Saturday 13 May 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend!

Today I have another A3 painting for Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ:

At the garden market:

Some funnies:

Sorry, I don't have the energy to write more!

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful page. Good funnies. Lovely market.

  2. Hi, Valerie! The tulips you painted are glorious, and the flowers at the flower market are vibrant and beautiful. I could get into serious trouble there. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Louise ! These markets are seriously money grabbers, you just can't resist when you see all that beauty! It's soooo tempting, and I am always so weak.... Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  3. Liebe Valerie, das langt doch auch und pass gut auf dich auf!!!!!
    Das liebe ich besonders , faszinierend dein wundervolles Kunstwerk. Tolles Posting mit den interessanten Fotos und Witze.
    Ich wünsche dir ein geruhsames Wochenende !
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Guten Morgen liebe Elke. Ich hab fast 12 Stunden geschlafen und es war nötig! Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und eholsames Wochenende!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Had a late start today, went to bed too late after the Opera, the kids were overtired and we didn't get enough sleep, so I let them sleep this morning. I'm so nice to my kids, and then I could sleep as well! And now half the day is over already, and I don't care! Hope you enjoy a good weekend, have fun, get some rest etc! Hugs from us all, Lazy Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, you deserve to sleep as long as you want to, so have a rest! Hugs!

  5. I am running out of time this morning, Valerie, so my comment will be brief. I will be leading a full day's outing to Huron County and I am about a half hour behind. Enjoy the weekend and use the time to rest up. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Have BIG fun David, take care, enjoy! Hugs xxxxxx

  6. Love your art and the flower market! Is that really a pink pussy willow? How beautiful! Please rest and feel better!

    1. Thanks Debra, it is indeed, I've never seen one before, and it was VERY expensive :( Hugs!

  7. Lovely page. Your tulips look like they belong in the flower market. I borrowed the cat saying I'm not your pet. Have a relaxing weekend.

  8. Fabulous painting and the tulips look amazing! WOW that is some plant market
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I love the market, too, and it's huge, and dangerous! I can never leave without buying something!

  9. your painting is beautiful. the flower market lifts my spirits. I relate to no energy, wish I could wave a magic wand and make us both feel better. Hugs, Deb

    1. Oh Deb, that would be great, a magic wand and then energy straightaway! Have a good weekend!

  10. Oh, that weeping eye in the midst of all those pretty flowers. How sad. Reminds me of how the military is polluting our water in Hawaii.

    1. It is indeed sad, our world is being very badly treated. Hugs.

  11. Wonderful painting, Valerie! Thanks for another great share for my theme. You had a busy outing too. I'm sure it was draining having to say no to most/all those gorgeous plants! I wish you healing rest! XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, it sure was hard just to pick the few I needed and leave all the others behind. Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Great art and the words are perfect.
    Beautiful photographs.

    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  13. Very pretty weekend post my friend, love seeing all the photos too.. you asked about Bella, she has just around a week left, she is off to the breeder to have her pups and will be in her welting box, she is looking for a place here to nest so it's almost time.. she is so big and tired... never again x

  14. Thanks Annie. All the best for Bella, it's hard to see them struggling! ugs, Valerie

  15. The garden market looks terrific. I'm hoping to get out to ours tomorrow or Tuesday. Happy Sunday!

  16. I can almost smell all those wonderful and beautiful flowers! Mother nature really gives us a show in flower blooming season! I love how you inserted one eye with tears falling into this pretty painting! It's a great reminder to take care of our planet for the next generation!

    1. Thanks Carol, flowers are always such a delight! And we need to take care of our world! Hugs!

  17. That garden center! I'd end up spending way too much money. So many great choices, and everything looks so healthy!

  18. What a fabulous page Valerie and such a great message. I loved looking around the garden market - we went to a huge garden centre the other day with an attached showgarden! I hope you have an easier week, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chrissy - garden centres and markets are just so tempting! Have a good, new week! Hugs!

  19. I love your flower painting. Yes let us all be a bit carefull with our earth.

    1. Thanks, we need to do something before it's too late!

  20. What a beautiful and true painting! I love your photos too. So pretty...

  21. Beautiful piece with the tulips Valerie, love the colours and the eye included in there..fabulous..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. You have so many lovely flowers in this post Valerie. And your piece for AJJ is great. I get the crying eye but mine would have been smiling with those pretty flowers. I’m playing catch up and hope you’ve had a lovely start to the new week. Hugs Erika

    1. Next time I will make a crying 👁️ eye and a smiling 👁️ eye! Thanks for the idea! Hugs!

  23. Oh dear, your last comment is a bit worrying. I do hope you have rested since.
    Such a beautiful painting, you have obviously some artistic talent or training with what you produce. I love the eye in the midst of those tulips. The whole painting is so subtle with such pale colouring for your background, pink and green working together as it does and the specks of black in contrast. Lovely.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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