Tuesday 7 November 2023

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit and having a good week. Here it's cold and windy, but okay, it's November! Today I had a lot of appointments, but they all went well, and then I went shopping with my lovely neighbour. Later on I need to  clear out and clean my fridge, and then it will be feet up time!

Today I have another hybrid journal page for Jo's  nature challenge at AJJ. The background was painted, the photo on the right was a freebie from the Graphics Fairy, and the other birds are my photos:

And I have a new mug. It looks quite ordinary here:

You can fill it with lots of cappuccino:

And when you're drinking a little head pops up:

And as you drink more, you can see more and more of the lovely cow:

What a lucky cow, she can bathe in coffee and cappuccino:

And this was in our newspaper today - Father Elias blesses 4 legged creatures:

Once a year dogs ( and other small animals) can come to a service in the church and then they all get blessed:

As our pets are really family, and sometimes behave better than some people,  I like this idea! I'm not sure what the dogs etc think about it!

Some funnies and thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous journal page, I love the colours and textures of Autumn. That's such a cool mug too! and a very interesting newspaper article that you have added about the blessing of small 4 legged pets. I agree, your pets can be as much of a member of your family. Have a great rest of your week Michelle x

    1. ThANKS Michelle, autumn is really a wonderful season. Some pets seem to have more feelings than some people! Have a great week, take care! Hugs!

  2. Love that mug! A nice surprise for whoever's drinking from it. I volunteer at our local aquarium, and have to go early morning before it opens. When I leave, it's usually dark in the winter, and the stars are amazing!
    Have a great week!

    1. At the moment we can see Venus in the sky, shining bright, but we don't see too many stars because of the light pollution. How fun to volunteer in the aquariium! Have a great week, hugs!

  3. Bardzo podoba mi się twoja praca z ptakami. Kubek jest zabawny to wspaniały kubek do picia porannej kawy:)) życzę udanego weekendu:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, birds are beautiful, I love watching them from my balcony. And I love my cup! Hugs!

  4. Fabulous Autumn page and love the birds, and your new mugs and the cute cats too lol.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, those cats are so gorgeous! And I'm happy with my new mug! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, what a fun post today! How nice to have a special blessing for 4 footed companions. And I love your mug, really gorgeous, as well as the beautiful nature page. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. This blesysying ceremony has been going on for years, but I only saw it in the paper today.. I wish you a good night! Hugs to you all!

  6. Absolutely adorable post my friend and so beautiful in colours too ♥

  7. Oh that is a great new piece for Jo's challenge Valerie. I like how you used your balcony bird shots. They look great on that background. And the little standing one looks like he has something to say. and that is a really cool mug. I like it. Seeing that sweet face come out of your coffee must be lots of fun. I hope you finished cleaning your frig. Maybe you can send some motivation so I'll do mine. Smile. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, glad you like it. I always like to include my balcony birds! The mug is fun. My fridge is clean and all things which were sprouting beards have been removed! Hugs!

  8. I think the mug steals the show of this post! How cute is that little cow on the bottom of the cup! Really fun and cheerful! Lovely artwork (as usual). The cat and the kitten got my heart- so adorable! I Always enjoy your funnies and inspirational quotes. Thanks Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Judee, glad you like my mug. The cat with the kitten is really beautiful! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Your balcony birds look right at home there, Valerie, as of course they should. After all they are the plebeian members of the exotic avifauna of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, that hotspot of endemism, and you are the exalted Dean of Ornithology there. Thank you for giving them their due. The cow is similarly in its rightful place since you wouldn’t be able to enjoy your cappuccino(s) without the milk the cow permits to be pumped from her udder. Better have an image of the cow on the cheese plate too. Ah, cheese, the most tantalizing and delicious of all foods. Do you remember in “Treasure Island” where the pirate that had been marooned on the island asks Jim Hawkins for a little bit of cheese. I can understand that request! My friend, Stewart, from Australia will be arriving on Sunday, so that will be a good reason to visit Vincenzo’s, our local gourmet emporium, to lay in a fine variety. They have a wonderful selection of crackers too, and if we are home for lunch I will go to the bakery for a fresh baguette. Maybe we’ll skip the birding and just eat cheese all day. And drink wine. Maybe even sing lusty songs. A Bacchanalia. I doubt that Miriam will join in, but what the hell! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Eat, drink and be merry - a good quote, so enjoy your time with your friend and gorge on delicious cheeses. I'm going to make potatoes baked wih a cheese topping today, yummy! Today I had a strange bird on my balcony, rather exotic looking and very colourful. It was gone before I could take a picture but it was lovely to see. Yes, there is really a connection between cows and my cappuccino, and I just love that mug!
      Have a great day, take care, hugs! xxxxxxx

