Saturday 16 December 2017

Saturday This and That and Happy Mail

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
We are enjoying some (relatively) mild
weather and sunshine today, a real treat
after the strident winds, snow, rain and frosty
temps of the past days.

Some time back my buddy H gifted me this colouring
canvas, (in black and white) and the cold weather outside
gave me enough indoor time to colour it.
I used spectrum noir pens in a limited
colour palette, and am quite happy with the results:

I digitally cut out the image and placed it onto a 
water-colour background, this will make a nice 
card. The quote is from William Blake:

I like to sit in my armchair and watch the 
birds outside - and sometimes they seem
to be watching me:

I went round the market on Friday:

The ice parlour is closed in December and January:

Always good to see flowers and plants:

This stall was offering wooden boxes of clementines
for just 1€, so I had to take some home with me:


And this beautiful purse arrived in a parcel from
Sandra - thanks so much, I will enjoying using it
and thinking about you!

Apart from that, nothing new. I'm having an easy 
weekend, and need to do some baking next week,
so I will be thumbing through some recipes.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. beautiful canvas, and nice gift you got your photos as always ;O)) maybe I should go and take some shot to..from my town ;O))

    1. That would be a great idea, I love seeing where people live!

  2. I love how the birds watch us as we watch them lol,,I wonder what they're thinking lol,, you have a lovely market place to go to and the little boxes of clementine's are so cute,,such a lovely gift from Sandra,, I really enjoy going through recipes at this time of year! Have a great weekend Valerie!

  3. Another wonderful, fun post. The tiger turned out beautifully, you had a lot of patience to colour it so well. I am sure it will look good in your arty kitchen. Your market photos are fun and colourful, but I'm sure you will be happy when the ice parlour opens again. Those birds were probably trying to hypnotize you to put another portion of bird-food out! Enjoy the yummy clementines! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Your canvas is just lovely and the quote reminded me of my mum, she loved poetry and often recited this one. I didn’t understand it but found it quite frightening especially the second verse;

    In what distant deeps or skies.
    Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
    On what wings dare he aspire?
    What the hand, dare seize the fire?

    The fire of thine eyes is easy to understand now but as I child I thought someone’s eyes were burning! Scary!

    I loved all your photos, especially the market. It must be fun to wander around there.

    Hugs Barbara

    1. Yes, some poetry is scary for kids. My auntie used to read me poems which sometimes had me in floods of tears, but I still wanted to hear them again and again!

  5. Fabulous canvas and love the colour. I am sure the birds are watching you too, just smile back at them and stay warm....sending lots of heat to you.x[aNNie]🎄⛄

  6. Love your coloring canvas and the way you colored the cat does look like a tiger. Perfect pairing with the Wm. Blake quote. All the birds in the trees make me think of Alfred Hitchcock's move "The Birds" :-D Looks like you had a nice day at the Christmas market, and I can almost smell the freshness of the Clementines. Your new purse is so cute. What a lovely gift. I'll be baking this weekend, too. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. That's a great price on clementines! It's fun to see your part of the world and all the festive marketing. I'm baking too!

  8. Lovely gifts, and photos. What beautiful work with the spectrum markers, just wow.

  9. Your tiger is out of this world. You have so much patience. It turned out great. I love the warm colors that will go so well in your kitchen.

    Bless Sandra's heart. She is SO thoughtful, isn't she? And YOU are so deserving, too, dear.

  10. What a happy post - it looks as though you had a lovely time with the canvas colouring, and what wonderful results... the limited colour palette is really effective. And a great gift from Sandra - you'll be able to use it next time you visit the market. Enjoy your clementines!
    Alison x

  11. Your canvas looks beautiful. Fun to get something like that in the mail and wonderful to have time to work on it. :)

    You know I love trees and sky pictures- add in birds- even better! Bird watching is one of my favorite things to do. Glad to have birdwatched with you a little today too. :)

    Happy weekend!

