Friday 5 May 2023

TGIF once again!

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, and that makes me happy. Yesterday I had my appointment at the oral surgeon, and he successfully and skilfully removed the roots from my jaw. He gave me 2 injections and after a few minutes began the treatment. I never felt anything apart from some pressure and then it was done - all stitched up and ready to go. The weather was nice so I walked home through the park and took some photos, but by the time I got home I was all in and fell asleep in my armchair, where I stayed for the rest of the day. And before I went home I was presented with a 'hero of the day' award! Aparently, all patients get one. On the reverse of the certificate are tips and tricks to help if things get painful!

I feel fine now, albeit a  bit tired, and I'm happy it's over - I just need to go for a control visit on Monday. And I am looking forward to a  quiet weekend!

For Aimeslee's 'flowers' challenge at AJJ I have a quick journal page. The focal image was a freebie from the Graphics Fairy. I placed it on a hand painted background and added some floral embellishments and words:

And for Nicole's FFO I have some faces.

This one shows my sister with her son when  he was just a few weeks old. In the meantime they are both dead, so sad:

And another of my face creations:

And yet another one:

The tag is meant for Michele's  'hats' challenge at Tag Tuesday, and you have plenty of time to join in.  So get your thinking cap / hat on and join us! And we have faces again!

And I am of course linking to Gillena's Art for fun Friday.

Our local park is allowed to grow wild, and is only mowed twice a year - and the grass is used for hay. I love walking through here:

This house is on my way home:

And my hero's certificate:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So pleased all went with at the oral surgeon, love the hero's certificate :)

    Lovely art and photographs.
    Wishing you a happy Friday and a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hurrah for getting the tooth taken care of. Glad it went smoothly and that you had some relaxing time when you made it home. And you have some wonderful art today. It's very sad about your sister and her son. But that is a love tribute page to them. And I am loving all the blooms in your park. happy May, right? have a wonderful start to your weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm having a take it easy day today! It was lovely in the park 🏞️ yesterday, a nice place to relax! Have a great day 😊❤️😊 Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, you have some wonderful creations today, love them. Hope you are feeling ok . Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I will take it easy again today! Hugs to all!

  4. Glad that the root has been removed without any pain. Take thing easy and rest plenty. Lovely sights from your walk home.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Hope you resting, too, take care of yourself! Hugs 🤗!

  5. Das hast du auch verdient die Auszeihnung dafür , Daumen hoch auch von mir. Was für wunderschöne Kunstseiten das sind alle die du zeugst!Die Fotos sind auch wunderschön!
    Ich wünsche dir ein gutes Ausruhwochenende und pass gut auf dich auf!
    Lieben Maiengruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Mai ist so schön, es gibt so iel zu sehen. Dir auch einen schönen Monat Mai und alles Liebe!

  6. ...Life, Love and Hope pretty well sums it up! Enjoy each day as it comes your way.

  7. Gee, Valerie, you make a root canal excavation sound almost appealing. i think we'll all be wanting one. Next time I visit the dentist, I might say, "Good morning, Diane (my dental hygienist). I think I'll have my regular cleaning, and this morning a root canal on the side." She'll probably have to call in her boss for that, he of the white coat, extra powerful headlamp, serious demeanour and big bills, but that's okay. If you can have one I want one too! Maybe Heike is hankering for it too (we are still talking root canal here). Spring time has obviously arrived in grand profusion where you live and the park looks quite glorious. How enlightened that the people in charge have decided to mow only twice per year and give nature a chance to claim its own. So many tiny creatures will be very grateful, and perhaps some ground-nesting birds will have time to raise a brood. Last night for dinner we had chicken pot pie and salad. What did you have? With the banks of your root canal shored up and ready for any challenge, you were probably tackling steak or something equally chewy and challenging. Oh what a visit to the dentist can do! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ach David, you realy have some quirky ideas! I think you only want the same treatment so you can get a certificate to stick on your wall or whatnot. Heike has no problems with her teeth, they are all man made! Normally I would have a big bill but I'm fully insured for dental treatment, but if I have a replacement tooth made it will take a lot of money out of my pocket! The park is all well visited from people, birds, squirrels, mice etc. Live and let live! Chicken pot pie sounds good, I had yogurt yesterday, and today I'm graduating to rice pudding, yoohoo! Have a nice day, taked care, hugs! xxxxx

  8. I am glad to hear that the oral surgery went well. I love your face creations, especially the one with red as the dominant color.

    1. Thanks Gene. I love red, such a powerful colour. Have a great weekend!

  9. Gorgeous gorgeous; today's post.
    Thanks for linking to AFFF.


  10. A beautiful post Valerie. The flowers are just gorgeous. A precious piece of art with your sister and nephew. All of your art is beautiful as always. Wish spring/summer would get here for us. Your photos are lovely. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, hope you soon feel well again! Hugs!

  11. So glad your oral surgeon appointment went well. Wonderful art so many lovely faces. The dandelions made me smile. Have a good weekend.

