es liebe Valerie dein Journal, ich liebe es und auch deine Blumenfotos die so hübsch sind.
    Ich bin auch müde gestern noch 30 Grad so schwülwarm und fast keinen Wind dafür heute wieder was ins normale Breich dafür feuchte warme Luft. Meine Augen waren mit Allergie belastet den letzten Tagen aber heute bin ich froh durch das bisschen immer wieder Nieselregen ist es die Luft reiner und es nimmt ab die Reizung. Deswegen war ich auch so viel wie möglich am Meer.
    Ich wünsche dir eine weiterhin gute Besserung!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Hitze mach wirklich müde und kaputt. Ich freue mich dass es heute etwas kühler ist, ich habe 'nur' 29° in der Wohnung, und es fühlt sich entspannter an als gestern. Hier hat's auch etwas geregnet, schön, aber nicht genug. Dir eine gute Woche, pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund!

  25. Really glad you are feeling better. Love the colours in your journal page, beautiful. Have a great week. x

  26. I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better and were able to take a couple short walks. Progress! Also- glad you got some rain, as I know it is much needed in most places. Look at the flowers you saw! Such gorgeous blooms. Love them!

    Also I love the journal page. The mermaid is fabulous and the sparkles are a magical touch.Beautiful!

    Hope you continue to feel better and better this week. :)

    1. Thanks! Sometimes we just need sparkly magic in our lives!

  27. amazing art and so cute photos of the flowers;)

  28. I feel like I've been on a different planet. I am SO sorry to read you have not been well. I promise to catch up on what I've missed in the past, but for now, just know I agree that it gets too hot in my sewing and craft room to work there, too, even though I have AC. Please feel better soon, dear. That journal page you created is beautiful. I love the colors, the eye, and the mermaid. The quote is beautifully created, too. Take care and take short walks until you feel better.

  29. I love the sparkly shapes and the colors in this art piece. And the flowers are glorious!


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