Thursday 15 June 2023

Thursday post and TGIF

 Hi Everybody!

I am having BIG problems with my computer, I hope I manage to get this post done before it throws another hissy fit! And if I'm slow visting, blame my computer! 

My first piece is for Matilde's challenge at AJJ. As you can see, the young lady is weighted down by numbers, and once again I must remind myself to eat less chocolate!

And I have lots of faces from 'old times' for Nicole's FFO. And I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF

A lot of these were made back in the 1990s, long, long ago:

There are 5 faces hidden here - can you find them?

Losing my marbles:

This face can be viewed from different directions:

This is a lino print:

And a little game for you:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your faces are always amazing, Valerie. It seems your creativity knows no limits. It is interesting to see your older pieces.
    Loved your funnies again. I'm not saying anything about the Trump stuff - I'm trying to stay away from it since it makes me sick. For my own sanity I've decided to just stay away (even though it is not possible to escape from it completely). I'm deeply worried about the future of this country.

    1. Thanks Carola! I know what you mean. Here things are changing, too, and not for the better. The future is scary. Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good afternoon. I hope your computer is behaving itself now, that's not good when everything goes wrong, and so time consuming, too. I hope you have been sleeping better and getting enough rest. Your art is wonderful, as always, you are talented in so many things. Have a nice afternoon, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope you have a nice evening! Hugsxxx

  3. Computer woes must be in the air. My laptop is acting wonky, too. I enjoyed all the faces and the face search. I loved those puzzles in the children's magazine we used to get. Have a good weekend and no more computer woes

    1. Oh yes. I spent today working on my computer and a friend's smart phone, and slowly I'm getting there....

  4. Me too! At least mine is still under guarantee for another month! Great art work despite the computer woes! Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, mine is from 2009 so I think the guarantee has expired!

  5. Fabulous selection of Art Valerie with all the bright colours and faces and I'm so sorry you have PC issues, I'm so glad I have a "Carl" call and he gets on my PC from his house or where ever he is and normally fixes any need a Carl.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Pleeeeease - send Carl straightaway! I NEED him! Hugs!

  6. I love your 'weighty' lady Valerie. What delightful shapes, colours and variety of numbers. Very inspired piece of art.
    The portraits that follow are inspiring too and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through Valerie's memories.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet. I worked for many long hours on my computer yesterday, and today it's behaving, I hope it stays that way! Hope you are feeing well, have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  7. Sorry you are having problems with your computer.
    You've shared some lovely art :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  8. Computer problems are the worst but it looks like you made it! And boy, I loved what you shared. Your style/s are so diverse and I really admire that!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I made it! My computer is very old, but I want to keep it as log as possible! Hugs!

  9. I love your newest lady. And I'm excited to see all this art too. It's like visiting a museum from my couch-smile. And I was excited to see some of your heads. And you had some good memes today. I had a good laugh at the bathroom sign. I hope the computer problems get squared away easily, and that you have a great start to your weekend and end of the week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you enjoyed your museum's visit! My computer is up and running again,, but it was very hard work. Today I've got LAZY on the menu! Hugs!

  10. Fun pages and thinkies sorry about your computer!

  11. Hope your computer is feeling better soon. All kinds of fun things today. Loved the restroom sign. I could only find 3 faces:( Hugs

  12. I enjoyed your collection of faces and also the cartoons. Have a great weekend!
    best, mae at

  13. Great post. I love the colors in your art pieces.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. Tolles Posting mit all den verschiedenen Kunstwerken. Fantastisch und einmalig alles .
    Da wird Zeit dass du dir einen neuen kaufst... oder reparieren lässt..
    Pass auf dich auf und ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke ( Elkes Lebensglück)

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Der Computer ist heute wieder brav, ich hoffe es bleibt so! Hugs!

  15. Wonderful post Valerie, I could only find 3 faces too.

  16. Valerie, what a post! Life can be difficult, particularly when your computer throws a hissy fit! Many days it can feel like I lost my marbles. Many of these faces I'd love to hang on the wall. And finally I love your sense of humor. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom. This time it was a huge Hissy Fit, causing my remaining marbles to roll all over the place. Today it's working again, I just need to look for the marbles! Happy weekend, hugs!

