Wednesday 10 May 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

I had a busy day today and did some much needed clearing, cleaning and organising. Now I have most of my paintings together in one place in my storage cupboard , and was then able to move a lot of clothes into the chest of drawers - and they´now look clean and tidy! This freed up a lot of space in my closet and I can now actually find things as they are nor buried under piles of other things. And I was astonished at how many Jeans, socks, pullovers etc I have....what a surprise! And this afternoon I did some painting and then it was feet-up time!

Today I have an A3 piece to share, which I started some years back and finished today - I found dozens of unfinished pieces while I was tidying so now I have plenty to do. Some years back I made a series of  Amedeo Modigliani 'knock - offs' and today I finished this one - the portrait of Madame Kisling. The pics are not good, It's very dark and wet here today and if I put the lights on they will be even worse! The flowers were not part of the  original concept, but they were flying around on my desk and I decided to use them:

These 2 have been hanging in my living room for the past 4 years:

I am linking to Aimeslee's  flowers challenge at AJJ.

And I have a tag with a hat for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday. The image is a photo of a grafitti in London:

Some funnies / thinkies:

And some photos from the past weeks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art, good memes and I enjoyed the photos today!

  2. I swear.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you have a better day today. Your art is fabulous and the photos are fantastic. Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, it can only get better. I hope! Hugs to all!

  4. Fabulous creations and brilliant colours on your design, amazing photos and get better lovely lady xx

  5. *wow* was fĂźr tolle Kunstwerke du zeigst ... das Gesicht liebe ich ach so Fantasievoll aber auch das andere mit der Queen und Hund und deine alten Kunstwerke an der Wand. Die Fotos und die Witze, ein tolles Posting!
    Viel Freude mit deinen aufgeräumten Schrank, ich sollte das auch mal wieder machen.
    SchĂśnen Ausruhtag dir, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke!. Ich finde es gut wo alles aufgeräumt ist, and ich hab viele Säcke fßr die Altkleider Sammlung gefßllt, tut auch gut! Dir einen schÜnen Tag! Alles Liebe dir!

  6. Valerie, you are setting a very bad example with all this cleaning and organizing, and knowing where everything is. I had better keep Miriam's eyes away from this post or she will be on it like a duck on a June bug, and I will have to spend hours in my office really doing it properly, not merely paying lip service as I usually do. Modigliani had an identifiable look didn't he? Instantly recognizable. You have plagiarized it very well! The message on the jar of honey is a good reminder to people that we need to reverse the path we are on in slowly (well not slowly any more) obliterating bees. It amazes me when I sometimes hear people complaining about the cost of honey when they think nothing of paying $2.00 for a plastic bottle of water. Fresh asparagus, straight from the field, is now available here, and yesterday we made a favourite Asian dish called, quite simply, asparagus chicken. It was delicious, as always. Today I will be delivering a presentation at a local clay and glass gallery where their present theme is birds. Good friends of mine have even bought tickets, so I had better be in good form. Perhaps a hike with Heike is in the cards for you. Whatever you do, enjoy! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Please remind me to send Miriam a mail later....My home-help has got me organised, today he did the windows and the cellar and cleaned the floors in all rooms etc. He's a nice chap, and gets a lot done in his three hours. I need three hours even to think of getting (not) started! Yes people are strange. They spend a fortune on beer and cigarettes, but wouldn't pay a penny more for protecting - or rather trying to save - the world. Asparagus chicken sounds wonderful. Asparagus here is very expensive this year as we have had so much rain. But they do the same when it's too dry, too hot - you name it, they have an excuse to put the prices up, and to almost double the price of last year. Have fun with your presentation today, it souds good. Heike does not like walking, but I dont mind walking on my own. Hve a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Isn't it amazing what you can find when you clean and organize. I did my closet last week and I not only made space but I found lots of things too. It's like going shopping without spending any money-smile. And I remember your Modigliani "phase", and it is great to see another one. I like how she looks on that background. And nice tag too. It's amazing how you can leave off facial details and still recognize it's the Queen. And yes, those bees do have to work very hard for the honey, but that's what they do. Mine are busy still cleaning out the hive to make it like they want it. It's amazing. I enjoyed your photos too. Have a lovely middle of the week. hugs-Erika

