Monday 18 April 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Easter Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying the long Easter weekend. Here at the clinic our dining room and kitchen were decorated for the season, and it all looked so pretty. And the food was great. In addition we each got a choclate bunny from Lindt and an Easter Nest filled with goodies:

The cups are my ticket for Eizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party this evening, and I would like to welcome all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

This is the last of my tea/coffee paintings. I am linking to Alison's play it again Sam challenge, inspired by Bob Dylan's 'one more cup of coffee before I go'. You can listen to it here 

And I have another Easter Bunny:

Some photos from my walk through the park:

And I love all the wild flowers blooming on the meadows:

Apart from that, I'm happy to say that I can go home on Thursday, and I am looking forward to it very much! 

Have a great week, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. What a pretty table. And yummy treats too. We have a Lindt factory not too far from us, and there used to be an easy to get to Lindt outlet store with some seconds. It was so yummy. Too bad it is gone, but probably good it is gone also. And nice cup of coffee piece and nice song too. Bob Dylan is a classic. I hope you have a wonderful T day, even if I am early, and enjoy some more spring warmth and flowers. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, Lindt is always good! I love Bob Dylan. Happy T Day, hugs!

  2. I love your painting! I will stop referring to your wildflowers as weeds, they are so pretty.

    1. They are really pretty, and dandelions make a great salad!

  3. They set a really pretty Easter table, and yum Lindt chocolate-one of the best chocolates I think.
    I love your painting, pretty flower photos too-I love seeing the flowers. Here we are rain and cold but there are some flowers finally-including dandelions-I need to start collecting and drying some of those flowers for my soap.
    Happy T and new week Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. There are so many dandelions here, pity I can't collect them for you! Hugs!

  4. The tBles are so pretty and welcoming. Great news you can go home!

  5. Love the pretty table setting.

    And yes, your beautiful paintings too.

    Happy Monday, Valerie!

  6. Beautiful table setting. Great tea set art. Pretty wild flowers. Enjoy your new week.

  7. I really like your painting, I love blue so much and you have made a shade like lapiz lazuli. Enjoy your goodies - not long to go now until you get home. Vee xx

    1. I love blue, too, an have lots of blue glass at home. Have great week, hugs!

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Hope all is well at your end. It's still chaos here, but we're having fun. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  9. Good morning, Valerie. Thank you for another fine painting in your Blue Period style, easily identifiable as your work and therefore able to command high prices on the international art market. It seems that quite a feast was laid on for you at the clinic, with treats too. you will never want to go home! I had expected to see the renowned Balconia Easter Flapper (Roaringtwentyus pasqualicus) at the table, but perhaps it wasn't invited. It was probably safely ensconced in its nest high in the crown of a thorn bush. It's eggs used to be used by magicians to perform their tricks and that's how we came by the name Palm Sunday, a fact little known by most people, and other myths have gained pre-eminence. Spring seems to be far more entrenched in Germany than here, where we get teased by a good day or two, and are then plunged back to cold weather again. Today precipitation is in the forecast. The question is whether it will be snow or rain. We will have to deal with whatever comes. We always have! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Oh yes, I am expecting millions of people who will fight oer my paintings! The Easter Flapper is on holiday at the seaside just now, but will be back soon, perhaps I will get a picture of it! I like your interpretation of Palm Sunday! It is really spring here, and very pleasant just now, I took some pics this afternoon and will show them tomorrow! Enjoy your rain or snow, drink wine, eat well and never mind the weather. Big hugs!

  10. Pretty table setting. Your coffee pot and cup painting is very cheery. I'm surprised the dandelions are in bloom. In my yard dandelions won't be out for another few weeks. I just love dandelions. Happy T Day

    1. The dandelions and daisies have been blooming for weeks, the grass everywhere is covered with them!

  11. How brilliant is this, fabulous and a great table setting for all xxx

    1. Thanks Annie, they do everything very nicely here!

  12. The tables are beautifully decorated for Easter, Valerie. I hope yours was great. Sorry this wish is late, but I was offline most of yesterday. Looks like they wanted everyone to have a lovely holiday at the clinic. I am sure you are really tickled to be going home soon, too. Nice choice to share the cups and saucers as your drink reference for T this week.

