Thursday 25 July 2019

Too hot to handle....

Hi Everybody!

Today is the hottest day ever measured here in Germany. It was 40° here in our little town, and other places it was even hotter. The asphalt on the roads is cracking and blistering, and some of the tram-tracks are bending in the heat. I think people will have to re-think a lot of things if these temperature extremes continue. I took a photo of the weather page in my tablet PC, not very clear but readable:

And this pic was snagged from the RTL TV news, with a 42 on it for the hitchhikers....

I spent a few hours cooling off in various stores and in the beautiful glass museum. It's now almost 10 p.m. and it's still 37° outside so I'm staying home and not going on an evening walk - it's only 34° in my apartment!
I hope the weather will really break at the weekend and allow us to cool off!

I have another A3 mixed media journal page in which I once again tried to depict the Rhine and the houses and bridges along it. On a painted, textured and splattered background I collaged paper scraps and some chiffon material for the river. I bunched the material together and sewed it across the page adding scraps of silk, gold mesh, green burlap, threads and feathers. The birds were stenciled, and I sewed the edges with my usual crazy stitching. It didn't turn out quite as I would have liked it, but I suppose that never happens! But I enjoyed making it in the too warm nights when I couldn't sleep:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's wandering camera

I made myself a big salad with iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, red currants, cheese and cashew nuts - delicious!

And some more photos from Hofgarten and here along the Rhine:

I think the poor crow was feeling the heat, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, sorry to hear it got so hot in your little corner. It's been bad here, but not quite so hot. The kids all went swimming again, so they were happy. LOVE your new journal page, it s fantastic. Love how you gathered and stitched the chiffon over it, what a beautiful effect, Well done again, but I do hope you will soon be able to sleep again. It should start cooling off from Saturday on. Good night! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Forgot to say that the photos are wonderful, love the raven, and your salad looks delicious! Sarah

  3. Wow, that is very hot! And when you say your apartment is "only" 34 C (93.2 F), how can you tolerate that? I thought it was bad here in the northeast this past weekend, when the overnight temperature was 80 F (26.6 C) and my house was around 82 F (27.7 C) which was unbearable for sleeping. I think I'd be melting at 34 C. Ugh. Beautiful artwork. I'm surprised you were able to do anything in that heat. The park photos look great. I saw a bird or two with their beaks open, like your Raven, during the heat wave here. And I saw a Great Blue Heron with his wings open, trying to cool off. Sometimes the electric power lines for the trains here sag when it gets too hot, so I can relate to what you're going through there, with the roads and trams being affected by the extreme temperatures.

    For the past few years, I've noticed that the months/seasons seem to be off by about 1 month where I live. In the Spring, the warm up occurs about 1 month later than it used to. And in the Fall, the cool down seems to be about 1 month later than it used to. I'm wondering what affect earthquakes have had on the planet's weather, because I read somewhere a few years ago that the Earth had shifted on its axis after several large earthquakes. It only shifted a little bit, but I wonder what affect that had, considering the Northern and Southern hemispheres have opposite seasons, just based on how much sunlight their part of the Earth is getting, which is due to the Earth's tilted axis and yearly rotation around the sun. (I hope you understand what I'm trying to say in all of this.)

    1. I'm sure you're right that the earth axis has shifted. Here the seasons all seem to start earlier than before. And it is much to hot to sleep in my apartment, so I haven't had much sleep this week. I think we will be having a lot more climatic change in the coming years. Life will be different, that's for sure.

  4. Please take care of yourself in this heat! We have been reaching the same temperatures! I love your art piece! I think it's so pretty! Very creative! Your salad looks so good! The poor crow!! He needs some water and shade! Big Hugs!

  5. I saw on the news the heatwave roasting Europe 😱 Glad there are places where you can go to stay cool. Your Rhine page is amazing. Well done. Your salad looks refreshingly cool. Looks like the ducks and geese aren’t bothered by the heat. Is wading or swimming allowed in the river? That would be a good way to stay cool

    1. The Rhine here has very strong currents, so swimming is not advisable. Paddling is allowed, but I prefer to paddle in my bath-tub!

  6. It is indeed scary times when temperatures are beyond our control, 38°C we have had today and needed to go out and do weekly shops for the Mums. As I said earlier in the week my Daughter was flying to Germany this evening but has just returned home having had her flight cancelled due to storms that are heading our way, so I hope you are benefiting from any of those storms Valerie. My Daughter is currently trying to book another flight but the whole time table is down.
    Love your textile collage, so nice to see all those fabrics you have used, a very arty depiction. I bet it helped take your mind off those high heats.
    Happy PPF, I will try and join in tomorrow if I can manage to stay online in this heat and write up a blog. Currently sat with my feet in bowl of cold water hee hee!! I'll try anything to cool down.
    Take care Valerie & stay hydrated, your salad is the perfect food for days like these. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Sorry your daughter's flight was cancelled, hope she has cooler weather when she gets a flight.

