Monday 5 June 2023

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

Today I have a piece for Matilde's all about numbers challenge at AJJ,

And I have another tag for Sandie's nautical theme at Tag Tuesday:

For Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday I have some pics from my weekend. On Friday my lovely friend Sabine came from Aachen to visit me. We walked to the Rhine and had lunch outside at this restaurant by the ferry:

This is Sabine. She's drinking white beer with raspberry syrup and I have my usual white beer just from another brewery:

Sabine had sausage, fried eggs and fried potatoes  with salad:

I had a fruity curry with rice, also very delicious:

This was the beer we drank:

And of course, on Sunday I went for a meal with my lovely friend Heike:

Pretty table decorations:

And some funnnies / thinkies:

Which 3 would you choose?

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I would have to go with chocolate, coffee, and books. If art was list I would give up chocolate.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  2. Fabulous art work Valerie, so many details and eye-catching elements and I adore your nautical tag, it is wonderful..and my choices are..TV Coffee and free shipping..thank you, it I could have inserted a laughing face I would ha ha ha it has to be....

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Glad you are out and about enjoying the weather! Good thinkies and beautiful art!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Sounds like you had good food over the weekend! Love your beautiful art, both pieces are great 👍👍 Have a wonderful week and look after yourself! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, yes, I had too much good food at the weekend! Hugs!

  5. Great photos. Have a nice week 😊

  6. Good Morning Valerie! I will keep chocolate, books, and tea {although tacos would be hard to give up too} I don't think I'd enjoy raspberry beer, but would love some like yours. German beer is some of the best in the world! I do like your header, but would not want to dust it! Hugs, Deb

    1. Hi Deb! Good choices, but I would prefer coffee! I am not a fan of beer with syrup in it, and have never drunk it, the beer on its own is great, and we always take the non-alcoholic variety. I'm not a fan of dusting either! Hugs!

  7. She is one amazing profile face Valerie. I love the dragon fly on the top of her nose and the numbers on the barbed wire. How fun! And you had a busy weekend. I have never heard of beer with flavored syrup in it. I would like to try that someday, although maybe it is sweet? And is that the same Sabine who blogged? It looks like you had lots of fun and had some good food and drinks too. Happy T day Valerie and also happy new week to you. Hugs Erika

    1. The beer with syrup in it is quite popular here, but I would not like to drink it! Yes, that's Sabine who blogged, now she's mostly on instagram. I hope you had a great weekend, enjoy your time in Iceland! Hugs.

  8. This one was easy for me, Valerie - books, wine and coffee. I didn't even have to think hard about it. Good thing you didn't add sex and birds though! The profile you have created is very interesting. How can you not love a face that dragonflies are apparently drawn to? Yesterday on our walk we were attracting deer flies, and that's not so good. If they bite it hurts! At times I was given the job of swatter-in-chief. We met a ninety-year old, still hiking, wearing a hat from Ushuaia, Argentina as a memento of one of his recent expeditions. That's how to grow old in style. He was a really interesting fellow and it turned out that he had attended a couple of my presentations, so he is obviously a fine chap! Shall I send him to Germany? He'd be a great companion! Your vegetable curry looks delicious. We enjoy a dish quite similar and I haven't made it in quite a while, so I might resurrect it soon. Tonight it will be something simple since I will be having lunch with Josh, and it's always something fairly substantial. Miriam made a rhubarb crumble/cake and it is delicious with coffee. Food, food, food! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Next time I'll make sure sex and birds are included! I had fun with this face, I like just playing and doodling. How lovely that someone is still so active with 90, that's really a gift. Let's hope he keeps going for anothe 10 years! Only send him over if he has enough money to keep me in the style I would like to get used to! Rhubarb crumble sounds delicious, yummy! Yes, the good things of life - food, coffee, chocolate, wine and...and! Hugs, Valerie xxxxxx

  9. Your meals on beautiful restaurant terraces look just lovely. I’m glad you shared them. We find it too tiring to face restaurants here with all their crowding and poor service, so we eat on our on patio.
    best, mae at

    1. The restaurants here are mostly good, and the service is always excellent.

  10. How fun to have a friend visit. I've never heard of white beer with raspberry syrup. I'm trying to get my brain around it but it looks pretty. AND it looks like you had a wonderful time both days!