  17. You are having problems with your computer and I am having problems with my iPad, so between the two of us, Valerie, we are challenged by technology at present! The range of faces you create is simply amazing, and I note that some of these go back several years. It's good to know that you already had a twisted mind way back then! Yesterday, I gathered up all our old electronics and took them them to the municipal dump so that they could be disposed of properly, and I was amazed how much we have accumulated over the years, and even more amazed at the mountains of stuff there. We generate so much as items become obsolete, or we upgrade, it is staggering. At least I know our junk has a chance of being recycled - fingers crossed. The weekend is almost upon us. I expect that you and Happy Heike will be slurping and burping together. Have fun! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, we struggle on...My computer is fit again, nd I think I need to throw a hissy fit today and eat icecream - that always helps. Chocolate is good, too. Perhaps I should try both....Yes, I always had a twisted mind. I need to take electric stuff to the dump, too. I will continue to keep repairing my ancient computer and decrepit phone unti there is no hope anymore. Yes, Heike and i will be slurping and burping again. You have a fun weekend, too, hugs to you and Miriam! xxxxx

  18. BRavo for todays post. I giving up this word for your empty jar. 'BRIGHT'
    Thanks for linking to AFFF.
    Remember there will be a Sunday Smikes linky on Sunday as well.


    1. Thanks Gillena, bright is a lovely word. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie xxx
      I will try to remember to link up!

  19. Lovely art today, thanks for sharing it.

  20. Wonderful post. I love all of the faces. Your weighted down woman is really beautiful. Of course I love the skelletons, especially the pirate. LOL Did you get my email? Hope your computer is OK and won't give you any more trouble.

    1. Thanks Nicole. How did your appointment go? I don't get your mail and will reply later. Hugs, Valerie

  21. Hi Valerie, busy lady lots to see today. You asked about my hubby's Moderating. It's GCSE and there's quite a range of study the peupils could do for example: • painting and related media • graphic communication • three-dimensional design • textiles and fashion • photography. They then have to show skills in composition and design, making appropriate use of colour, line, tone, texture, shape and form, in response to an idea, theme or brief. There is more to it but that's a rough idea. That's a two year course. Hope that answers your question. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, thanks for the explanation, it sounds like your hubby has enough to do! Whn I did my GCE - as it was called then - we had set subjects for art, I think it was 5 different things. I can't remember what we did fo A Level art, though, it's ancient history now! That was back in 1962 - OMG, now I feel ancient, too! Hugs!

  22. Lots of interesting abstract art today. What else for the inventive mind?

    1. Good question! Coffee would be good! Hugs!

  23. What a lot of fabulous faces! The groups of faces looking at each other is my favorite! I'm saddened about your computer, Valerie and do hope it's gotten resolved by now. That's a big fear of mine, because I forget just how much I depend on it. Now, I could lose my iphone and get by better than if I lost my desktop. Guess that makes me a Luddite, lol. And lol as well to your funnies. Trump being tried as an adult, I LOL'd out loud. And the skeleton one is so true. Hope your day is going better now. XOX

    1. Hello, dear Aimeslee, thanks! My computer seems to be okay now. It's old, not quite as old as I am, but sooner or later I wil need a new one, it's just a lot of work to get it set up like I want it to be! I think we are all dependent on our electronic 'toys' these days. Yes, that adult joke made me laugh, too! The bones have equality! Have a great day, and a good weekend, hugs, Valerie xxx

  24. What a fun and interesting entry you have shared for Matilde's theme at AJJ. I somehow don't see you fitting that description, so eat as much chocolate as you like.

    LOVE the faces. Yes, I found all 5 faces. I love your memes, but most of all, I adore the last one. We are all the same when we become skeletons!

    good luck with your computer repair. I hope it worked.

    1. I hope I don't get like that! I would hate to give up my litle treats! And I'm glad you found the faces, well done! My computer is working, the BIG question is how long? Hae a great weekend, take care! Hugs to you all!

  25. Beautiful artwork, and I love the dogs!


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