Monday 8 July 2019

T stands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was sunny, but not too hot, and today I am enjoying a really cool breeze and an overcast sky - lovely! Perhaps it's my British blood that makes me prefer these cooler temps!

I have another tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday, and hope to see more people joining in her 'here comes the sun' theme. I used one of my sunrise photos as background and one of my bird photos. The sun is from Itkupilli, the text from Serif, all put together in my graphics programme:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit. I was out and about a lot last week, so drank lots of coffee (and ate some  ice!). On Saturday I met up with my friend Nelya and her son, and after eating ice we walked to Cafe Burghof , next to the castle ruins, to sit in the sun, and  enjoy the views over the Rhine and  some drinks:

I like their menu card:

M had chocolate:

I had cappuccino - what else?

And Nelya enjoyed a Düsseldorfer Alt Beer:

This was on another day in Guiseppe's ice Parlour, where they always serve the lovely burnt almonds:

I saw the beautiful hollyhocks and grapes on one of my walks:

 Harry is enjoying a holiday on a North-Sea island:

And I have some more photos from the Daniel Liebeskind building near Hofgarten. I smuggled myself into this one:

That's all for today. Next time I will show more photos from the art museum.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Val! LOVE that beautiful tag, I always like it when you use your own wonderful photos. Glad to hear you had a great weekend and were able to meet up with your friends, and that you got enough coffee! It's cooler here today, too, which is quite a relief after the hot and sultry weather we've been having. Need to go to the doc's today, the little one has a rash, it might be chicken pox! Have a good week, and look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie I have been commenting using my phone and have just discovered that for some reason it doesn't work,I am still travelling for a bit yet,so will comment when I have Internet.
    How lovely to go to such a lovely cafe with your friend,love your pics as usual my friend xx

    1. Thanks a lot Sheryl, good to see you around again!

  3. What an interesting architecture! Great photos as always, have a lovely week:)

  4. The tag is gorgeous and the background makes everything pop. The hollyhocks and grapes look like a painting. I love the blue glass building. My favorite color with all the colorful flowers in the window and you!. Have a lovely day.

  5. Spectacular post and love the photo of you and your friend..The building you take photos of are amazing as is your the lot.xx

  6. Wow amazing architecture! Love your tag, and all the photos-great photo of the flowers with the grapes a pretty combination. Your drinks look so delicious too. Your weather is like ours right now-some overcast days and a few very hot days thrown in.
    Have a lovely week Kathy

  7. What wonderful places for walks and other outings. I loved the shore, the flowers and grapes, that amazing architecture (do I see a tree way up there?!). I'm having my own coffee while I enjoy your view :) Happy T Day!

    1. Yes, there are trees planted in the "slashes" of the building.

    2. So cool! It adds another dimension.

  8. Piękne fotografie , piękny spacer a winogron jest szczególnie mi bliski mieszkam w mieście znanym z winnic i tradycji winiarskich;) Pozdrawiam :)

  9. The architecture is amazing isn't it, I think your photographs show it very well.
    Enjoy your week, hope the weather is lots cooler now.

    All the best Jan

  10. This is really an amazing building, Valerie. And your shots are perfect.
    I am glad you had such a great time with your friend. Oh, I love capuccino too!!!
    As for your tag, it is simply fabulous! Love your collage and this BIG sun! Hope to be able to make a tag too and join the challenge. Hugs, my dear friend.

  11. Hello Valerie, your tag is gorgeous and made all the more special using your sunrise and bird photos, also it is so wonderful to see you in a photo! You both look really content and happy in each others company :D)
    Beautiful foxgloves and grapes, a harmonious planting!
    I do love that building - it has such a wonderful feel to it (for a modern building it is a gifted architect). Thanks for sharing more photos of it.
    Cheers to you

  12. I absolutely adore your tag Valerie!! Sorry i just haven't had the extra time to get any blogging challenges in this week... beautiful photos out and about as usual. Happy T day!

