Wednesday 1 November 2023

Nature - new challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new theme at AJJ and this time our lovely 
Jo of Let's Art Journal
is hosting, so we will all be able to enjoy lots of her fabulous posts. And I hope to see lots of you joining in and having some creative fun with us!

For my piece I have a drawn and painted a scene to which I added a few digital images:

And I have some funnies and thinkies for you:


Today I went out for dinner with Heike, the food was wonderful but I was so hungry I didn't take photos...Sorry. We had fried potato fritters (latkes) with salad, salmon and stewed apple, yummy! Afterwards I had some time before my appointment for physiotherapy so I walked round a bit and took some photos:

I sat by the fountain for 5 minutes, it was a nice place for a break:

And physiotherapy with a full belly is hard!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That's a unique take on Jo's theme, Valerie. Nice hybrid entry and a great nature inspired journal page. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Wonderful thinkies. They are truly special. And I love the autumn look in your world about now.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Autumn is such a beautiful season. November has started, it's cold, wet and windy!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you slept well and that your pains are not too bad. I love your autumn painting today, so pretty and it looks like that here, the leaves are flying and blowing around. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. The pains are bad today, so I will take it easy! Hugs to all!

  3. Happy November! Hope you will be far enough away from Storm Ciarán. I am in an Amber Alert zone. Not happy! Your new header is so perfectly Autumnal and is echoed in your lovely Autumn painting. If only our reality was so perfectly calm and colourful. Battening the hatches! Hug Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, stay safe. Sending hugs and prayers!

  4. I hope the physio is helping you Valerie. They do say 'no pain no gain' but I do wonder at times.
    What a gorgeous page you have for us, the colour shouts 'nature and autumn'. In fact the colour is what struck me first of all when i saw your page. The yellows and oranges marry so well together and provide a perfect backdrop for the silhouetted figures. Colour and composition beautiful!!
    Thank you for the photos, so beautiful a day when you were out, but i had to smile about the bit about a full tummy and physio.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love your new header - fabulous photo

    1. Thanks Neet, I think things are getting a tad better with the physiotherapy, but it's hard. I need to train my balance again, so I can perhaps walk without a stick or rollator without falling down. And I have to practice getting up off the floor in case I fall. And I need to learn to put my feet in the right position again, and and and. Slowly I am getting there! But it's hard work for me indeed. And really, with a full belly it was so much harder! The therapist had a good laugh at me, next time I need to go for a meal afterwards, not directly before! Hugs!

  5. First of all, I love the new blog header with that gorgeous tree - how beautiful! Your autumn scene creation is just dreamy to me and I love it. I am touched with that collection of skulls and what an impact it has when you see it and digest it. I wish they'd hang one of those on every street corner in the world to remind people to stop hating each other while we're here. Wishing you better days ahead with less pain as you work your way through with physio.

    1. Thanks Carol, paintng autumn scenes is fun, I will try to do more. Yes, the sculls tell a true story which we all need to learn! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Such an amazing autumnal page! You created so much detail and you've captured the nature of this season so beautifully - love it ❤️ . It must have been lovely to have seen your dear friend and the physio on a full stomach does sound painful to me. Take care and thanks for having me as Guest Host this month! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Great autumn picture, Valerie. The real thing is just about at an end here. Yesterday, it was minus two degrees, but bright and sunny and really very pleasant. Our washer and dryer are both on their last legs so we went out yesterday and bought new ones. I doubt these new units will last as long as the old ones, both of which are more than twenty years old. We need to replace the water softener too. Why does everything come at once? Your lunch with Heike sounds fabulous. Latkes and smoked salmon - a prelude to ecstasy! The skulls picture is a timely reminder that we are all the same - not that it will make the slightest difference to those determined to hate. The events in Israel and Gaza fill me with more sadness each day. The potential for conflict in the whole area is very real.I hope the physio is going to help you, although Miriam had a whole course of it recently. It was both expensive and entirely ineffectual. My friend from Australia will be arriving soon and then we will be off to Cuba for a grand birding adventure with other convivial companions. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! I think we are still in the middle of autumn here. You are more advanced than we are. My washing machine is from 2001, it still works well, and I hope it will keep washing for a long time, the new ones have an extreme amount of technical bits and bobs, and as you say, how long before they break down?! Our lunch was very good, we both enjoyed the food very much. Our meals were less than 10€ each, but the c offee was 6,50 per cup, unbelievable! I am really afraid what still might happen in Israel and Gaza, all of my family is there ad I have had no news. I can feel how you are looking forward to Cuba, great! Hugs xxxxxxx