  12. Haha, what a cute award. I wish I owned that lovely vase. So pretty. Sorry to know that your sister and her son have died. You must miss them terribly.

    1. It's a lovely idea! I have a very similar vase and love it, too.

  13. Good to hear the root removal went well-great journal pages-love the beautiful floral image and beautiful one for your Sister and Nephew -great faces and love the fact the park is allowed to grow wild
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I'm glad, too! A lot of parks are now leaving at least a part of their grass areas to grow wild, and that's really good. Hugs!

  14. Wow! ~ Beautiful journal creations and awesome photography ~ do hope you are resting from that surgery ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I am taking thing easy just now!

  15. Lovely art and photos. So sad about your sister and nephew.

  16. HI Valerie, That's a gorgeous floral you used on your journal page, looks good against the painted background. Great face pages, especially the one of your sister and your nephew.
    The oral surgery sounds nasty, but pleased it went well and was painless.
    Take care and have a lovely relaxing weekend.
    Avril xx

  17. I shuddered at the thought of dental surgery yet had it several times and it was fine, but the it went well and hope you have a pain free weekend.. love all your art today, the lady with leaves in her hair with the little bird was my favourite and I loved the freebie from the Graphics fairy, think I have that one too..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  18. I love the old fashioned flower vase, and all the different faces, Especially the bird-lady :)

  19. Beautiful art work again and a lovely collection of faces. Hope you don't have any further problem with the tooth. Wishing you a happy weekend. Hugs. Angela xXx.

  20. I love that they gave you a hero's certificate and did a wonderful job with your jaw. You deserved that nap. As always, great pieces. Your lady with the bluebird may be my favorite lady thus far.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  21. i'm so glad your oral surgery was a success! i love all your fab faces and especially your hats tag. thanks for playing! xo

  22. Glad everything went well Valerie, I like the idea of Hero of the day, what a positive send off. Hope you do put your feet up and rest. Beautiful shared Art and photography, the girl with the wee birdy is so sweet.
    It's been a fortnight of hospital and Doctor appointments for the Mom's, not sure whether I'm coming or going but I'm hoping for a day off today (fingers crossed)
    Take good care of yourself Hugs TRacey xx

    1. Yes, the certificate is a wonderful idea. Hope you get your day off, Sweetie!

  23. Valerie, thank you so much for explaining your illness to me. It's so hard to keep inflammation levels steady. I'm glad to know your surgery went well and hopefully you will be able to get back on the thinners Monday or soon. Oh what a feast for the art-loving eyes I love them all. Especially your paintings of women with those expressive eyes but I also feel drawn to the Quiet the mind one. Your dandelions look much less heat-stressed than mine, lol. It was fun looking through the various stuff growing and seeing some that are in my yard now that we are free range of sorts. Big wide walking paths, it makes it nicer to walk, looks inviting. Hope you get lots of good rest, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, it's good when we get to understand each other better! Here we've had more frost than heat! Hugs!

  24. Beautiful Iris.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  25. So glad to hear it all went well and with no pain Valerie! Hopefully it will stay like that over the weekend for you. I love all your artwork and your gorgeous tag. Lovely photos of your park too!

  26. I guess I am stunned at the fact that your sister and her baby are dead ... is that recent? I am so sorry. I lost my sister but she was in her 60's ... earlier than I would have hoped and I do miss her. Life ends, but we are never ready for it.
    As for your art, it is all lovely. The first floral is beautifully done, but my favorite is the "Earth Day" face of the lady with the bird. She is beautiful and I love green ...
    Interesting that your local park is only mowed twice a year ... can you really walk through it without expecting to encounter something lost in the grass. I think that would make me a bit nervous though I love the green, green, green of it all. Your walk home seems nice and your trip to the dentist went well :) No pain is always a good thing ... Hero for the day :) So what comes next? And, what is a "control visit"? I can well imagine you are tired. I hope you do have a relaxing weekend.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. It's sad losing family indeed. A control visit is when he has a look see if all went well! I enjoyed watching the Coronation over the weekend!

  27. I love the face you created and I love how it morphed into Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. I also enjoyed the coronation. All pomp and circumstance.

  28. Little late visiting you from TGIF. I am sorry for your loss, Valerie! Your art is beautiful and the lovely photos too. Hope you are recovering well.


  29. I was surprised that the waiting time for injections is so short when I had my tooth fixed a while back! My face ached for a few days though. I love the vase of flowers - and your faces are all great, though tinged with sadness. It's lovely to see the blossom, Hugs, Chrisx

  30. WOW,what a lot of work is on show here.
    Congrats first of all on the hero of the day award - you so deserved it, I have a dread of dentists.
    Love your vase of flowers for AJJ and Aimeslee's theme but I am sure, byk now, you know my weakness is your portraits.
    Love the varied styles you have on show for us, and I could not say which one I would choose as a favourite, all so very different and varied.
    of c ourse the one with your sister and nephew on is tinged with sadness but it is a beautiful piece constructed from the heart no doubt.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much, Neet. Even as an old lady I'm roud of my award! Hugs!


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