  7. Hi Valerie wow that sure is hot,i cant wait for it to get hot here but i dont want it that hot,hope you manage to stay cool my friend.
    I also love your journal page the colours and textures are so pretty,well done and that salad looks so yummy,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  8. wow brilliant page and look at all that stitching...keep cool if you can and sending some coolness your way, though it's not cold here...

  9. Oh wow, Val - that is very hot! I'm sure your walk abouts are very grueling in the heats and we have family in Europe - Italy, England, Spain - and they said it was unbearable in June! Stay cool! Absolutely gorgeous little row of houses and such a creative way to use the stitching - admirable! Beautiful photos of your touring - love your blog so much ♥ Makes me miss Ulmen! x0x0

  10. That is really hot. We were close but not that hot last weekend so I can sympathize. I guess it is a good idea to stay in-and make art? I love your city journal page. And your salad. It does look good. Wish we could by currents here. I do like them. Stay cool my friend. hugs-Erika

    1. I have been making art at night when I can't sleep. During the day it is too hot to do anything here at home, with no AC here and a badly insulated house it is just too much! Sorry you can't get currants, they are soooooooooooo good!

  11. The heat is nothing to mess with...but it sure sounds as if you know what you are doing to keep cool.
    Once again I ❤ your art piece and your river is beautiful!
    Your photos are absolutely stunning.
    I especially love your crows...poor babies.

    Hugs ❤❤❤

  12. I just heard that Paris hit an all time high of 108 F (42,2 C) today. Europe is even hotter than the states today. I hope it cools for you soon. The fact you were able to get out of the heat and enjoy time in some cool stores helps. I'd DIE if I didn't have AC. I'm VERY heat sensitive, since I suffered a heat stroke a few years ago.

    I love your latest interpretation of your town in paper and fabric. It's incredible and I love your stitching, too. Much better than mine.

    Still LOVE it when you show a black swan. Of course, your cheeky raven seems to show up photo bombing, too. TRY to stay cool, dear.

  13. My goodness Valerie! Really glad I don't live where you are as I think I would have passed out in such heat. Only around 30 degrees here and 37 in London where my younger daughter lives. Big thunderstorm a short time ago too and it's now raining so hopefully it will clear the air.
    Beautiful journal page which looks lovely with the fabric details and love your photos too.
    Have a great weekend.
    Fliss xx

  14. What a wonderful journal page. Love the scenery your created. Beautiful colours. 40C is too hot!! Our temperature is to go up over the weekend as well. Poor crow. Your salad and the photos of the river are very refreshing. I am not surprised that the birds are staying in the water. Stay safe!!

    -Soma xx

  15. Exciting artwork with the colors, patterns and textures! Great shots too!

  16. Your artwork is very cool, as always. Too bad your weather isn't. UGH! That's way too hot. If you're still out walking in that kind of heat, you're a lot tougher than I am. I bet the water in that pond is even warm. The poor birds will be laying hard-cooked eggs if it keeps up. I'm sending lots of cooling thoughts your way.

    Have a super weekend!

    1. Now that would be something! Just came back from Hofgarten, they were enjoying being fed lettuce by an elderly couple, it was hilarious to watch them I mean the swans, not the old couple!

  17. I cannot believe the weather you are having! I love your art piece. So many wonderful textures and patterns!

  18. I feel for you because of the heat! We have 10 degrees C less and this feels pretty hot too! The Rhine is not so dry and low on water as last summer? Poor birds. Your journal page looks beautiful & your salad delicious! Try to cool down, best wishes, riitta

    1. Thanks for your comment! The Rhine is not as low as it was last year yet, but we badly need rain. Nature is suffering.

  19. just amazing how HOT it got in Europe!!! It was much the same where my family in France live- just unbearable since most don't have AC like we have here. Gorgeous cityscape - love all the stitching and textures! Your salad looks heavenly. Great photos of nature along the Rhine. Happy PPF!

    1. This sort of salad is always my mainstay in hot weather - salad for one meal and yogurt with fruit for the other.

  20. This heat is mad isn't it, it's bad enough for us, but the poor wildlife must be really struggling. I love your collage Valerie, and your salad looks delicious. We've been living off salad too for the last few days. Hope you have a very happy (and cooler) weekend, Sue xx

  21. I think the hottest recorded for Thursday was 38 in UK, in Cambridge. It was certainly hot in Wolverhampton I love the textures on your journal page. Poor birds...they must suffer in the heat too.