    You can never ever go wrong with Bob Dylan. That's a wonderful song and you have illustrated it beautifully, too. Thanks for creating it for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Great photos, but lots and lots of dandelions. Have a great day. Yes, I'll gladly link you.

  13. I am finally feeling that I can concentrate on reading on my computer - after reading this post I shall go back to where I missed and catch up in order! It certainly looks as though you had a real treat - everything looks so pretty! I love the journal page - and Bob Dylan!! Love the photos from your walk! We noticed lots of Dandelions and Cowslips on our walk by the river the other day. So pleased to read that you will be going back home! Big Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, glad you are feeling better! I love the wild flowers everywhere.

  14. How kind of the clinic to make things look so nice for Easter, bet it made everyone feel better and gorgeous treats too. Loving your art work and the photos but the bunny....well he's extra special. Take care and have a lovely week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, that bunny is really fun! Have a great week!

  15. you have very cozy in your clinic:)

  16. I like the table settings, too. Appropriate for a nice Easter celebration! Good to know that you will be home on Thursday. Take care!

  17. They do such a lovely job of decorating. I tend to think the wildflowers are the best :) Happy T Day!

  18. It looks like they did a beautiful job with treating you well for the holiday Sunday. It looks so pretty! That bunny is great. And I love your series of paintings with the coffee and cups. The subject, the color, everything is really such fun! It's snowing here today -- it won't last but I'm so over it! Happy week and home soon!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Snow? Oh No! Not Long till Thursday but lots of exams before I go!

  19. How nice to have such a wonderful place. everything looks so pretty. I love your art and photos. Have a lovely day.

  20. Oh the rooms looks lovely, and lucky you getting an Easter egg! Your painting is fabulous, I love those bold colours. I bet you can't wait to go home now, it's getting closer. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I'm looking forward to going home! Hugs!

    2. Yes, we are reated well here!

  21. A lovely bright painting!
    Your Easter table at the clinic is so cheery and pretty. A chocolate bunny sounds delicious!
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. The chocolate bunnies from Lindt are the best! And a nest with Kinder Schokolade, no less. That's a nice Easter present. Very nice that they had that for all of you.
    Very sweet painting with lovely colors. I'm happy for you that you can go home on Thursday, you're certainly looking forward to that.

  23. what pretty Easter decor! Love your new flower painting - just delightful Valerie. How wonderful you'll be home this week- such great news! Beautiful photos of the spring flowers. Happy T day!

  24. HI Valerie,

    I just love blue and orange together so your painting is just lovely... All i have is dirt outside my window.. dry , cracked earth.. 6 months without rain will do that.. Beautiful photos Valerie! Happy Tday! deb

  25. The table laid out looks so welcoming . it seems that they have a special ethos help folk relax and concentrate on getting well.
    A fabulous painting and I loved the photo of the bunny who looked like it was sticking its tongue out for the photo.
    Have a good rest of the week, it won't be long now until you get homa.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, they are really good here in the clinic and we are very well looked after. But I am looking forward to going home!

  26. I love the vibrancy of your painting, and that cute bunny. Not sure why you are in a clinic but hope you are well and glad you get to go home. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  27. Yay! You get to go home soon - I am very excited for you.

    Looks like they are very sweet at the clinic - the decorations are fun and the goodies sound wonderful.

    Love the coffee painting and the song! Fun colors and details, Valerie.

    Happy T-day and many hugz

  28. You had triple tickets for the tea party. Lovely decorations, and wonderful painting and bunny photo! Happy T Day.

  29. Wow, I love those table decorations! I hope you had wonderful Easter celebrations 😁. Loving your colourful page with those cute bunny rabbits. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  30. What a colorful post with beautiful photos. Daisies look amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Wonderful photos Valerie, those Easter decorations at the clinic look lovely.
    Thanks for linking your beautiful page to my AJJ theme, that song is so appropriate to you :D
    Hope you're having a good week,

  32. The Easter décor at the clinic looks very nice.

    All the best Jan

  33. Gorgeous paintings love the vivid colours and the flowers are just beautiful
    Bridget #20

  34. A lovely page Valerie with such strong bold colours and then some delicate pretty flowers as a total contrast. It works so well.
    The clinic certainly sounds as if they care about the people who stay there, what a lovely tabel to come down to at 'Easter, so thoughtful of them and little gifts too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, they do a lot for our wellbeing here.


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