Monday 31 August 2020

T Stands for This and That

Hi Everybody!
The last day of the month has dawned cool and grey, we even had a little rain, and could badly do with more.  Hope you all have a good week and a good start in the new month tomorrow.
Last week I got a beautiful card from David in Canada, which I will show later this week, and on the envelope there was a beautiful ladybird stamp, which I copied into my graphics programme to make into a tag for Tag Tuesday. The airmail sticker was also on the envelope:

And you still have a week to join in our challenge there!

This evening we will be gathering for Elizabeth's  T sTands for Tuesday link       party, so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang.
I have a coffee journal page using cups and pots with my sunrise photos:

The shops in town:

Recently I mentioned damsons to Jeanie, and she didn't know what they were, and now I know that they don't seem to grow in the USA. They are smallish plums which are not too sweet, and wonderful for eating, making jam, and baking into cakes and pies. 

I made a Tarte Tatin, for which there are lot of recipes on the net. You need to place the plums - or other fruit - onto a caramel mixture, butter the sides of the pan and put little cubes of butter onto the fruit:

Then you make a buttery short-crust pastry, place it over the plums, and bake it:

When it's cooled off for a few minutes, you carefully turn it over, using a plate, and then the crisp and buttery pastry is underneath and the caramelized plums on top. The pastry stays crisp because it was baked on top:

It tastes delicious, and is not low-carb but full of delicious, buttery and fruity flavours  - my neighbour enjoyed his slice, too:

And some walking pictures:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 29 August 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
Happy weekend! I am looking forward to a lazy and restful weekend with lots of reading and audio books and walks when the weather allows.
I have another A3 mixed media journal page to share today,, and magicked an extra tag onto one piece so I link to Alison's challenge at AJJ. I wasn't happy with the colours here, but done is done, so it's staying as it is!

And here with added tag for Alison's challenge:

And for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag with ladybirds:

And more photos from my daily walks along the Rhine and round about. The photos are not in the right order, Blogger re-arranged them for me:

The chairs have been moved slightly:

The school children have their sport classes outside these days:

This is one of the few remaining farms on our street:

They still keep horses and offer riding for handicapped, you can see a yellow hoist in the background:

The square by the basilica with houses from the middle ages:

The stream which flows into the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!