Monday 29 May 2023

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was good, but now I need to catch up on my sleep....

I have a flower face for Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ. I found a piece of green-blue  painted card made long, long ago and forgotten. I overpainted it with a face and some flowers - not exactly a masterpiece, but it will have to do for today, as I have been out and about. Sorry about the wobbly photos again, some days the shakes are bad.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, and here I have a selection of food and drinks to qualify for it:

And no, I didn't eat and drink everything on my own, I had qualified and hungry helpers....

And I have some pics from the art fair in Duisburg, and you will see more food and drink here again:

One of the wonderful Nanas from Nicki de Saint Phalle:

And some thinkies / Funnies:

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Didn't the weekend go quickly!
    Love your art, and nice to see pictures from the art fair.
    Your food and drink pictures are making me feel hungry :)

    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  2. Nice page delicious tea and fun fair. Enjoyed the memes

  3. Enjoyed your post-beautiful art, the food and drinks looks really good and loved going to the art fair. Great memes-hugs Happy T and new week
    Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I love fairs like that, too, so muc h to do and see! Hugs!

  4. Every artist is a master of creativity.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. Hi Val, good morning!. Lovely art and photos. Your green lady is very mysterious! Have a great day, take it easy, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. We u all look mysterious if we were painted green! Hugs!

  6. Ein wundervolles Gesicht aus grün passend und all die tollen und schöne Fotos, ich habe es genossen und gelacht, bestaunt!
    Hab einen geruhsamen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Dir auch einen schönen Tag, Alles liebe!

  7. Your lady today could be a poster child for the environment, Valerie. Green is in! Green is good! Let's all go green. And not green with envy. Green with renewed dedication and commitment to nature in all its wonderful diversity. Also, let me say that the carved owl would have looked very nice at the front of my house and I am sure you intended to buy it for me and have it shipped over air express! Too late now. I will sulk, pout, fulminate, seethe, gnash my teeth and generally become unpleasant for ten seconds and then go back to my usual self! When I see all the food you have been eating, I know you are living the good life. You claim not to have eaten it all in one session, or alone, and that's a good thing! Yesterday we got our first rhubarb of the season from a friend and made a rhubarb sauce we really enjoy with chicken. Along with rice left over from my arroz con pollo, and lovely, colourful green (your theme again) peas it was delicious. We don't usually have dessert but we even had a dish of cappuccino frozen yogurt afterwards. It was hot too yesterday, almost 29 degrees by mid afternoon, so we sat beneath the shade of the Sugar Maple on the patio and read. It was very pleasant indeed. Enjoy this new week just getting underway. Say hello to Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, the green lady would fit that theme! You'll have to debate with Erika about the owl, she wants it, too! We were able to watch the artists working, and it was fascinating. Rhubarb is so delicious. I'm going shopping with my neighbour tomorrow and I hope I will find some at the store. And rhubarb sauce with chicken sounds deliicous. It would taste good with braised beef, too. I need to make myself somethin to eat, I'm starting to have phantasies! Capuccino frozen jogurt sounds great, too. Glad you have some shade. I sit on my balcony in the afternoons,

    2. It published too soon. I wanted to say it's too hot mornings! Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  8. That's another wonderful painting you've shared and I love the details you add to everything you create. TFS all the wonderful art, sculptures and food and those words of wisdom carry special meanings too.

    1. Thanks Carol! Those art fairs are always great! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs!

  9. Such a cool art fair, Valerie. I was doing so good until I saw that cheesecake and pizza, now I'm hungry again. Thank you for linking your page to AJJ and all this month, too. I hope you don't mind some prayers for you and Elizabeth and me too. We all seem to be stricken by the pain monster and energy sucker. Please do rest up as much as you can. Hugs, XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. Cheesecake and Pizza are sooooo hard to resist! I have one more journal page which I will publish on Wednesday, I have enjoyed your theme very much, thank you! Prayers are always good, we all need them now. I wish we could all get rid of our pain monsters. I'm lucky I have good neighbours who help me when I need it, and a home-help who comes every Wednesday. Hav a great week, take care, hugs!

  10. LOve the green background and beautiful face.Great pics and love all the wooden statues especially the coloured fish
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. It was great to watc h the wood carvers at work, they were so quick and sure of what they were doing. Have a great week, hugs.

  11. I love the green lady. That color is most appealing, and she is quite a beauty. And you certainly are making me hungry today with all the yummy food in your post. I'd like to have any, or maybe all, of those treats. Not at once of course. And that art fair looks fantastic. I really like the big carved owl. Too bad he can't fly into my yard where he would look fantastic-smile. Oh well, he might scare off the real owl if he was here. Happy early T day and have a great week ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I wouldn't mind some of those treats right now, either! But you will have to fight with David about the owl, he wants it, too! Your have a great week, too, take care! Hugs!