  12. Happy Saturday Valari! LOVE your tiger-cat! There are time I enjoy just sitting a coloring. I really like the digital with the warm background and the quote.
    Still very dry here, and the fires just rage on.......not near us, thank goodness.
    Enjoy your weekend my friend.

  13. wunderschĂśn hast du das Katzenbild an gemalt und der Spruch darauf .. toll!
    SchĂśn deine Fotos vom Markt und VĂśgel!
    SchĂśnen 3. Advent wĂźnsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. I love the coloring canvas. You picked great colors for it. And Blake's quote is perfect for it.
    I always enjoy seeing the birds ornament trees don't you?
    I love the way the clementines are packaged. Add a bow or sprig and you've got a great little gift.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  15. I love the cat canvas but I really LOVE the digital card you made with it ♥ Looks like the birds are watching you for sure and the Market looks interesting. I love buying fruit in those little wood baskets... so many cool uses for the baskets later on :) I'm baking and making candy this weekend . It's been a couple of years since I've done that. I'll probably gain 20 pounds this season LOL!

  16. Wunderschön wie du diese Doodlekatze bemalt hast, so harmonisch abgestimmt deine Farben. Auf dem Aquarellhintergrund sieht es perfekt aus. Schöne Fotos wieder und das Täschchen von Sandra ist süß mit den Weihnachtsmotiven.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Hi Valerie wow your cat canvas is amazing,well done my friend and markets are always such fun,never know what you will find xx

  18. The canvas looks stunning, I love your choice of colours.
    The digital card looks wonderful as well with the quote you added.
    The market photos looked lovely, I would have picked out the clementines as well.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Your colored kitty came out quite exotic looking. That was a nice gift. I think your quote added to your digital art was perfect and seems to have the same feel as your kitty. And are those doves watching you? Love seeing your market, but I have been craving some clementines and your photo is making my mouth water. :) happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. I know that feeling - I had to start on them as soon as I was home!

  20. Your canvas is so amazing! The details are so great! Did you draw all those in?
    Happy Saturday!

    1. No, the doodling was already done, I just coloured it.

  21. such a beautiful tiger tiger burning bright! take good care. xo

  22. Your tiger is amazing-I am not an artist at all but I thought I would try a couple coloring books-I bought gel pens not really knowing what they were-was kinda fun and relaxing for me but the results-well no where as beautifully done as yours-nice was to keep him too.
    Your happy mail how fun-enjoy
    Happy Weekend Kathy

  23. This is awesome - truly beautiful canvas!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  24. Wow, love the details and the awesome colors!!

  25. Wow, amazing colouring, - love that you have kept it in similar colour tones and the watercolour background looks great with it! That market looks so colourful! Enjoy those tangerines and have fun baking! Have a good week ahead!

  26. What beautiful coloring, it is so intricate and detailed. The market looks lovely too!

  27. I think I'm going to break down and make the HH Christmas cookies.
    Hope your week is warm and jolly.

  28. lovely kitten, lovely photos and we do love tangerines, nom nom nom! Happy prefestive week.

  29. What a beautiful colour combination you chose for your pretty tiger and I loved seeing the card and canvas that you created too 😁. Nice to see all the birds watching 😉. The market looks wonderful and I bet the Clementines tasted amazing! Enjoy your week! J 😊

  30. I love your art piece! Gorgeous colours! Such a pretty tiger! Love the market photos! I love tangerines too! Big Hugs!

  31. Valerie, your coloring is brilliant! I love that you used a limited palette and you chose the absolute best colors for this- just striking!! the word you added are wonderful met with your piece!
    Thank you for sharing scenes from the Christmas market- I always enjoy them!
    Jackie xo

  32. What a fabulous way to colour you canvas! I loved seeing the town and your lovely gift from Sandra but do keep an eye on those birds!!!! Chrisx

  33. Love your tiger!
    Those clementine's do look yummy!

    All the best Jan


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