Wednesday 13 December 2017

Wintry days

Hi Everybody!

Hello from  cold, wet and windy Rhineland.
Streams and rivers are running high water
due to the snow and rain we have had, and the only
nice thing about being outside today was
coming home to a warm place and hot coffee!

For Joan's challenge, Christmas memories,
at Tag Tuesday I have a piece with my fave
penguins. I printed out a whole pile of these cheery
guys some years back, and in the past couple of years
they have been made into journal pages and cards.
This is the last pair today, mounted onto a tag
and ready to go out into the cold. The BG is
blue mirror card, the snow was made with Stickles, 
the paper lace was cut with a punch.
When I was small my great auntie took me to an ice
 revue  with lots of skaters dressed as penguins, but I
was convinced they were real - until they removed
their heads to take a bow at the end of the

For Paint Party Friday I am re-showing a piece made a 
couple of years back. It is an A3 mixed media piece,
 painted with acrylics. The houses were stenciled.

I have received several gifts of poinsettias. 
These were from a neighbour as a thank-you
for taking in his parcels when he wasn't home:

This one, in the fun, snowman pot, was a gift from
my buddy H:

And this one, which is a really huge specimen,
is from another neighbour, also as a thank-you
for taking in parcels!

 Today we had a nice early-morning sky,
but it clouded over very quickly:

And I just caught the moon before she went
off duty:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The tag is adorable, you sent the kids a similar card last year and they still love it. The painting is wonderful, love the colours. Enjoy your poinsettias, I'm trying to stop the cat eating ours! Hugs, Sarah

  2. What a sweet tag - love the penguins!!!

  3. Ach sind die niedlich deine Pinguine und mit dem kleinen Stoffschal eine echt raffinierte Karte. Aber dieses Nachthimmel-Bild gefällt mir besonders, so schöne farbverläufe und Blautöne. Auch der Text dazu ist ganz zauberhaft. Da hast du ja jetzt eine Weihnachtsstern-Plantage Zuhause, deine Nachbarn hatten Alle die gleiche Idee. Lustig der Topf von H.
    Hoffe dir geht es gut. Hier bei uns ist das Wetter auch so wechselhaft, Schnee und Regen wechseln sich ab und die Temperaturen gehen rauf und runter. Da hat so manch Einer arge Kreislaufprobleme.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  4. Love your card Valerie but the painting is my's beautiful x Gorgeous poinsettias and photographs too. Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  5. I love the cute penguins and that beautiful mixed media piece!
    Lovely poinsettias too!
    Alison xox

  6. The last of the darling penguins? These are fabulous and I simply adore the tag you made using them.

    Wow, lots of people love you. Those poinsettias are fantastic. I almost bought a white one, then realized it would just die if I did. Thanks for sharing yours so I can just admire yours without doing damage to one.

  7. Your adorable penguin tag gave me a chuckle, so cute! Creative piece for PPF. Beautiful poinsettias lucky you!

  8. Your penguins look adorable and nice, warm and cosy! Great page for PPF too, and what lovely poinsettias, - nice to have such friendly neighbours!

  9. Süss das Pinguine Tag!!! Das Bild ist wunderbar kreativ ausgedacht!
    Deine Weihnachtssterne sind so schön und der Mond und in der Nacht die Lichter über der Stadt!
    Schöne Adventwoche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. The penguins looks really cute, its a fabulous tag.
    The poinsettias all look beautiful, your home must look so festive with these wonderful plants to see.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I love your fun penguins Valerie, and hope you weren't traumatised at a your age when one took his head off lol xx

  12. The penguins look fabulous, especially with the blue background! I don't have much luck with Poinsettias - enjoy yours they all look so lovely! Love your photos, I was hoping for clear skies tonight to see a meteor shower- maybe later! Hugs,Chrisx

  13. Those Penguins are so adorable ♥♥♥ Love all of your poinsettias too. I don't have any this year but that's ok cause I'm swearing of things I have to take care of :) Great art from the past too. It's always good to re-visit your old art so you remember how much you've done. Have a grand weekend if I don't visit again before that♥

  14. The penguins are adorable and I love the memory of you with your great-auntie at the ice show. So cute. She was clothed with the night is awesome. I love the colors, stars, and planets. You have such nice neighbors.The poinsettias are gorgeous. Love the moon picture, too. Stay warm!

