Thursday 18 July 2019

Weekend wind up

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing 2 pieces made with a combination of  painting, digital elements and photos. I love making things where I can include my photography in my art:

The centre piece is an altered photo of the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, placed on a distressed and stamped background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's 'wandering camera'

As usual, I have been walking a lot, and here are some of my pics.
Loved these tiny flowers peeking out of a garden wall:

I'm always thankful to those who decorate their houses so beautifully:

Giant teasels, well over 8 feet tall:

Time to come clean:

This lady often feeds the water-fowl in Hofgarten with lettuce, which they love:

This one helped himself out of her shopping bag:

The goslings are growing:

In front of the wonderful Daniel Liebeskind building there are 2 sort-of-pyramids covered with distorting mirrors and I have been having fun there this week taking some wacky photos:

Okay, one day I might grow up. But definitely not yet!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Vl, another stunning post today. Love the fabulous hybrid art, so beautiful and a great way to use your photos. And I love the photos again, you have a talent to catch the right moment with those animals and birds. And fantastic photos in front of the "magic mirror", such fun! And please don't grow up, we love you as you are! Hugs, Sarah

  2. The quote and background of the darkness and light page are perfect. you mad a beautiful postcard with the Alstadt picture. I’m grateful for the way people decorate their houses, too. I wish I had that knack. Cheeky fellow helping himself to lunch out of the shopping bag and the goslings look so cute and cuddly. I just love your photos 💕

  3. Wonderful art and photographs. I laughed out loud at the goose helping himself to the lettuce in the bag:)
    Hope your day is wondrous.

  4. Your artwork looks great. Lovely flowers along your walk. I enjoy seeing the houses with flowers in front of them. It's funny that all of the Black Swans were cleaning themselves at the same time. I didn't know birds liked lettuce. I laughed seeing the Goose helping himself out of her bag. I liked your wacky reflection photos. There's nothing wrong with having fun. That's why kids are so happy.

  5. awesome photos-I loved everything-your art and photos. cool puzzle photos-pretty cool

  6. Hi Valerie wow loving your work,you are very clever with your projects,well done my friend.
    Oh i really enjoyed your pics,love the one of the reflection,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  7. I was read a description of your painting and it sounds amazing! You are a walker that’s for sure! Take care Valerie, I hope it’s now cooler, I think it is isn’t it.. it’s beastly hot here,

  8. You know I love your circle art but the duseldorf is beautiful as well. Boy, that's a walk and a good one -- wonderful nature and the mirror reflections are really terrific!

  9. Loved everything about this post, especially those mirror reflection photographs, they are wonderful :)

    All the best Jan

  10. Great tags today but just as exciting are your photos. Those flowers peeking out of the walkway is amazing. And those birds know how to get an easy meal, don't they? And I see the swans are back too. And those photos of your reflections are really fun. What cool mirrored buildings. Happy Friday. hugs-Erika

  11. Fabulous everything, love your pics and photos and the funny mirror ones.xx

  12. Great art and photos, I enjoyed seeing them all!

  13. Both of these pieces are striking. Great photos too.

  14. Both of your art entries are incredible. You are SO lucky to take such fabulous photos that you can use in your art. Both are beautiful, but the Altstadt with the distressed background is out of this world.

    All of your photos are fun and funny. Laughed at the thief who stole the lettuce, and loved seeing black swans cleaning themselves.

    Your selfies are incredible. I love how you got so many distorted images. What a fun time that must have been. Who wants to grow up. When we do, we grow old. That isn't going to happen, Valerie!!

  15. The beauty of nature is always so amazing to see in all its glory. Lots of great pics! Hugs, RO


  16. I really like your work and photos. They are cool and fun. :)

  17. Your artwork and photos are fabulous, as always. I especially like the inspirational one at the top about light and darkness. If you could mass produce it, I betcha lots of people would buy one.

    The "wacky" pictures with the distorted images are fun, and I'm with you. We don't have any say about getting old, but that doesn't mean we have to act it!

    I have a question for you. Some friends showed me some fascinating items they inherited, which we all figure probably have more historical value than monetary, but they said it'd be okay if I asked around about them. They have quite a few German bonds that were issued prior to WWI. They're still in beautiful condition, and we wondered if they might have any value to a collector, or are they so common that they're essentially worthless? Any idea?

    Have a super weekend!