  8. I love how those people are out enjoying a beautiful autumn day in your journal page Valerie. It's not only a lovely day, but your piece is lovely too. I like those textured leaves you added blowing around. And nice memes and very lovely photos from your walk around. I always feel like I get to do a bit of traveling without spending the money when people post trip photos. :) Have a wonderful start to November. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, and thanks again for saving me yesterday eveing and telling me the right time! Armchair traveling is cheap but still very nice, I always enjoy all the pics from you and Chris. Today was a holiday here, and dark, cold and wet, just right to stay home and paint and read, yesssssssssssss! Hugs!

  9. Wonderful art ( what is the new theme?), funnies and love your photos as always. -Christine

  10. You captured Fall perfectly on your page. I want to join the witches on the beach. Your photos are beautiful. My favorite are the leaves on the cobblestones. Enjoy your day - CJ

    1. I would love to be on the beach, too! Even as a sand.witch! A lady stood and watched me take the photo of the leaves, and then laughed and asked how anyone could be so stupid to take such pictures. Who cares? Tastes are differen, but glad you enjoyed them!

  11. That's a nice art piece; it works for me. Love your town; it's lovely. Such a pity you didn't take a pic of your meal. Sounds delish.

    1. Thanks so much, glad you like it! That's the new part of town, back in the 80s there was a field and a farmhouse there - times change! Our meal was wonderful and I was sooooo hungry! Hugs!

  12. Smiling :) It's a wonderful time of year for a walk, isn't it!

  13. Very thoughtful thinkies! Boy, Dusseldorf is looking beautiful in the fall. I love those leaves, the holiday decor, the whole thing! Just beautiful and I'm glad you were able to get out for that walk.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's always nice to get out for a walk. No chance today, it was cold, windy and wet! Hugs!

  14. Hi Val, you have made a beautiful piece for a lovely challenge, I know you love nature - and especially autumn - as I do! Hugs, Martha!

    1. Thanks Martha, have a great day, take care, hugs!

  15. Hi Valerie, some great funnies and lots to think about too. I love your photos it makes me feel like I'm right there with you. Take care. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks so much, Angela. Have a great rest of the week, hugs!

  16. Schöne Herbstfarben und nette Sprüche - und die Totenschädel sind auch genial - gsturbn
    is gsturbn sagt der Wurm....
    alles Liebe

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Violetta. Heute war es kalt, windig und nass, und die schöne Blätter tanzten vor Freude. Dir eine schöne Woche noch. alles Liebe!

  17. Your artwork is beautiful and has really captured the essence of this beautiful fall season.. I love the fountain- it reminds me of Italy! Your sayings today were especially inspirational today. Thanks so much..

    1. Thanks Judee, the fountain is a meeting place where young and old sit and enjoy!

  18. Lovely art.
    That fountain looks a wonderful place to sit a while.

    Happy November wishes, where this year has gone to I just don't know!!!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. This year has flown by indeed! Take care!

  19. I love the silhouettes on your beautiful page Valerie. Your area looks so beautiful in the Autumn sun. We went out for lunch with one of our sons and grandchildren and had a lovely walk afterwards too. It was lovely to see them. Hugs, Chrisx

  20. Enjoyed your autumn scenes and thinkies Valerie. Happy November


  21. I love your Autumn scene, Valerie. I'm working on a winter one. Hope your therapy went well and maybe eat afterwards from now on? Good weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! That's what the therapist said.... Have fun working on your winter page. Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  22. This is a beautiful work of art Valerie, what a warm scene. Love the rich orange colours, your doodles really add the last but most important bit of detail.
    Physio on a full belly does sound like hard work but a great way to work off your food... you deserve an extra pudding after that hee hee.. Happy creative week Hugs TRacey x


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