Wednesday 24 July 2019

Midweek this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all managing to keep cool if you are plagued with the heat. It's extremely hot again, so I'm catching my walks in the early mornings and late evenings as it is then just bearable. Tomorrow is free entry at the Kunstpalast art museum, so I will be spending time there again, enjoying their art and air-conditioning, as tomorrow will be even hotter than today.
I am sharing a hybrid collage, made with parts of 'real' collages made at various times and digitally re-assembled to make a new one:

 And some photos of my walks in the past days, some just taken with my cell-phone, which never completely recovered after going for a swim in the loo -Pity, it used to take really good pics:

I love this cheeky raven in Hofgarten:

The buddleia always attracts the bees:

I've never seen a snail crawling up the grain before:

Yesterday evening, about 10 p.m., and still well over 30°. But the sky was wonderful:

The last fields of rye have now been harvested, the farmers were also up and working early this morning - the poor snail has probably been harvested, too....

Time for a break and a bottle of water:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your delightful mid week post is so beautiful the photos and your amazing work of art, love it all..hugs.x

  2. Hi Val, another very hot day here, too. The kids have gone swimming with P, which gives me a break and saves me from going completely crazy! Love your beautiful page with the wonderful colours. Life is indeed a collage, a palimpsest. Love the wonderful photos. You take great ones even with a 'bad' camera, but your somehow have the eye to see the right things at the right moment, and that is a great talent. Have a nice afternoon, try to keep cool, and don't run about too much! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Balerie wow loving your colourful collage,it's very good,well done my friend and your pics are amazing especially the beautiful sunset ones xx

  4. I really enjoyed your collage and the quote that goes with it. And I always love looking at nature through your eyes. Such beauty! Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro. Just read your latest blog, too funny!

  5. Nice collage today. So many people just pass us by like those cool images you made. Perhaps some of them would be good to know, yes? And I have always worried my phone would fall in also. And you are right, gorgeous sky. I have started to noticed the shorter days now, not really short yet by any means, but now it is dark by 8:45. Happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's starting to get dark from 9.30 p.m. here, but the days are definitely getting shorter!

  6. Fantastic digital collage!!!
    Love those happy and bright colors!!!
    Great idea to go to the art museum where it will be cool and you can enjoy the art. Stay cool!
    Oh! Your photos are always so gorgeous!!!
    I see that "big feet" are back it :)

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks! My big feet enjoy their break here every morning! The lady on the next bench had slipped off her shoes and was cooling her feet on the railing - I am not alone!

  7. I love your silhouettes, fabulous colours and sentiment. Your photographs look perfect to me, I love the snail climbing up the grain. We had a massive thunder storm here last night, but it's hot and muggy again today. Take care, Sue xx

  8. As always wondrous pics and piece. Love that snail photo.

  9. I've been here awhile, but I got caught up examining your incredible collage. I found it mesmerizing and gorgeous.

    LOVED the photos today. I really like the black swan photos. Laughed at the snail and its possible plight. Escargoing, going, gone.

  10. Your art collage is fantastic. The images go perfectly with the words. I always enjoy seeing your photos from the park. The Black Swan is my favorite (if you couldn't guess by now, since I usually mention it). I'm enjoying seeing the cheeky Raven. Nice white swan reflection. It must be an optical illusion, because that bee looks huge (and I'm sure it isn't). I never saw a snail climb up something like that. Your sky photos were beautiful, despite the heat. We got a break today, but later in the week, our temperatures will go back up to unpleasant again, although not as hot as the heat wave we had, where we reached 100 F (37.7 C).

    1. The bee was HUGE, twice as big at has been 39 + here today, tomorrow will be hotter....

  11. A fabulous collage Valerie, the words you added are great.
    Super photos, the ones of the evening sky look lovely.
    Its very hot still here as well and last night we had a megga thunder and lightening storm, but it didn't cool the air down.
    Have a good weekend and enjoy your visit to the museum.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks, it was good at the museum and in the big stores. Nice and cool there when it's over 40° outside.

  12. Fascinating pics of the bumble bee. We are a collage aren't we.

  13. Free day at the art museum is one of my favorite things! There are so many birds there, and the flowers are gorgeous. I love the snail photo :) It's so light there still, even at 10. Nice!

    1. Yes, it's a good way of saving money if you know when it's free.

  14. loving your colorful collage journal page! hope you stay hydrated and well rested in the heat! xo

    1. Thanks. I am drinking well, by 40° it's very necessary. It's hard to sleep in my hot apartment!

  15. I love your art piece! Very cool!!!
    Amazing photos! How did you notice the snail?? That's amazing! Love the sky photos too! Wow! Big Hugs!

    1. I just saw it as I was going by the field, it was more or less at my eye-level.

  16. Oh this is a beautiful! I love the rainbow vibrance and how unique this is! You have such a great artistic eye ~ i remember those barrels of hay for the horses by our fields near Weisbaden - we'd ride them down the hills and the farmers would be so mad! LOL!

  17. Loved your collage, and an amazing selection of photographs :)

    All the best Jan

  18. I love all your photos. Amazing photos.

  19. Wow, your shadowy collage is simply stunning - and then echoed later by that wonderful skyscape. A beautiful post.
    Alison x

  20. Hallo liebe Valerie, das Bild und der Text dazu gefällt mir sehr. Die Fotostrecke mit all den Gefiederten Freunden ist klasse, aber auch Schnecke im Kornfeld und Hummelchen hast du super eingefangen. Der farbige Himmel ist ein Traum. Da warst du wieder ganz in deinem Element. Hoffe dir geht es gut.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  21. Catching up! Some beautiful photos here today. That heat does slow one down. Lucky birds in the water! Loved your "feet up" pic near the end! After a walk like that, you deserve it!

    1. No that is true, my feet up breaks are always good!


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