Wednesday 28 June 2023

Midweek post - more numbers

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. I am once again very exhausted, and will therefore be taking a break for a couple of days, I will be back in action for July 1st! I will try to do some commenting as and when I can. Today I have my last 2 pieces for Matilde's numbers challenge at AJJ. I am sure this first gentleman needs no introduction:

This second piece has been in action for years, and now I have finished it, it took ages. :

And some more faces, so lovely:

I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gilena's AFFF:

Morning light:

Beautiful roses:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You gotta love Einstein. And your numbers piece of him:) Those roses are beautiful. Wishing cool breezes are coming your way. Hugs,

  2. That's a great Albert likeness and the one that took so long to finish looks amazing as well! I'm just completely blown away with that contortionist dog sleeping in such a bizarre position! LOL Great photos! Have a great week!

  3. Both of these pieces are great Valerie. I especially like all the little boxes. I bet it did take time to make and finish this page. I like the insects you added too. They are unexpected. And you have some funny and sweet pup photos. How could anyone not love the look from a dog? And the kitties are great too. I hope you get your rest and have a lovely end of June. hugs-Erika

    1. I think I have been working on the little boxes for years! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Lovely pages and good work for the challenges. Enjoyed the thinkies. Get good rest Valerie

  5. Nice dog photos!
    best, mae at

  6. Both journal entries are fabulous. I always love seeing Einstein and that image that is so familiar and famous. But the numbers boxes nearly blew me away. They are jaw dropping. I can see why it took you forever to finish. Both are perfect for Matilde's theme at AJJ, too.

    Gotta love the dog funnies. That one sleeping dog is a chiropractor's worst nightmare. Cute kitten and cats, too. These were all great. Rest up and don't worry about things you can't control, dear friend.

    1. I hope your short break refreshes you. I am always tired these days, and constantly nodding off too! Great artwork today. I had to smile over the one that has taken forever but is now complete. Works in Progress, got to love 'em!
      Hugs, Deb

    2. Thanks Deb, I have so many WIPs that I need to finish that I will be well occupied for years! I think we get tired more quickly with old age! Hugs!

    3. Thanks Elizabeth, you're right, there are things we can't control. Sad but true! Hugs

  7. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  8. Hi Val, lovely post, as always, but I'm sorry you are still so exhausted, that's not good! Hope you soon feel better, but perhaps you should think about really shutting down shop for a few weeks to give yourself more time. Have a good rest, feet up! Hugs Sarah

  9. A break is a great idea. I'm sorry it is because you are exhausted (I can relate) but wise. LOVE your Einstein and the funnies are fun, too! Take care.

  10. Einstein and dragonflies are a great way to start my day. I wonder what Trump would have said to Einstein had they met. Probably, "You're a scientist, you don't know what you are talking about. Wanna see some secret papers? I could call you and we could have a perfect phone call." Take a break for as long as you need. Refresh, recover, revitalize and come back soon. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! I think Einstein would have been astonished at so much stupidity! Back soon! Hugs xxxxx

  11. Gorgeous art, and I love the funnies!

  12. Fatigue is awful. My NP did some vitamin bloodwork. My Bs and especially B12 were high which caused fatigued too. So the Bs have to be right in line. LOL I love the photos today too.

  13. Oh my, how did that dog get into the dishwasher??? LOL.

    1. Perhaps it's a dog washer and not a dishwasher!

  14. Love your Einstein and beautiful Dragonflies,great pics and you should see some of the positions my sons dog gets into! Hope you enjoy your rest and feel better soon
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I wonder why dogs and cats get into such positions?!Too funny! Hugs!

  15. Wow! love all the sweet critter photos and humorous captions and your creative Einstein digital collage ~ Awesome post ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Thanks Carol. I often play with Einstein! Hugs!

  17. Hi Valerie. Such mental art today, but both are full of life in their own way. Fatigue is hard to fight. I gave up and just sleep it off, whenever. Honey sticks to a daily wake/sleep schedule but I no longer do because I get worn out fast and have to sleep to get more energy, lol. Hope you have a good rest of the week, can't believe Saturday is July 1! XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. Yes, fatigue is hard to cope with! I try to stick to a schedule, too - I always wake up very early, then I'm tired all day and start to wake up when it's time to go to bed! Time flies, it was just March and now we're almost in July, amazing! Have a great day, take care!

  18. Hope your break is restful! Good to listen to our bodies and do what we need to do- rest, etc. :) Those animals can sure sleep in some interesting positions! Love the morning light and flowers.

    1. Thanks Jess, sometimes we just need to do nothing! Hugs!

  19. Hope you are feeling better after your rest. I like your craft arts. The animals are cute and funny.

  20. Lovely post Valerie, take the time you need to rest and recover.

  21. ...I LOVE Albert! Enjoy a wonderful weekend, Valerie.

  22. I think Albert would have approved of your image of him. My favorite photo of him is the one where he is sticking out his tongue.

  23. Luv your thinkies. Is that Darwin?
    Great art pieces. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday.
    Remember on Sunday.
    My Sunday Smiles linky


    1. Thanks Gillena. It's Albert Einstein. Hugs!

  24. Valerie, you have given me permission before to paint using your photo as a resource; I would like to paint your purple and white petunia picture. May I have your permission? My painting would show on my facebook and I would give you credit for the photo.

    1. Please use any photos you like, Faye, and there is no need to give credit. I will look you up on FB! Hugs, Valerie

    2. And I have a huge tub of petunias on my balcony again, this time a lovely deep pink!

  25. The petunias disappeared! Maybe I'll do the roses since I can see them. Where did the petunias go? My fb is faye.hoover.5 (Richmond VA USA)

  26. Definitely beautiful roses. Your artwork just blows me away, it's so imaginative. I've read the Dogs Prayer before and it is so true. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angels. Dogs are incredibly loyal and loving, and really 'man's best friend'. Hugs!

  27. Taking a break is always a good idea, Valerie. I'm sorry that you are so exhausted and hope you really take care of yourself. We will still be here when you come back.
    Your Einstein is fabulous!

  28. Your Einstein is fabulous ...
    I enjoyed your funnies and photographs.

    I do hope you are feeling a little better after your short break.

    All the best Jan

  29. I like the dog cleaning dishes in the dishwasher.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  30. Wunderschön mit dem Zahlen deine Journal page und ich hoffe du erholst dich gut und in alter frsiche wieder da !
    Lieben Gruss Elke ( Elkes Lebensglück)

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke - schönes Wochenende dir!

  31. Well, you did well in the numbers game ... Einstein, of course and the miles of squares and numbers (it is no wonder you are tired ... that had to take forever). I think you did find your rhythm. Your faces are wonderful. I have a plaque with the "I am your friend, your partner etc on it. It hangs over the box of Izzi's ashes ... she was all of that and more. I will never stop missing her. Your roses are magnificent as is your Morning Light photo. So sorry you are exhausted. Rest well, Valerie and I hope you are up and at 'em again soon :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! I cried buckets when my Scruffy died, she was such a sweet dog, and dogs are so loving and loyal. Thanks for the good wishes! Have a great weekend, hugs!


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