Saturday, 6 May 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! I think many of us will be watching the coronation of King Charles III on Saturday, it will be a turbulent and exciting day.

Photo by Annie Spratt over Unsplash

For Aimeslee's  'flowers'challenge at AJJ I have another journal page made with a freebie from the Graphics Fairy. I placed the image on a hand painted background, and added the flowers, which were all hand painted. Then I added a sentiment, which is very fitting fot the world  just now:

And some photos from my walk today:

The blue fish reminded of the fish Erika showed this week:

Have a fun weekend, whatever you do!

And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your artistry and photos are always a joy to come see!. Those purple flowers are just beautiful! Wishing you a great weekend!

  2. Lovely art and photos, enjoy the coronation!

  3. That's a very sweet page for Aimeslee challenge. And perfect for it too. And yes, that blue fish does remind me of the one I showed. There are lots of fun fish in that photo. It's a good thing I'm not there since the blue fish mugs are adorable and I'd be very tempted to buy one-smile. I'm planning on getting up early to watch the coronation too. It's exciting, isn't it? Have a great weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Confession time - I bought one of those mugs, and got it for 3€ less than they were asking! The coronation was fun to watch! I went to Heike, we watched TV and had fun commenting! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Beautiful journal page. Pretty little flowers.

  5. Hi Val, good morning 🌅. It's the big day today, I think we will all be watching the coronation! God save the King!! Have fun, hugs, Sarah

  6. Since I have nothing good to say about the monarchy and its legion of royal leeches let me simply wish you a great weekend, Valerie. We will agree to disagree on this one! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I wouldn't have expected anything else from you! Hugsxxxxxxx

  7. Beautiful artwork and a lovely walk. Have a great weekend - CJ

  8. Yes, I'll be watching the Coronation, too.

  9. Wunderschön und so goldig dein Journalseite mit dem Spruch und all die Fotos!
    Ein aufregender Tag für England.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich hab zusammen mit einer Freundin geschaut, and dabei haben wir gequatscht, gegessen und Kaffee getrunken. Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  10. Lovely vintage creation. Thank goodness for Graphics Fairy Karen, I think we all have a huge computer file of beautiful images. You make me want to do some vintage but I have to finish some design team work instead, boo. Hoping you are continuing to feel no tooth pains and you are resting. That first photo with the horses looks just like the pasture behind our house! Such pretty flower photos. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I do indeed have quite a collection of Karen's lovely images, and the one I used this time was just right for your challenge. Sometimes I like vintage, too, but I like painting faces even more! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  11. Hi Val, fabulous art, as always! Enjoy your weekend, get some rest! , Hugs, Martha

  12. It hasn't stopped raining all day! Good job Charles and Camilla had their golden coach.
    A beautiful journal page and great photos Valerie.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. And good job that the tourists were all well equipped for rain. It rained a lot here, too. Enjoy your weekend, hugs.

  13. She is beautiful nestled amongst the flowers and love your colouful background..have a lovely and happy weekend Valerie..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. I watched the coronation coverage, but I have to admit "Queen Camilla" sticks in my throat... Your nature photos are always a welcome sight.

  15. What a great day for the coronation in England. I´m very happy you are feeling well after the surgery. Now try to rest and take care dear.
    I really like the Art journal page, full of tenderness. It is magnificent ! The quote is really beautiful.
    The photographs are beautiful too, especially the one of the horses. The fish cups are spectacular. I wonder if the guard can see clearly... I don't know.
    I hope you have a good Sunday, I send you big hugs

    1. Thanks Caty! I was talking to my friend today and we were also wondering if the guards can see! I bought myself a fish cup! Big hugs to you Caty!

  16. Fabulous photographs.

    Wasn't the Coronation amazing, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  17. Fabulous photos and journal page Valerie. Shame about weather yesterday in London for Coronation but still amazing day with celebrations continuing today with the big concert. Have a lovely Sunday... Gill x

  18. Very interesting post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  19. Cały świat podziwiam sobotnią uroczystość koronacji Karola III. Piękne fotografie ze spaceru.

  20. Lovely art and I do like the saying too. The photos are so pretty. However, I love seeing the items in the shop windows. Have a very nice Sunday.

    1. Oh yes, shop windows are always magical, I look at them every time I go past!

  21. Great collection of photographs. We watched everything onTV and today went to a BBQ at a friend's house. Saturday was sunny here where we are until late afternoon while it rained in London. Now that the Red Arrows have done their bit they are having a break so it should be quiet here for a while. It seemed funny really that they have been flying around here for weeks off and on and their flight on Saturday was over so quickly. Guess there are those who would say we're lucky to see them so often but it's a bit distracting as you drive around the bypass with the Reds practicing their maneuvers above you. There are very few people we know here who have not got some conection with the Airforce. Whatever people feel or think they know about the Monarchy they are part of what makes us British. Wishing you a great week ahead. Hugs, angela xxx

    1. It was a fun weekend watching the Coronation with a friend. We chatted, smacked and did a lot of commenting, too. I miss living in England, and all the celebrations. In England people know how to party. I remember the excitement of school and street parties at the Coronation of Elizabeth, it was so magical. I still have the books we got as presents back then! Hugs!

    2. Snacked not smacked! My spellchecker is awful!

  22. I absolutely adore the seed packet Graphics Fairy image you used. Perfect for Aimeslee's lovely theme, too. Thanks for this great entry at AJJ and thanks for the lovely photos from your walk around town and window shopping.

    1. Thanks E, hope your arm is getting better. Take care, hugs!

  23. Gorgeous photos. The quiche made me want to be in London again!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. We really enjoyed everything about the Coronation - Prince Louis, Penny Mordant and that sword

    1. We did, too, it was just a lovely day, even if I was a bit sad that I wasn't in London!

  26. .......the King saying 'love you' to William, the crowds, the looks exchanged between The King and Queen - a truly, wonderful event! I love your journal page , lovely colours. Of course you know I love a good look around your area! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Oh yes, it was LOVEly indeed. Love is all you need! Hugs!

  27. Oh how I wish i could send your link to this page to some of the world leaders. They need to learn to plant something other than greed.
    It is a lovely page - a pretty girl, reminds me of the Miss Pears we used to see each year, and the beautiful flowers just work and fall in so prettily to give the whole page a much conducive air
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. My first thought was that she looks like a Pear's girl! Great mond and all that! Hugs!

    2. Great minds NOT great mond!

  28. Eine sehr schöne Seite und tolle Bilder.

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Rika, dir noch eine schöne Woche!

  29. Great pictures! I love them! Super pretty journal page too. Hugz


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