    1. White beer is a speciality from the south of Germany, but it tastes good here, too!

  11. Lovely art. Lovely view at the restaurant along the Rhine. I bet it's a popular spot. The artwork on the beer label is fabulous. Food at the restaurants look so good and spending time with friends is priceless. Happy T Day

    1. Yes, it's a great place to sit and enjoy. I love those beer labels! An yes, time with friends is priceless!

  12. this curry looks amazingly good!

  13. You made a lovely page with numbers :) And I love the photos where you show how you spend your free time with friends ❤ And according to the funny pictures - I'd choose books, tea and cell phone only to b in touch with friends and family 😁

    1. Thanks Matilde, my choice would be books, coffee and chocolate!

  14. Check out the dog gazing at the drapes, must be nice. I like the looks of Sabine's raspberry beer and your fruity curry and rice. Mmmmm. Yummy.

  15. I remember drinking something with Guinness that turned it red - was it blackcurrant? So I imagine your friends beer was delicious. Some lovely photos.
    That's a lovely nautical tag and I do like your profile with the numbers and words - different but also effective.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Beer with syrup is not my thing, but lots of people love it. Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself, dear Neet. I'm having a stay home day today, as I that's good. Hugs!

  16. Oh Valerie, that profile face is beautiful! And your tag is very lovely, too.
    The sausage looks like Leberkäs or Fleischkäs, yummy! And Sabine´s beer sounds like a Berliner Weiße, even though I have never seen it that dark. The glass it comes in though looks like a real Berliner Weiße glass. I like the thinkies - gosh, books and chocolate for sure, but I have a hard time to decide between coffee and wine. Darn!
    Have a lovely week, my friend.

    1. Yes, you will.know all about the food and drink! I didn't know how to translate Leberkaese , so called it sausage!. Coffee or wine - hard choice. Happy T day!

  17. I'm sitting at home full of cold at the moment, my dearest friend gave it too me. she's been on holiday and brought it back with her but well! friends share everything right! Looks like you've had a greatfew days and I love the look of the food and the beer with raspberry syrup, never seen that before. Of the three it would have to be Coffee (obviously) Chocolate (definitely) and a Cell phone ( needed for ordering the craft stash) Take care and have a great week. Hugs, Angela xX

    1. Poor you, please feel better soon! Coffee and chocolate are necessary. And the phone for ordering stash, yes, very necessary! Hugs!

  18. Love your nature themed tag.
    Your outing with your friend featured some delicious food!
    Tea, Books and Chocolate for sure!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, good choices! We all need chocolate! Hugs!

  19. So glad you had a lovely weekend with friends.
    Hugs, Sandra

  20. Beautiful artwork and all other photos. Food looks delicious! I like these flower decorations too. Those are attractive!
    Happy T-day!

  21. Glad you had your friend over. Never heard of syrup in beer or white beer either, maybe same as over here we have blonde beer? I'd have to go with the phone, tea and free shipping - ha! Those are some hard choices (tacos, chocolate and coffee). Great page and tag! Hope you are getting your rest! XOX

    1. The white beer may be similar to your blond beer, but I don't really know. We would need to your the world and compare beers! Tacos, chockie and coffee are good choices! Hope you are doing well. I'm resting today! Hugs!

  22. This is absolutey stunning post. Love those gorgeous designs and especially the colours here ♥

  23. I think we used to go through Aachen when we drove from Detmold to Zeebrugge, Is it on the border? I think I would save tea, my cell phone to keep in touch with family and chocolate. Great funnies again, love the doggie one reminds me of our Great grand doggies. Happy T Day Jan S

    1. Yes, Aachen is near the border to Belgium and Holland. Oh yes, phones are important for keeping in touch, my family - what's still left of us - is very scattered, too.

  24. Wonderful art. Love the numbers piece - very thoughtful and some great colors. Our eyes do see it all but our minds are another story.... Super yummy looking food and drink. I would love to try it all. Syrup in beer interests me the most, but that curry made my mouth water. Love the choices of what to keep - I would pick coffee, books and tacos - you could survive well with those three for sure, but I am sure most younger people would pick the cell phone. Love the dog picture too. Awesome post, Valerie. Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, it's nice to taste food The curry was the best ever and drink from different countries! The curry was the best ever! Have a wonderful T Day, hugs!