  12. I want to eat with you lol! Yummy! Afterwards I'd enjoy a ride on the merry-go-round :)

    1. Good idea, merry-go-rounds are always fun!

  13. That last meme says it all. Say "yes" to kindness. It helps us get through life, doesn't it?

    1. Yes, we need to be kind to each other, that is so important. Hugs!

  14. The bottle green face is striking. Loved all the interesting street Art.. your selection of food and drink makes me hungry 😋

    1. Thanks Ashok. I feel hungry just looking at it!

  15. Super są te fotografie bardzo lubię takie fotografie. Pysznie wygląda jedzenie i picie . Teoja praca jest super . Miłego tygodnia😊

    1. Thanks so much, Lucyna, have a great week!

  16. No wonder we needed to catch up on your sleep, looks like you've had a great weekend. Loving your new 'Green Lady' she's beautiful. Hope the week is just as good. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I really should sleep more, it just seems to be a waste of time!

  17. So much really tempting food … especially the cake with fruit and whipped cream! The entertainers at the fair and the art works all look fabulous. You get to the greatest places, don’t you?
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I'm going to make an apple pie this week!

  18. SO much wonderful looking food! I think I could handle it all myself.
    And I love all the sculpture art and festival booths.
    Your green lady is lovely.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. Photos from the art fair is interesting. Some pieces of art look funny too. Thanks for the share. I also enjoyed food and drinks in these photos. The green face is simply lovely...
    Happy T-Day!

  20. Totally awesome post, Valerie. The green lady is super cool. Love the color and her eyes. Super food and drink you had with friends and the art fair had some interesting things for sure. The quote about cleaning house but hiding in the craft room was me today (and yesterday - lol). The kindness quote is so true and such a perfect end to your post. Happy T-day and hugz

    1. I think cleaning the house is nowhere as useful as being busy crafting and painting!

  21. Wonderful post , I so enjoyed all the drinks and cakes. Also the art fair. Love the dadas and also the two wooden ladies at the beginning. One of them had a 'flower face' like your art work. The other one was a fat lady that made me smile.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, have a wonderful week and enjoy your holiday.

  22. Striking painting. Love all those cakes! Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  23. Wow love the craft fair, some scary pieces haha, your artwork is lovely, I don't use much green but the colour you used is great, so vibrant. I used to love the Crepe stalls and especially the Bratwurst and Frikadellas, hope I've spelt that correctly, we still buy them from Aldi!. Tasty looking cakes, looks like the apple cake I make, always so tasty especially warm with cream, your post made me hungry!!
    Happy T Day Jan S

    1. I see you have learnt the names of some of the most important foods here! I love Bratwurst with buttery mashed potatoes and a nice salad with it, yummy! Hugs!

  24. Your green lady is charming. I like what David wrote about her being environmental and I totally agree. Thanks for this amazing entry using Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

    I love art fairs and this one looks wonderful. So much wood. All lovely indeed. I especially liked the hands. Food wise, the crepes looked delicious, too. However, the carousel was by far my favorite. What fun I would have riding it.

    Great thinkies today. The last two are my favorite. The cat funny is cute, too.

    You have given us a plethora of wonderful drinks to choose from this week, Valerie. Food, too. LOVE the cheesecake and pizza.

    Thanks for sharing your great face, the art fair, your thinkies and funnies, and your various drinks and food you have given us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you liked my mix of photos etc. I would like to ride on the carousel, too - what fun that would be!

  25. Your art is beautiful Valerie, & I love your photos. It looks like you've been busy, I hope you're getting that rest you need now.

    1. Thanks Alison. I never manage to get everything done, and can't sleep either!

  26. I love Miss Green! I see I need to catch up! The art fair in Duisburg looks great! Is it an annual event? Loving the coffee choices and the cakes all look delicious! Some great positive thinking in your end pics. Hope you are having a good week hugs and Happy T Day, Chrisx

  27. Fabulous Green Woman. Oh, the pies, cakes, pizza. I wouldn't be able to choose just one. Fun art fair. Love the sculptures especially the Nanas. That would make an awesome statement in my Zensical garden. Happy T Day

  28. What a wonderful fair! I love all the art, especially the fish. And your food makes me hungry, and I just ate! It all looks so yummy. BTW I think your green face artwork is amazing! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, hope you enjoyed the food! Hugs, Valerie

  29. The art fair looks like something I would thoroughly enjoy. . Such a gorgeous array of art pieces you have chosen to show us.
    Love your lady in green. I wish I had the ability to paint faces like you do, I just always go to skin tones but never to colour yet I admire your work so much. Maybe I should be a bit more adventurous and give it a try.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I try not to think when I paint, that helps! Hugs!


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