Saturday 20 May 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy weekend!

Today I am sharing painting on a spare piece of plaster board. I  collaged Buddha as the focal element, with a quote as a sort of crown over his head. The background was painted with grey, purple and gold and was  textured with a LaBlanche stamp. I also added some glitter - perhaps a bit too much glitter -, gold and white dots and lots of little flowers. I am linking to Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ - hope to see YOU there, too! I like the quote I used, too. Here we are always trying to stuff our heads with knowledge, which isn't a bad thing, of course, but sometimes we need that empty space in our minds to find ourselves.

We've had some sunny days:

And poppies are blooming again:

Some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Beautiful red flowers.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  2. Ein wundervolles Journalseite hast du entstanden gelassen!!! Der Spruch wie wahr er ist.
    All die schönen Fotos, die mich erinnern lassen als ich da war damals. Danke für dieses tolle Posting mit den Witzen usw.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und pass auf dich auf!
    LIeben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, dir auch ein schönes und ruhiges Wochenende! Hugs!

  3. Lovely page. The poppies are amazing! Thanks for the funnies -Christine

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep and are feeling fit this morning. We're going out for lunch today, so another no cooking day. I wish you a good weekend, take care and have fun. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Enjoy your lunch today and have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Good weekend morning, Valerie: There are those I know for whom a state of empty-headedness is a permanent condition. Some seem even determined never to fill in the spaces! Those magpies are certainly not empty-headed. They know where every stash of good food is and home in on it unerringly. I bet they even recognize humans who are a little sloppy when they eat in public and drop a few crumbs here and there. Yesterday we got a tipoff about a fox den and staked it out. After about an hour we had the sheer pleasure of one kit emerging from underground, but our friend had four of them plus the mother. What happened to the siblings last evening I am not quite sure, but I think we'll go back again this evening to give it another try. We did get some decent pictures of the one that showed itself. They are adorable creatures. Just like you, Valerie, sleek, smart and able to blend into any surroundings. They don't go to sausage shops, but I bet they wouldn't mind. Rain is in the forecast today, but if it holds off I will be leading a walk for a teenage nature group. They will make the call by 9:00 am and, obedient fellow that I am, I will act accordingly. Miriam made more focaccia bread, we have three excellent cheeses in the house, two kinds of salami, and wine. Heaven may be found in Waterloo, Ontario this weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi DaviD! I know lots or people with giant, empty caverns in their heads, but that was not exactly what I was thinking about! Magpiess and other crows are very intelligent, I love to watch them. And they all know my balcony, where they can always find a free meal. Blending in is important, for people and other creatures. We always had foxes in London, and nights they woud search the garbage for food. I loved watching them, but my mother alwas called them vermin. Glad you have found a den near you and even got to see one - good luck to meet the rest of the family this evening. That's really exciting. Have fun with your teenage group, hope you get ot of beauties to see. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. That Buddha looks amazing. The bit of metallic sheen around the statue is the perfect way to emphasis it's beauty. This is another great piece for Aimeslee's challenge. And there is something really attractive about tree shaded walkways. And poppies too. I have no luck growing them, so I really enjoyed your photos Valerie. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We have loads of poppies growing here, and I love them, and many people have cultivated poppies in their gardens, in all colours and much larger than the humble field poppies! Tree shaded paths are always pleasant. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. Beautiful photos and loved your art-Happy weekend
    Hugs Kathy

  8. Oh, that arbor of trees! What joy it must be to walk through! And thanks for the funnies -- especially the cat ones!

  9. A very Zen page. I'd like to walk down the tree lined path looks very peaceful. Have a good weekend.

  10. Love your peaceful Buddha And the great photos. Have a fun weekend! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, you have a great weekend, too!

  11. A fabulous page and great photos Valerie! The poppies are beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much, Alison, I love poppies, too. Spell checker just turned poppies into poopies, too funny!

  12. I like that Buddha art. I also like that you take your own pictures of your environment. Well done in my opinion. You really go the extra mile.

  13. Amazing Buddha! Fabulous post !

  14. Your painting is inspiring with that great sentiment and one can never have too much glitter LOL Those tree-lined pathways look simply magical and I've never seen anything so lovely! TFS all those great photos and funnies :)

    1. Yes, glitter is good! Those pathways are in the gardens of a moated castle near here, I love walking there. Hugs!

  15. Fabulous background and love the Budda head and great quote-love all the Nature pics and funnies
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  16. OOh this is a Wonderful painting Valerie ! I loove the beautiful background you have created. I like very much the texture, the colours and all the little details. Great image of Buda, and the quote is really true, we sometimes need to wash our mind.
    Your photographs are gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing. I love the poppies. And I smile with those funnies :) Thanks.
    I wish you a great Sunday, and hope your hands are better.
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks so much, dear Caty. I wish you a happy weekend, too. big hugs, Valerie

  17. Your Buddha is wonderful Valerie and I love the quote, the colours and sparkle, gorgeous.. have a great weekend..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  18. This is a glorious Buddha collage, Valerie! Love it with the flowery background. That quote is one I am understanding more the older I get. It's so true. The retired life brings it into focus. And it's wonderful to see your sunshine photos. Glad y'all got some! Hope your Sunday is too, after all, it's named appropriately, heehee. Thanks for the AJJ link up, XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I think we understand more as we get older that it's okay just to do nothing from time to time! Here is sunny as it should be for Sunday, yesssssssssss! Hugs!

  19. Beautiful photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  20. Well helloooo Valerie.It's been an absolute age since I came across your blog. I had a break for a few years and am back blogging now.So happy to see you are still entertaining us all with your wonderful art and photos of your beautiful life and making us laugh goodness knows we need it! Beautiful collage I love your Buddha and the quote is perfect and oh so true.I'm so glad I found you again.


    1. Thanks Marie, nice to see you back again, I will pop over to your blog later for a look-see. Have a great Sunday! Hugs!

  21. OMG those poppies are delightful and your thinkies gave me a smile.
    Thank you for linking to SSs at my blog today


  22. Wow, magical background on your page and creative use of flowers too. GREAT pictures and funnies too. Love the arches and poppies. Fab post, Valerie. Hugz

  23. I like your Buddha piece, an encouragement to encourage silence :)

    The shady paths are inviting, and oh, those poppies!

    1. So true, life today is so noisy and overfilled!

  24. Beautiful page! The shimmery background looks so magical and perfect for the wording that you used - love it 😊. What wonderful sunny days you've been having, loving the spots of light on the path under the trees, it looks amazing. Thanks for the thinkies/funnies too. Wishing you a great week! Hugs, Jo x

  25. I really love this page Valerie- very calming! Your photos show such a lovely area for a walk. We have lots of yellow poppies around at the moment. Hugs, Chrisx


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