Tuesday 21 November 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

One thing that I very much like is painting circles and other geometric shapes. Here are some examples made  a few years back. Hope you enjoy them:


And some wintry photos, taken on this day 3 years ago:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely geometric pages and wintry photos! I decided to go to the mailbox tomorrow it is cold and rainy today. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. I don't blame you! I go out in all weathers, but my friend Heike will not leave the house if it's not good!

  2. Wow I do love the first one and the second one and the thrid one. LOL You have snow. We have just turned cold and windy. A few rain storms but not our normal. Have a lovely day today.

  3. Hi Val, good evening. Strange time to be posting! I love everything today, they are all fabulous, but the snowy pictures make me shiver and want to get under a blanket! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, strange indeed. I evidently forgot to schedule the page, but never mind it's not important! Hugs to all!

  4. Love all the colourful shapes and stamps,great snowy pics as long as it stays on pics lol
    carol x

  5. I like your art here, nice and colourful.

    Brrr those wintry photographs make me feel cold - they are nice though :)

    All the best Jan

  6. I especially like your dramatic dragonflies and the chess pieces. Snow's a comin' soon! Stay warm and cosy indoors, if you can. Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Hope you are feeling well. Bad wseather on it's way to us, too! Hugs!

  7. Everything to do with circles looks amazing and somehow intriguing. Winter is coming soon enough and I will never be ready for it until it gets here LOL Happy Wednesday.

    1. That'sy the way to do it, when it's winter you'll notice it and get your boots out! Hugs!

  8. I like all the pieces, but especially the ones with dancers. Free spirits they are.

    1. Yes, free spirits, but they must work very hard!

  9. I love drawing geometric shapes, so I really enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful artwork. Do you have snow already?? BRRR.. glad I'm in Florida for the winter. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Florida sounds good, a little warmth would be good! Have a great week!

  10. I like the circles and _love_ the gold!

    I think it's cold here with highs in the 50sF lol

    1. Ooooh, you wouldn't like it here, it's very cold today!

  11. I find geometric shapes to be very soothing. Loved these pieces- especially the one with the circles and gold. Stunning! Have a great week!

  12. Hi Val, I love all of your circles, so pretty, especially the ones with gold. Hope you are feeling well, take care, hugs, Martha

  13. Love your artwork. Inspiring! Snow is best viewed from a warm seat inside. LOL.

    Hugs and Blessings

  14. My favourite pages, if I have to choose, are the ones with the circles with the gold edgings. how on earth did you do those a edges, some are so intricate looking. Lots of variety here both subject and colour which is really interesting to see. Love the snowy wcenes but I am hoping it stays away for the time being, until I and my loved ones don't have to do any travelling in it.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I would not be abe to do these anymore with my shaky fingers so I will just have to learn some other techniques. I am not a snow fan, and will be happy if this winter is snow free! Hugs!

  15. We have that snow here today. It has turned to rain and is now just lots of slush. And I love seeing all your paintings. The first one reminds of space. I love that pearlescent paint also. I hope you had a good day. And that you're enjoying your week. hugs-Erika

    1. Snow is nicer than slush! That pearlescent paint was nail polish! It makes a nice finish on some things. Hugs!

  16. Such good circles. I suck at it, need to practice more obviously. Beautiful scenery snaps, too. Have a good night, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I suck at making cards! Hugs!

  17. A super recap on past pages Valerie, I've spoken to you before how I find circles so therapeutic to paint, pleasing to the eye and always seem to give a creative hug. A grand display of shapes and different designs, I especially love the gold detail, what a steady hand you had to paint around them so finely.
    I hope you are keeping warm and that snow keeps away at least until Winter officially arrives, I love snowfall but dread the thought of it now as it makes it harder to attend to my care duties... Sending warm Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. My shaky hands are now not good at drawing around circles! now is very hard for those who are carers, and mostly underway edarly in the morning! Take care and stay well! Hugs!

  18. when I was a kid I truly hated geometric figures xd

  19. All those circles -- especially the blue and orange but really, all of them -- are making my heart sing!

    1. Thanks, I love circles and bright colours! Hugs!

  20. ...Valerie, I LOVE your winter landscapes, I wonder if we will have a snowy winter this year. Take care and stay well and warm.

    1. Thanks Tom, snow always looks beautiful. If only it wasn't so cold!

  21. What fun and colourful artwork Valerie, very soothing are the circles and love all the texture with colour and images too, then you plunged me into winter snowy icy cold pictures which also make me happy..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Glad you like snow, I only like looking at it! Hugs!

  22. The wintry photos give me a chill brrrr....I love your spirals! ♥


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