    1. It is indeed! I have really saved money on the things I now don't need to buy! And I found a huge box of water soluble oil crayons, and whole box with 48 new soft pastels, woohoo! I love Modigliani, I can feel another phase coming on....but first I will finish all of the unfinished pieces. I would love to see the bees cleaning their hives, how fascinating to be able to see that. perhsp you could take some pics?? But never mind if you can't, I'm sure you have enough to do. Isn't is strange how quick the days go round even when we don't work? hve a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Valerie, so glad I popped into this post. It was refreshing and encouraging and just what I needed this morning. Fabulous art and fabulous pictures. TFS! Many hugz (oh and I am impressed you are doing all that cleaning too.)

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Nancy. That makes me happy, too! Hugs!

  9. You have been so productive -- well done! What an inspiration you are to me -- I might even tackle my art/office room today, at least make a path through it! I know that feels good. Modigliani is a favorite of mine and I really love your knock offs. You capture his style so well!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I can now walk around my bed instead of crawling over it to get to the other side. And even my storage room in the basement looks great, thanks to my home-help today. I love making knock-offs, and you learn a lot from looking how the artist painted it. Have a great day! Hugs!

  10. I love that woman's head tilt :) The swearing meme struck a chord with me lol

  11. That first meme of the tortoise and the snail made me laugh. That's a good one to start my day.

  12. Wonderful job, must be so satisfying. Love your creations and photos. Anesha x

  13. Great creations. Love your photos as well. Well done one your sorting. Anesha x

    1. Thanks, I hope I can get it more or less finished tomorrow!

  14. It sounds like you're feeling better Valerie. I hope you didn't overdo it with your tidying.
    Your painting looks fantastic. The added flowers look great.
    I love your photos and funnies. The tortoise made me laugh, as it looks just like my little Ollie. I can confirm he does move fast when he wants to, especially when he's chasing his friend Josie! 😂
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I am trying to be careful, I have a rest and a glass of water every half hour . We used to have a tortoise, too,he was called Pongo, and he could run fast when he wanted to.

  15. Wow, you have been busy! It always feels so cathartic tidying up and it's wonderful that you found the paintings, your transformed this beautifully with the gorgeous flowers 😊. The thinkies and smilies are such fun too, especially the snail on the tortoise take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ThanksJo. I am looking forward to finishng the paintings in the next weeks. <our budgie used to ride on the tortoise, and sometimes on our dog, but never on the cat! Hugs

  16. Hi Valerie, how many times have I tidied up a drawer and found clothes I can't even remember buying! so it's a good job we do this every now and then. I also know that I have folders full of leftover Masterboards, easily enough so that I don't need to make anymore for ages. Loving the photographs this week too and wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Oh yes, clothes still with labels on them, 2 pairs of new sneakers, enough shampoo and shower stuff and soap 🧼 to last a lifetime....who put it all in my drawers and closet?! Hugsxxx

  17. Love your portraits. Beautiful sky photos and birds, too.

  18. Fabulous piece Valerie and love your lounge wall art too, great pictures loved the statement piece from Keanu Reeves, it is like dancing in the rain..I was nearly exhausted reading what you got up to in your wardrobe.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks. Chrissy, this morning I need to get another part of my mess organized!

  19. That photo where the clouds look on fire is breathtaking. Great memes, great pieces.
    I'm glad you found some feet up time.
    Hugs Sandra

  20. What a great midweek post, lots to see, thank you.

    My Wednesday was rather wet!!!
    I got drenched in a very heavy shower of rain, was so pleased to get back home for a much needed cup of tea :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Sorry, that must have been very unpleasant. Hope the tea warmed you well! Hugs!

