Saturday 27 May 2023

It's weekend

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, time to slow down and have some fun!  Well, at least to have a rest and go out for a meal at our fave Pizzeria on Sunday.

For Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ I have a quickie - a painted and stamped background and a gorgeous doggie:

Some photos from my corner of the world:

And some funnnies / Thinkies:

Have a wonderful weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute doggie! The flowers are sooo gorgeous. Enjoyed the funnies.

  2. Your funny photos are especially good this week! Have a nice weekend.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks. Just now I need things to make me laugh!

  3. I always look forward to visits to your fun blog, Valerie.
    Gorgeous flowers and funny funnies!

    Hugs and blessings

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you slept well and hope you really rest over the weekend. Not much rest for me, the family is coming so it will be full house here. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you don't have to do all the work on your own....Hugs to all!

  5. Just beautiful...
    The beeper is great :-))) I love.
    I wish you a happy Pentecost.
    Enjoy... yes.

    1. Thanks Viola, I wish you a good weekend, too!

  6. I am quite in love with the dog in your piece, Valerie. I bet he would wag his tail in sheer delight at every friendly human he ever met. There are dogs that pass by my house regularly with their human companions in tow and they refuse to walk by until they have been petted and talked to. I should try that technique with women on the street! I'll report back on my rate of success. Lots of lovely flowers here to make us all happy. The quote about books is so true. These fanatics who want to decide what others may read drive me crazy, and one of their chief advocates is now running for president of the United States. It surely speaks volumes about the state of that society that out of a population of 330 million people, the choice is going to come down to Trump, DeSantis or Biden. Is this really the best they have to offer? The weekend is here. I hope that you and Heike are going to hoist a glass or two. This morning I will be leading a walk for a library in Kitchener, and tomorrow Josh and I will take his four-year old son, Mason, on a nature walk. The younger they start the better! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yesy, he looks like a happy tail-wagger. Heike always laughs because I talk to small kids, dogs, cats, birds, horses etc. The dogs always come to be petted, and if I whistle for the birds they whistle back, nice! THat people are trying to ban books is really bollocks, if Ronny or Donny get in they will probably start organising book burning evenings...Tomorrow Heike and I will be going to the Pizzeria so we will drink a toast to you with our non alcoholic beer. Have fun with Josh on the nature walk, it's goood to start teaching them when they are young. Enjoy your weekend, hugs xxxxxxx

  7. Hi Val, another lovely post, thanks! We're off to the inlaws (outlaws!) this weekend, just wanted to wish you a happy one. Take care, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha. Too funny, we used to say outlaws for the inlaws, too! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, xxxxx

  8. Beautiful and stunning post vibrant with the flowers and cute puppy x. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, hope your puppies and Bella are doing well! Hugs!

  9. What a cute cute puppy on your page today. And those flowers are really lovely too. I was going to say lucious, because they are that too. This is a great page for Aimeslee's challenge. And it looks like the nice weather is firmly entrenched in your spot of the planet. We're in for a beautiful weekend which is very exciting. I think you have some super memes today. I should be treated extremely well based on how I treat animals, especially my pups-smile. And that is so true about one parent deciding for everyone. That seems to be the way for certain people and many in power in the US today. What a few want is supposed to be for everyone. So much for freedom. But I do wish you a lovely and relaxing weekend. hugs-Erika (Oh yes, and good pizza too-smile.)

    1. Thanks Erika. We're really having a few days nice weather just now. Animals always love us unconditionally and we need to be good to them in return. And what some people over there are trying to do reminds me of animal farm - all animals are equal, but some are more eqaal than others!! And yes, tomorrow is Pizza! Yummy! Hugs!

  10. Your corner of the world is gorgeous. And yes, angels have paws.

    1. They do indeed Jeany. We c an learn a lot from our four footed friends! Hugs!

  11. Jestem zachwycona.twoją pracą i fotografiami. Te dwa koty na udostępnionej przez ciebie fotografi poprawiły mi humor. Miłego weekendu😊

    1. Yes, cats always make us feel good! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  12. Oh my word that pug is the CUTEST!! I love him among the wall of flowers too! Your flower photos are stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Cute doggie. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Wow it's si beautiful 👏👏👏💐😊
    Happy weekend

    1. Thanks so much Elisa! Have a great weekend!

  15. Look at that face nestled amongst you flowers, so cute and fun, and I love all your floral photos, gorgeous. Have a fun filled weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. Great page Valerie, I love the cute dog.
    Wonderful photos & funnies too.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  17. You have so many flowers in bloom. Great photos. Enjoy you pizza outing :)

  18. What a wonderful post from beginning to end, Valerie! Your flowers are magnificent! I especially love the pollen-dusted yellow and orange blanket flower. Are they already harvesting hay where you live? Wow!! I love the baby duck in your header and the sweet black pug. I absolutely agree with "May life treat you the way you treat animals." Beautiful sunsets too! I'm with Jodi Picoult! Banning books is a form of mind control. It's what people who want power over others and who want to enforce their narrow way of thinking on others do. I am extremely upset with what is happening in our schools and country! Wishing you beautiful sunrises and sunsets and lots of good books to read, my friend!

    1. Hi Louise! Glad you like my post. The first hay harvest is done, the next one. Is in August or thereabouts.. have a great weekend and a good, new weekend! Hugs!

  19. Happy Sunday Valerie.
    Remember to link to Sunday Smile


  20. The flowers remind me of the flower power from the 1960s. Fun. Glorious skies and beautiful flowers. Love that doorbell. Enjoy your weekend.

  21. Was für ein süsses Hundblume Journal seite und all die Blumen und Witze bilder!
    Ein wunderschönen geruhsamenPfingstsonntag !
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke, ich hoffe dass Du einen schönen Tag hattest!

  22. A lovely page for linking up to AJJ, Valerie, thanks! xoxo

  23. Thanks for sending me on another photographic trip to the other side of the world! Your painting is amazing and so are the photos - especially where you captured the bee on top of the yellow flower! I cannot stop laughing over those modest cats LOL Thanks for a fun weekend post :)

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you enjoyed the photos and the cats! That made me laugh, too!

  24. So many gorgeous flowers. Love all the colors and varieties. So pretty. I also love your art piece with that adorable dog. :) Thanks for sharing. Hope your weekend has been lovely. :) ~Jess

  25. Love your flowers! Awesome post vj

  26. Your thinkies certainly gave me a smile. Luv all the flowers. Thanks for linking to SSs


  27. I absolutely LOVE the flower and pug you created for Aimeslee's theme. This is fantastic and perfect for AJJ.

    The flowers you shared were remarkable and those hay balers made me think of here in Kansas. Loved the thinkies, especially the one about how you treat animals. Had to laugh at the cats. I have that exact same phone, too, but my cats do NOT look like those two (grin). I hope you are feeling better. Please take it very easy this weekend. I'm still in catch up mode.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, have a great day and take good care of yourself! Hugs!

  28. More beautiful photographs and some great funnies. I had a big beam when i saw the two cats.
    Your journal page says "Happy" without a doubt and I love the cheeky expression on the dog's face. A brilliant journal page.
    Hugs, neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, those cats are just too funny! The dog was the pug of my neighbours, a real sweetie! Hugs!


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