  15. Good neighbours are hard to come by and we are lucky to be surrounded by good ones. Love the poinsettia gifts, well deserved.
    Penguins are just sweet. Thanks for the gorgeous displays.xx[aNNie]🎄

  16. I love the penguins. They are cute and playful.:) And I'm glad to see the celebratory night sky piece again. I love how she is like a goddess looking down on the earth. It is interesting to look at. And wow-that's a lot of poinsettias. They must make your home cheery on these cold and wet days. Hugs-rika

  17. Hi Valerie love the penguin card and love the story you told of the penguin,lol gave me a chuckle,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  18. I think you and your neighbors must have a good system worked out. The poinsettias are lovely and so, too, are both of today's pieces. Very cheerful. More cheerful; than the weather.

    I can't believe Hanukkah slipped in on me. Life is going too fast.

  19. Lovely art, lovely photos, thank you!

  20. Hello Valerie,
    I love your story about the ice skaters, but I bet you were disappointed when they removed their heads!
    This is such a beautiful tag anyone would love to receive that on their present.
    I’ve not received any poinsettias this year (might have to buy one!) but I have been given a couple of cyclamens, which are really pretty, but I find them more difficult to look after as the leaves tend to yellow really easily.
    Your photos are always so beautiful.
    Hugs Barbara

  21. Fabulous post, thanks for showing and telling ;O))

  22. Oh geesh! I hope it wasn't too startling to you when the penguins removed their heads!!
    Your head piece is so beautiful and I love the words you used- they fit perfect!
    Wonderful neighbors you all are to give by helping them and them to share with gratitude! Lovely!
    Jackie xoxo

  23. As always, enjoyed the pieces, especially those darling penguins:)
    You're poinsettia wealthy! :) Sounds like a lot of folks appreciate and care about you and that you're a great neighbor to have. Aren't poinsettias beautiful?

  24. Those penguins are adorable! And you poinsettias looks so festive!

    I really love the piece you created with the quote about "She was clothed in the night..." It really speaks to me. The quote is perfect and I just love the style.

    Hope you are staying warm. It is freezing here too!

  25. Love your penguin piece Valerie which is such fun and the eye artwork is so striking, lovely to see it.
    The poinsettias are beautiful and you obviously have a lot of appreciative people.
    Keep warm and stay safe.
    Fliss xx

  26. I absolutely ADORE this works!!!!!!

  27. I adore the penguins! Your night tie scenic painting is superb Valerie. Lovely poinsettias. And how very nice to have a trusted neighbor like you to take the parcels when others are away. Not easy to find nowadays. We're lucky to have it with our very next door neighbors on the one side and do for each other as needed. Wonderful nighttime photos, but stay in and stay warm!

  28. Truly love both art pieces! The penguin one is so cute! Love your story! Love the sky lady painting!
    Gorgeous poinsettias!! Lucky girl!! Thankyou for the gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

  29. Very festive art today! Love the Penguins and their brilliant red...also the vibrant red on those adorable poinsettias! Beautiful

    Peace Giggles

  30. What a fun tag, those penguins are too cute! The journal page is so beautiful, I love how you have created the face with the moon and stars 😁. How nice to receive the poinsettias as gifts for your kindness, that is so thoughtful and they look so bright and cheery! Your night sky and moon photos are lovely too 😁. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊

  31. The snowmen are just precious. Merry Christmas to you.

  32. Warm Wishes Valerie. Iluv the scarfed penguins you started with
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  33. Adorable penguin cards! And I love the painting!

  34. Love the penguins and the painting is gorgeous. I love the colors in the background. Happy PPF

  35. Such cutie penguins - they really made me smile, so sweet!
    Love those Poinsettias... isn't it wonderful to have great neighbours, and they would be so appreciative of your kindness :D)
    Beautiful moon shots. Hugs xx

  36. the penguins are so cute, they make me smile. And the other piece is really beautiful. Love the deep blue hues. Happy PPF!

  37. penguins are seriously cute! Loved the art and the photos, and lucky you for getting all those poinsettias!

  38. "coming home to a warm place and hot coffee!" sounds good!

    Love your penguins.
    Love all the Poinsettia
    Lovely to read and look at your post.

    All the best Jan

  39. Penguins are adorable. Love the night sky, beautiful Sunset. Blessings, Janet


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