Saturday 16 April 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend, and a happy Easter and a happy Passover to all who are celebrating:

Some thinkies and funnies:

This is especially to help my friend David:

Here in the park:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh LOL :)
    I'm sure that David will love the bird funny.

    A lovely post.
    Happy weekend and Happy Easter Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thnaks Jan. Glad you liked the funnies. Happy easter to you and yours!

  2. Beautiful post-Happy weekend and holiday hugs

  3. Happy Easter and Passover Valerie. Love that one with the brain and heart.

    1. Thanks Christine, yes, brain and heart need to work together!

  4. Hope you Easter and Passover is full of goodness.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, have a great weekend and a good rest!

  5. Good morning Your Lovely Valerieness: Thank you so much for this technically perfect bird identification chart. I have been studying it all night in preparation for a bird walk I will shortly be leading, for a whole bunch of people who will be expecting me to dispense wisdom and key points of identification. This schematic will be of great help as you no doubt knew when you included it in your post. So far the day looks perfect. The sun is shining brightly and, although a little cool, conditions seem perfect for ambling along the path sharing the wonders of spring migration, and the ardour of birds seeking mates. We do not celebrate either Easter or Passover, so the weekend will be as normal as can be for us. However, I have lots to do, so I will be busy. I have another book to review for PUP on the lives of fungi so I know you will be waiting to read about that. Some people develop fungi on their toe nails, so for them it will be of particular interest. With that thought I will leave you and go to clean up the kitchen before departure. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Thanks David! I'm so glad the chart will help you by your bird walks. I have another one about different tits, but it might be too much for the blog! I am sure you wil manage a splendid walk today, and have lots of bon mots and anecdotes for your acolytes. I don't celebrate anything either, but here in the clinic our dining room has been nicely decorated. The lives of fungi really does sound good, I watched a wonderful documentary about fungi at Yosemite Park, it was fascinating! I don't have ny on my toenails, so they probably wont want to make a documentary about me! Have a wonderful day, BIG hugs, Valerie

  6. Great photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  7. Happy Easter and happy Passover to you. Love the bunny in the coach with the baby chicks pulling it. I now know how to tell what a bird is and the different ones, too. That was hilarious. Have a blessed weekend and holiday, dear.

    1. Thanks E! I think that chart will be a big help for David. The images were both from the Graphics fairs, so pretty! Have a wonderfu Easter!

  8. LOVE this! And I'm still smiling over the fudge :)

    1. Hmmm, that's one sort of fudge I haven't tried yet! Happy Easter!

  9. Happy Easter Valerie. Love the post. Have a lovely day.

  10. Happy Easter wishes dear Valerie! I loved seeing those vintage Easter postcards and the little bunny rabbit is adorable 😀. Hugs Jo x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks so much, Jo, much appreciated. Happy Easter to you and yours!🐇🐇🐇

  11. Happy weekend, Easter and/or Passover to you Valerie. I hope you had a wonderful trip home. You must be counting the days until you are home. Hope all is well, and I am sure David will love that bird funny. Hugs-Erika

  12. Wishing you beautiful holidays, Valerie! And a week with a homecoming! Thank yo for the smiles!

  13. Thanks Jeanie, Just a few days now!

  14. Hi Val, it's chaotic here with the whole family and so many Kids, but we're enjoying it. Have a great Weekend, you'll be home soon! Hugs, Sarah

  15. Happy Easter! I enjoyed the bird ID image lol I try to identify the ones I see, but my luck is bad on that front lol

    1. Thanks! I can tell the difference between birds and Cats!

  16. Happy Easter the cute and sweet pictures..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  17. Happy Easter! Such sweet images, I loved the bunny in the hand. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Fabulous! Especially loved that last funny! Hugs, Chrisxx

  19. Wonderful painting. Glad you had a lovely Easter. Have a great week. Anesha

  20. Aww that bunny is so cute! I hope you've had a happy Easter, Sue xx

  21. I so enjoyed your two journal pictures - the postcard was one? I really thought nothing could better them but then I saw the little bunny in the palm of someone's hand and my heart just melted. The top three pictures sure are heart tuggers.
    Thanks for sharing
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked the Easter Pics. That Bunny is so sweet!


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