  10. Hi Valerie. Sounds like you need to get your feet up, it's only Wednesday and you've been so busy. Loving the journal page, very autumnal. Love your new cup but must show you mine sometime which has a frog in it. Have a good day. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Oh yes, please show me the frog. This afternoon I'm going to put my feet up and watch TV, which always sends me to sleep.... Hugs!

  11. Lovely art, and a cute mug! Thanks for the thinkies!

  12. The hybrid journal page is just lovely with those birds and what a fun little coffee mug that is with the cow inside! LOL I'm just loving that dear black Friday meme - so true too! Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks Carol- Yes, Black Friday sometimes offers the wrong products more cheaply! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  13. That's a pretty nature piece. I love that pic of the kitty lying on top of the cat. What bliss.

    1. I loed that kitty picture, too, so sweet! Hugs!

  14. The journal page is wonderful. The cup got an instant chuckle. Cute! The last funnies and thinkies was my favorite. How true.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Kindness and friendliness are so easy, and so many people don't seem to understand what it means. Have a good week, Jim, hugs!

  15. I'm glad you showed your new mug! It's cute as can be -- I love the cow! As always, your page is terrific and I love the memes!

  16. I'm glad your appointments went well. I had to empty my fridge-top freezer to rearrange to fit all the Thanksgiving-related stuff I bought lol. I'll do my fridge after Thanksgiving, I guess. What a cute mug! I've seen churches here do blessings of the animals, and sometimes quite unexpected animals are brought, from tiny to huge.

    1. Thanks! The young man who comes every Wednesday always checks if my fridge is clean and orderly, so I now check it before he comes so that it looks OK! I think it's a lovely idea to bless the animals. Have a great weekend!

  17. I really love this page Valerie- lovely to see your blackbirds.. I love the cow mug - someone once thought it was a good idea to give me a mug with a pot frog at the bottom!!! Love the last quote hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I know you don't like frogs! Have a great day, hugs!

  18. Love all the birdies on your page. And what an interesting mug! We have the Blessing of the Animals at my Episcopal Church too. It's quite popular. I am still getting used to the time change, I am always surprised when I look at the clock thinking it's later than it is. Hope your rest of week goes well for you, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, so glad you liked it! i think that'a a nice idea with the blessing. The time change is alway hard, I never like it! You have a great week, too!

  19. Hi Val, love your art, as always. The birds are so pretty, and I love the header, too! I have been doing a couple of hours more at work as a colleague is sick, but that's good, I can earn some extra money! Have a great day, hope your cold is better! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks, Martha, put your feet up this evening! Hugs!

  20. in Poland we also have sweather-weather aura...

  21. Stunning pics and good memes. That one is so true...put groceries on special. We don't need TV all the time!

    1. Yes, very true, everything is very expensive here, too!

  22. What a fabulous piece! I love the birds and what great words. I'm a tiny bit in love with your new cup too lol.
    Sorry I've been MIA for so long, I've not been too well and it turns out that I have gallstones! Never mind, it could have been much worse. Hopefully I'll be around a bit more regulary now.
    Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. I hope you will get rid of those gallstones. I remember having awful cramps before I was operated. Hope you soon feel better! Take care of yourself, Sie, hugs!

  23. Pleased your appointments went well.
    Lovely art.
    Love your new mug ... it made me smile.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it really is funny. Have a great week, hugs!

  24. Oh my, how cute is that mug! I love how the little cow appears as you drink it - amazing ❤️. Your page is beautiful, the bird images are fabulous and capture autumn perfectly as well 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, you're welcome. Happy weekend, hugs!

  25. I know first hand how much you LOVE birds. Therefore it didn't surprise me when I saw this amazing spread you created for Jo's theme. It is charming and lovely. Thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journey using Jo's nature theme.

    What a fun and adorable mug. what a lucky cow, too.

    Loved the two cats together and turning water into coffee. Hope you are doing better.


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