  13. Looks like you've had a great week. And i really like you sun tag. I couldn't remember if the tag challenge changed this week or next, so now that I know, I can make the right challenge tag. I'm with you about enjoying slightly cooler weather. For me it must be all my Scandinavian heritage/DNA. Have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. I want to begin by saying I had planned to be here sooner, but we were out later than I expected. when we got home, I was going to get on the internet, but fell asleep on the couch in the office, while the children watched a TV show. Now I'll be up all night, since they let me sleep. Yep, I was ZONKED.

    Second, I want to reiterate how much I LOVE that Daniel Liebeskind building. To me it is an architectural wonder. As much as I love old buildings, this one with its glass and impressive abstract design is one I could look at all day. It is truly an architectural wonder.

    It's great that you used your own photos to create that tag. It's really LOVELY.

    You and your friend look like you are enjoying your drinks. You had lots of drinks to share this week, but I always love it that you have a coffee or a cappuccino. Thanks for sharing your art, the gorgeous building, Harry's holiday, and your wonderful drinks with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, thanks, too, for your lovely and supportive comment you left on my blog post.

  15. Such a pretty tag, I love the colours of the sky - beautiful! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends and I wouldn't mind trying that beer 😉. Lovely blue skies and architecture in your photos too. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Lovely artwork. I love that sun that you used. I prefer cooler temperatures, too. My ideal would be 70 F (21.1 C) year round, with 50s F (10s C) overnight. But I also love the four seasons, so it's a trade off. I like the owl on that menu. I love cappuccino too! You have lovely flowers blooming there. I've been seeing Tiger Lilies here, but nowhere to pull over to take photos of them as I drive by. I like those ocean waves where Harry is. I'm not a fan of modern architecture, but that building is interesting looking. Happy T-Day!

  17. Gorgeous tag and sunrise photo background, Valerie. You've had some lovely adventures lately. The Daniel Liebeskind building is stunning, with all its sweeping curves and sharp angles. I love the roof garden niche with the tree peeking out.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. The building is fantastic, it looks different each time I see it from another angle.

  18. What an enjoyable post., I love the header with the Rhine barge, and your tag (with brilliant quote) is lovely.
    It was also yummy to see all your drinks and coffees. The hollyhocks are truly beautiful and would brighten up my day any day.
    But the pièce de la resistance is really the Daniel Liebeskind building! I love beautiful architecture and this one is sublime! The lines are pure art and I just love those floral windows. And the details like the 'wedges' where I imagine there is a balcony or terrace as i can see some plants growing. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing that.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. What a lovely day to meet with your friend for drinks. I am not from England and I absolutely love the cooler temperatures. That is one of the reasons that we live up north.
    That building is very unusual in design and I was drawn to the interesting lines that incorporated trees and nature. Beautiful!
    The grapes and hollyhocks from your walk look like the perfect scene to pass while enjoying a walk. I would have difficulty resisting the urge to reach out and snatch some of those grapes.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. The grapes were unfortunately not yet ripe....perhaps next week!?

  20. Wonderful weather and friends. Beautiful buildings. Fabulous coffee. Purrfect piece.
    Life is good.

  21. Great digi-tag! I really enjoyed your photos...that building is amazing!
    Happy T day!

  22. I really love your tag. And how fun to be with your friend and her son. It looks like you enjoyed a very good time indeed!

  23. A great sunshine tag Valerie and lovely photos from your walks. The building is amazing in design and with the growing plants and a tree growing at the top - WOW
    Glad to hear the weather is cooler and you can enjoy your walks.
    Avril xx

  24. The tag is absolutely beautiful Valerie and so lovely to see the photos of your walks. That building is very striking in design.
    Have a lovely rest of the week.
    Fliss xx

  25. Sorry I haven't been visiting regularly recently,taking pills and visiting doctors is not a passtime I am happy with. I've enjoyed a catch up this evening and loved seeing your photos and art projects.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! x

  27. this tag is glorious! brilliantly done mixing the photo and digital images. this might be my favorite that you've made on this theme! also, you like coffee AND beer? we really can be friends! xo

  28. I love your art piece! Beautiful and I love the quote!
    Love the photos of you and your friends! Yummy drinks! LOL!
    Gorgeous flower photos and that building is so cool!!!
    Big Hugs!


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