  21. Always thrilled to see your posts, Valerie.
    I enjoyed the photos and the funnies made my day.
    Love your fantastic art too.

    Hugs and blessings

  22. Great art, and isn’t it great to finish old forgotten pieces. Love the funnies, hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I'm having fun with my discoveries. 🤗 Hugs!

  23. Fabulous art VJ. Loved each and every picture today ❤️

  24. I absolutely adore your Modigliani inspired art. It is awesome. Truly lovely. I like the added washi tape and of course, the flowers, which are perfect for Aimieslee's theme at AJJ.

    What a fabulous tag. Even faceless, there is NO doubt who is hiding under the hat.

    Beautiful photos from your balcony, too. Enjoyed the statistic on the bees and honey and the algebra book had me laughing.

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth, I'm going to do more, it's fun working on forgotten things. The algebra book made many people cry, but I used to love mathematics, my fave subject! Take care, don't use your arm so much, and don't worry about commenting here. Hugs!

    2. I also loved math and statistics, which is not exactly in the same category as differential equations! And I would feel bad if I didn't leave a comment, but thanks anyway.

    3. I loved it all! Nothing better then wrestling with problems all evening! My teacher was very disappointed that I chose to study philosophy and religion!

  25. cool the queen all in yellow and with darling... great graffiti
    ... a rogue who thinks - a place setting.
    Are the rape fields blooming too, Valerie? It is the bliss... many happy greetings to you.

    1. Yes, It's really cool, great idea! The rape fields are beautiful here, I love to see them! Have a great week. Hugs, Valerie

  26. a great `Modigliani Valerie, expertly and skilfully put together. I love the portrait and the flowers add that little bit of something to the whole page. A lovely piece of art.
    Your Algebra funny made me laugh. Mine would have been Geometry, all too many formulas to learn.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much, Neet. I loved maths, algebra, geometry, all of it. I was always strange! hugs!

  27. Your creations and photos are awesome ~ so creative and flowers add a bit of Spring ~ thanks ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, have a great weekend!

  28. Oh wow, Valerie, your Modig painting is amazing and the flowers you added are right in style with it. I love her angular face, bangs and nothingless eyes, you captured it! Kudos for organizing, take a bow! Sounds like you attacked a lot, enjoy your rest. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, much appreciated. I hope you are feeling a bit better. I love Modigliani and the strange eyes he painted. He said he couldn't paint people's eyes until he knew their souls - a bit scary, huh?! Have a great day, hugs!

  29. I love Madame Kisling and her flowers! What a great idea for the tag too. Algebra made mevcry too, ha, ha!

    1. Thanks Chris, good that we don't need to do algebra any more, although I loved it! Hugs!

  30. Trying to correct to ' me cry' and published by itself! Your photos are fabulous - some glorious skies, Take care, hugs, Chrisx

  31. It definitely does the heart and soul good to have a clear out Valerie and how great to find stuff you forgot you had! Love your artwork today and that great tag. Your photos are inspirational and the tortoise one made me laugh!!

  32. Oh I am green with envy ... I wish I was on the finished end of Spring Cleaning. I have barely started :( Your Modigliani Knock off is awesome ... the eyes speak volumes about Madame Kisling and the flowers perk things up a bit. I love your Queen Elizabeth Tag ... my mind paints the usual smile on her face for whoever painted the unfinished portrait. Your first funnies/thinkies is a riot ... I lol when I saw it, but the smile left my face when I saw the bee info. I worry about our world's bees and what carless men are doing to them. They don't seem to get the message ... no bees, no food, no us. I think mankind is on a dooms day run in every possible way ... scary stuff, right? And, Keanu ... always profound. Love your sunrises and your birds. It is peaceful to watch nature, isn't it? There is always so much to see, most of it beautiful, but some not so much. I hope you are doing well, Valerie. Have a wonderful Mother's Day if it applies ... or even if it doesn't :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  33. I love the foggy photos, how beautiful! Your Queen art is so pretty, love her hat! ☺


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