Friday 17 November 2023


Hi Everybody!
It's Friday, and that means it's nearly weekend. Sorry I wasn't around so much this week, I have had a lot of medical problems, which means visiting doctors, collecting medication from the pharmacy, Taking the tabets etc, resting - or trying to - and I still managed lots of reading and some painting, which always does me good.

Today we have Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF, which are both fun projects to herald the weekend.

This is a new piece, rather large - A2 -  (16.5" x 23.4") and I have been working on it for quite some time. I would call it a  grungy junk collage / painting, and I had fun making it. I left the edges rather rough, and didn't stick everything down flat as I would usually do  Just playing and experimenting! And perhaps I will change some parts or add more to it - we shall see!

This an old collage / painting, and one of my faves:

A very grungy piece again showing family members who passed long ago:

Just having fun:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Was pleased to read that in-between appointments etc. you have enjoyed reading and painting ... important to relax and enjoy.
    I enjoyed the art you've shared and a wonderful collection of funnies.

    Happy Friday wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. OMG I'm rich is hilarious. I love that you've memorialized your family in your art. Your grunge lady is amazing. Hugs, Sandra

    1. Yes, that's good one! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful art! Enjoyed the thinkies! Sorry you have not been well.

  4. Reading and painting -- two of the best therapies I know! I'm sorry you''re having to deal with one of those medical weeks. Hang in there. I loved your collage painting and I'm still laughing big about the "met online" meme!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, next wseek should be better! Oh yes, met online is fabulous! Hugs!

  5. I am so sorry you have been having medical issues. I send you positive and healing energy. I also thank you for sending well wishes me. It's bee a tough year for both of us. I love the first piece of art and totally love the second one. Thank you for joining FFO. Get some rest.

    1. Thanks Nicole, yes, this year hasn't been easy, it can only get better! Hugs!

  6. So sorry to hear you weren't feeling well either. I have seen my specialist this week. I nearly didn't because I went to the right hospital and he went to the wrong hospital. have a good weekend. At least you've been making arts. I haven't even had the energy to do that this week hugs. Deb

    1. Hi Deb, sorry you had such a bad week, too. How could the doctor go to the wrong hospital?! Oh dear. Hope you soon feel better and get some energy back. Taky good care of yourself! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning. I know your week was hard, but hope you have a great weekend to make up for it. Love 💕 your new piece, and of course, the other ones, too. Have a lazy and restful day! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm really having a lazy day toda, sort of busy doing nothing! Hugs to you all!

  8. I am sorry to hear about your medical problems. I love the collage painting of three people.

  9. I like your new piece Valerie. It has amazing texture and so much to see. I'm glad you found some sanity time to make it among all the medical running around. I hope that your medical situation improves. And you shared some gorgeous art too. That favorite painting you shared is really gorgeous. And thanks for some smiles and giggles. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with lots of relaxing and feeling better time. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, much appreciated.. Making some art or baking always does me good. I'm going to make a cake on Sunday! Hugs!

  10. ...Valerie, you fave is mine too, it's fabulous. Your funnies are hilarious. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  11. With all the doc appointments out of the way, hopefully, you can relax and make more delicious eye candy over the weekend.

    1. Thanks, I would like to paint and to make a cake!

  12. I don't know where to start, that is a brilliant collection of funnies. Sorry to hear you've not had such a good week and hope the next one is better for you. Thanks for the lovely comment over at mine. Sending gentle hugs, Angela xXx

  13. Fabulous collage art and the the rest of your paintings are beautiful-hope you are feeling better and rest over the weekend,love the staffies afraid of the cat with good reason lol.
    Carol x

    1. My Dog and cat were very best friends, but Kitty was always the boss! Hugs!

    2. Ours are all best friends but the eldest failing female is still the boss !
      Carol x

  14. I love the woman's hair in your new piece! Very cosmic.

  15. I think it's remarkable that you manage to be so creative despite your health issues. You're so talented! That joke about the baby going through her diapers made me laugh.

  16. You have been having fun with your art, I can't say the same for the doctors visits and what not but I hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks Lin, I also hope there will be some improvement soon! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  17. Hi Carola, thanks for coming by, always nice to see you here. The last three years I have been in and out of hospital and spent a lot of time when I was home going to various doctors for treatment. I hope it will improve! But still, I have time for painting and reading, and that's worth a lot. Glad you like my fave one, too! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  18. Luv luv your art and thinkies.
    I downloaded "they met on line" to share at my whats app status.
    Thanks for linking to AFFF


  19. Sorry to hear it's been a bad health week for you, Valerie. They suck, hoping your meds and rest help. A delightful array of art, love the relatives, hauntingly beautiful. Take care, xoxo

  20. Thanks Aimeslee, hope yoü are doing well, enjoy your weekend. Hugs!

  21. I hope the medications will do their job and soon have you back to feeling well. Good to see what you have created despite the obstacles!
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I will keep going as long as I can! Have a great weekend!

  22. I'm sorry you're having medical problems and hope you're better soon.

    I love her hair! and the way the piece works as a whole. I love that 3 figure collage. I see why it's a favorite. Nice!

  23. wow! what a gorgeous series of collage creations and funnies too ~ I like the collage that you liked that was older ~ beauty! ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. Loved your paintings and faces. Lots of great faces.

    Really loved some of the funnies, like the pre seat belt and met online.


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