  25. What a charming face. Love those numbers on the barbed wire. fascinating swirls on them. Darling butterfly and dragonfly, too. What a great entry for Matilde's theme at AJJ. And thanks for picking up the slack while I was offline.

    Sabine's egg looks PERFECT. Just how I like my fried eggs. Not sure I care for the syrupy beer, though. Now I want fried eggs and potatoes (grin).

    Coffee, tv, books would be my choice. Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me for T this Tuesday with your lovely art, your various drinks, and your thinkies. We are grateful for your support.

  26. Glad you are around again, I was very worried about you. Get well and stay well, and I wish you would get a cell phone for emergencies! Fried eggs and potatoes, yessssssss! Look after yourself, hugs!

  27. Great pictures! And I think...tea, chocolate and my phone! I know I haven't joined in for months but it's been a never ending circle of 'things' getting in the way of everything! Happy T day!

    1. Nice to see you around again, Lyn, sometimes life gets in the way!

  28. Sorry about the anonymous comment above, I have no idea why it did that! Blogger sometime has a 'get Lyn' day! Loved the picture of the two dogs, they can be sooooo funny sometime, but NOT when they are chewing up your phone charger, best summer shoes and burying sox in the garden! Love the number ATC's too. Just trying to 'get into' that sort of art. Love it. ((Lyn))11

    1. Blogger sometimes causes a bit of chaos, but I'm thanks for that it mostly works well!

  29. Wunderschön deine zwei Kunstwerken, ich liebe sie wie du sie gestaltet hast! Schön dass ihr so viel Spass miteinander habt und so leckeres essen gehabt habt.
    All die Fotos so toll fotografiert. Ich wünsche dir eine gute neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Es ist schön mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein! Dir einen schönen Tag! Alles Liebe!

  30. I just know that curry is absolutely delicious. Happy Tuesday Valerie thanks for your awesome art.


  31. Lovely artwork. And also yummy food. I’ve never had beer with fruit syrup. It looks delicious.
    Happy T-Day,

  32. I love your curly numbers on your journal page. Nice to see you getting out and about with friends. I would choose books, phone and tea as my three. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  33. I love that I have to stop and study your work to see all that you insert into it. There is much to see. It is obvious you enjoyed the outings with your two friends. The thinkies/funnies are always great. You have a splendid sense of humor.

    Hugs and Blessings

  34. Grins, Weißbier mit Himbeersaft kannte ich bisher noch nicht, liebe Valerie - aber ich habe neulich Bier mit Kombucha probiert - war auch nicht übel 😊 Wunderbar, dass du schöne Zeiten mit deinen Freundinnen erlebt hast! Die Essensfotos sehen alle verlockend aus und deine Kunstwerke finde ich wieder richtig gut. Mir gefällt vor allem die Farbkombination und Themenumsetzung von Matilde's all about numbers challenge at AJJ supergut!
    Alles Liebe und eine feine erste Juniwoche 🌻🌼🌻!

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Traude. Ich gehe gerne raus, nur nicht so viel wie früher, dafür hab ich nicht mehr die Kraft. Dafür habe ich mehr Zeit fürs Lesen und Malen. Dir eine gute Woche!

  35. Easy.... Coffee, Chocolate and Books.... YOu?

  36. For me that's easy... Coffee, books and phone :D

  37. I do like your numbers art and the nautical tag looks great.
    Looks like you had a lovely weekend, your food and drinks look good.
    It would be books, tea and phone for me!

    All the best Jan

  38. Brilliant page Valerie! I love what's inside this head! I'm not sure I'll manage a tag this time but Indo love yours! Good to see Sabine at what looks to be a lovely setting for a meal in the sunshine. Your curry looks tasty! Oh, and it's coffee, chocolate and books for me! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Lots of us chose coffee, chocolate and books, they really are life's essentials!Hugs and coffee ☕!

  39. A super Tag Valerie...the food looks yummy too,lol. xx


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