  22. Pretty pics as always! Love black birds!!! Any kind. Love the Scenec Route.. Great textures n fibers

  23. Your eclectic artwork always pleases my eyes...this one especially. I also adore your photographs. Someday I shall visit Australia. I'm sorry it is so hot there--not so much where I live. It's only 90. But that's warm enough--it is much worse in the central part of the US.

  24. Haha...I meant Germany, not Australia! LOL My roots are there in Germany and Romania.

  25. A fantastic page Valerie and lovely photos.
    We've had soaring temperatures as well, so I think I know how you must be feeling in the relentless heat.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Oh that dratted heat Valerie! I commiserate and hope that you get a break soon.

    Your sewn art is beautiful and taking the scenic route is exactly the thing to do whenever possible.

    Wishing you lovely cool breezes very soon. Happy PPF :D) xx

  27. Yes, the heat has been ridiculous. Parts of the UK hit 38 on Thursday … I just want some cooler days and even rain would be nice!!! Although sometimes instead of rain it's heavy thunderstorms! All we can do is keep as cool as we can …

    Lovely art and gorgeous photographs.

    I wish you a good weekend, and hopefully cooler days.

    All the best Jan

  28. I feel for you, that is such a high temp and it is so hard to cool down. Your salad looks yum. Love your mixed media page. The poor birds, they must find is really hard in the heat too.

  29. Yes there is a heat wave on. Bedt to stay indoors and drink lots of water.
    Luv your collage glad you gave the close ups and slanted views
    Happy PPF


  30. I've been hearing about all the heat across Europe. Forty degrees must be horrible. I can't stand it here when it gets close to 30. I enjoy how you provide closeups on the different sections of your piece to share with us. - Margy

  31. A 42! What a treat in the heat. We're getting cooler temps this week, but it's back up into the 90sF for us this coming week. When asphalt melts and the birds start panting, you know it's hot!

    Your art is delightful, and I love those cloth elements. I'm seeing the Memphis pyramid in your cityscape ;)

    1. Our bridges often have these triangular pieces over them.

  32. Very creative collage work ~ Temps in New England were almost 100 degrees F this past weekend ~ better today gratefully ~ Gorgeous photography ! Love that blackbird ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. Your salad looks luscious. Your piece beautiful.
    I am so sorry to hear about the heat. It sounds horrendous. Hope it breaks soon.

  34. I'm sorry to hear about your hot weather, and hope you'll soon get some relief. However, you did get a fascinating collage out of it, with all the geometric shapes stitched in. Happy belated PPF!

  35. YIKES! The heat around the world is draining us for sure, and I hope you get cooler air soon. The heat here in NC has been blistering too! Your artwork is so lovely and clverly done and I really love it! Hugs, RO

  36. That is hot. There is the same happening in the US. Love your art piece very unique.

  37. I am scheduling blog posts starting Aug 1 when I will officially return to blogging, it seems one of them got away prematurely, lol. Thanks for stopping by.

    So sorry about that heat, I was thinking of you when I saw the report on the news. That salad looks cooling. Beautiful mixed media piece and enjoyed your photos today.

  38. Great photos and I love your mixed media art Valerie.
    It was the second highest temperature recorded in the UK last Thursday, 37.8 I think. I stayed indoors with the curtains shut, as I don't like the heat.
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Alison xx

  39. I was just about to come and check your blog Valerie when your comment popped up on mine.. and oh my goodness... poor you... I was like a human tap with the heat we had here ... so how on earth you coped I cannot imagine :( and somehow you still managed to create the most amazing collage as well - I love it!
    Hope next weeks much cooler for you - take care.... Gill xx

    1. Thanks Gill, it has been hard to cope. The temperature in my flat is getting better, and is now under 30°, so I am hoping to sleep tonight....

  40. WOW it has been hot for you, we've had hot weather here in the N.E. but nowhere near your temperatures, but now we've had a weekend of rain, mist and grey skies! Hope it's cooling down for you, even the ducks look hot in your photos.
    Love the collage Valerie, you created some great textures with the different fabrics, very tactile.
    Wishing you a cooler week.
    Avril xx

  41. Your page is simply fabulous - I adore the textured architecture and the softer tissues and and fabrics for the water. The photos are great as always, and I do hope you have had a break in the weather by now. Ours broke at the weekend and the skies opened to almost flood us!
    Alison x

  42. Your page is simply fabulous - I adore the textured architecture and the softer tissues and and fabrics for the water. The photos are great as always, and I do hope you have had a break in the weather by now. Ours broke at the weekend and the skies opened to almost flood us!
    Alison x

  43. so much to like here! LOVE your artwork, and all the pictures. I fondly remember a trip down the Rhine... LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  44. There was even an article in the New York Times about how hot Europe is these days. I hope you are able to find a spot where you can keep cool. Your cool salad looks like the perfect choice!


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