  18. Valerie, your art is so those colors! WOW!
    Your photos are so detailed and gorgeous.
    You have many talents~

    Happy PPF~

    1. Thanks Jan, great to see you around again!

  19. Both of your digital collages are beautiful, but my favorite one is the 2nd one. As always, I enjoy all your photography as well. Happy PPF!

  20. Not sure if that's a goose or large duck, but I love the look on its face with the lettuce in its mouth. I enjoyed your artistic creations. - Margy

  21. I love that first piece - it really shimmers and shines. Love the darkness and light quote too. Happy PPF from Number 16 :D

  22. That moon art! I love how you created that image. Those flowers are wonderful, and it's such a delight finding flowers peeking out of nooks and crannies :) I'd like to taste the berries ;) I'm always impressed with your nature photos. The mirrors are a striking addition to the buildings. I'll bet you're not the only one who can't resist photos there :)

    1. That's true, a lot of people like playing there!

  23. I love your pieces Valerie, especially the bird, it's a real beauty. Your photo are fab too, I can't imagine an 8 foot tall teasel, and those water-fowl are very cheeky lol. Have a wonderful weekend, Sue x

  24. Your Art is always Gorgeous Valerie !! I love your pages, they are so great and unique!! Fantastique !! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photographs with us, they are very beautiful. Love the houses with flowers, love the goose, the horses, this little rabbit, and, of course the fabulous pictures from you and the pyramids!! unique !
    i wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  25. I love both your art projects today, and thoroughly enjoyed all your fabulous photos! happy PPF!

  26. I like both your pieces Valerie. It is fascinating to mix digital and paper.
    I enjoyed your photos as always and I like seeing the animals. This time I really liked the houses with their greenery and flowers. Absolutely beautiful.
    I can see your were having loadsa fun with the distorting images of the rhomboids outside the Daniel Liebeskind building.
    Have a lovely weekend,

    1. Thanks for the tip on rhomboids! I was trying to think of the right word but failed, hence my description!

  27. Love photo of the little flowers growing of the brick ~ delightful and fun selfies and marvelous creative art ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. Oh no, never grow up... your sense of fun is infectious Valerie!
    Beautiful art combining your photos, and I love the quote also.
    How lovely to see all those geese and goslings and their cheeky antics with the lady's bag of lettuce.
    Your photos and fun with the magic walls of the Daniel Liebeskind building are fabulous - I love how this building absolutely gives so much to its surroundings and those who visit. Thanks so much for more views.
    Beautiful header too :D) xx

  29. Gorgeous mixed media art and I love the words. You capture such wonderful photos. I have only seen white teasels, not purple ones. The black swans are beautiful. How nice of the lady to feed them, the photo of the one helping himself made me laugh. Fun mirror photos too. "Tiny flowers peeking out of a garden wall" is probably my most favourite in this set!

    Thanks so much for linking up this wonderful post on Wandering Camera!!

    -Soma xx

    1. Thanks. I only know the purple flowering ones here in Europe, I would like to see white ones, too!

  30. The first piece of art is my favourite today. Thankz for all the wonderful photos.
    Happy you dropped by my blog


  31. Never grow up Valerie.. it's what keeps us young is what my Nan used to say hee hee!! A great mix of art in this post, I especially love your second piece & how it has that distressed look like an old oil painting.
    I smiled at the swan taking a gander into the bag, I hope they liked what they found :D
    Happy PPF Valerie, I have no time to play along and visit people at the moment hopefully soon. I'm dog sitting this weekend so preparing for that but thought i'd pop on over whilst I have an hour to spare.
    Have a super weekend, it's miserable here but I think there is sunshine on its way again next week.. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Forgot to say i'm loving your new banner x

  32. Fantastic photos Valerie, I hope it will be a long time till you grow up, you have a really interesting take on life as you see it.
    \wonderful art projects as well, its great seeing how you use your own photos.
    Yvonne xx

  33. Wow! Stunning art AND photos Valerie!
    Alison xx

  34. Wow, I love you artwork the words are so meaningful and capture my heart! Such fabulous photos too 😀. Creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  35. Both your art pieces are stunning! Really love them both! Remind me of Autumn!
    Magnificent photos! Love the birds cleaning themselves and the one sneaking the lettuce! LOL! Big Hugs!

  36. Your artwork and photography, and the combination of them--well, I feel so inspired.


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