Friday 22 April 2022

Back Home

Hi Everbody!

Yesterday I was able to come home from the clinic, and it's good to be back. I'm sure my luggage  increased by several 100% while I was there, but my friend Yvonne collected me and drove me home, and carried most of my stuff up the stairs for me. I'm trying to take things easy, but I did manage to get the laundry done, so that was something. Tomorrow I need to get some shopping for the weekend, and perhaps do a little bit of housework.

Today I am linking my A3 acrylic painting to Alison's challenge at AJJ. My inspiration was the song  ' Lily the Pink' from the Scaffold, a cheerful and lighthearted song which tells about Lily the Pink who saved the human race. We really need someone to save the human race just now:

And a few photos from yesterday's walk :

Over the weekend I will catch up with your blogs, and my next post will be on Monday. I need to take things slowly!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, I am soooo happy to read that you are home now. hugs Yes please take things slowly til you get settled in-we'll still be here when you are ready

  2. Welcome home Valerie! Love your pink art and the flowers are lovely.

    1. Thanks Christine, it's good to be home, but I need o get a new rouine here! Hugs!

  3. Yippee, wonderful to read that you are now back home.
    Take things steady and enjoy settling in.

    Many thanks for the lovely art and photographs you've shared in your post.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, Im glad to be here, althugh it still feels rather stange! In a few days I'm sure everythng will be back to my normal chaos!

  4. Yay on being home!!! Woot. Woot.
    Love the piece and yes, we need a hero.
    I have lilacs blooming! So exciting.
    Put your feet up. Watch movies. Read books. Drink lattes and eat pastries.

    1. Thanks Sandra, lilacs are always so beautiful. Thanks for your yummy advice!

  5. So glad for you that you are home ~ Xo ~ What a beautiful 'pink lady' ~ lovely photography too ~ Be well ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in all your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much Carol, have a great weekend!

  6. Hurrah hurrah for being home. That is very exciting and you must be beyond thrilled Valerie. Lily the pink is a fantastic piece. I just love the gold dots on her, and I hope she can save us from so many things in this world. And wow, you really have spring. And lilacs. I love lilacs and ours are still aways off. Enjoy you weekend and enjoy being home. Take care, don't over do it and relax with a big smile on your face. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I hope the lilacs bloom for you soon! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. So good to hear you are back home! Your pink lady is beautiful. So nice to see spring in your photos. Look after yourself.

    1. Thanks Sue, spring is always so beautiful! Hugs!

  8. I am just elated that you are home. Oh, that's the best news I've had all day. It must feel wonderful to be in your own space with your own things, your own bed, your own window on the sunrise. The walk photos are beautiful -- it will be a long time before we see lilacs though little buds are starting to form. So, you take it easy, chill out and celebrate home. That's just the best!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! I need to really take me time, but it's good to be here again! Have a great weekend!

  9. I bet those flowers smell so sweet. The dots remind me of Yayoi Kusama work
    Glad you home.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. The sweet pink lady has beautiful green eyes. Beautiful flowers and greenery from your walk. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. I love Lily The Pink, she's beautiful Valerie, and a great song that takes me back to my childhood 😊
    Wonderful photos from your walk too.
    Take care and enjoy your first weekend home.

    1. Glad you remember the song, too! It's good to be home!

  12. Loving Lily!
    So pleased that you are home now! Don't go rushing into things - plenty of time for housework!!! Hugs, Chrisxx

  13. Good morning, Valerie: Welcome home! I expect the neighbours held a suitable ceremony to celebrate your return, and showered you with gifts of home-baked pies and assorted treats. Thanks for this pink paragon of pulchritude too. You sure know how to make a woman look interesting! Did I see right? Did you mention housew**k? Dispel this silly notion from your head. Maybe flick a duster here and there, but that's about it! This is a time for rest, restraint and recuperation. You have been through a lot, have been exiled to the clinic for far too long, and it's time to recharge. After all summer is coming - walks in the park, ice cream, coffee taken en plein air, dogs wagging their tails for you, men sending sly glances your way. All this you have to look forward to. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Ha ha! I think they didn' even notice I was gone! And pies? Dream on! Yes, housew*rk. Everyhing is dusty and I need to put everyhing I unpacked again away, but where?! But I did have a nice walk this morning, and will go out again this evening. If men send sly glances my way these days it's only because they feel sorry for me! I'm aking time off over he weekend, I want to make he best of the good weather. Hope you snow is gone now! BIG hugs!

  14. So glad that you are home. That must be such a nice feeling. Skip the housework and have fun in your crafty space. If anyone can save the planet, the Pink Goddess can. She looks quite capable. Beautiful flowers on your work especially the lilacs. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. My crafty place is looking as if a tornado hit it, wherever I look I see chaos. I need hat pink goddess here with me! Have a great weekend!

  15. Must be such a relief to be back home. Hope you continute to do well. Love your painting, great colours. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha! Have a great day, hugs, alerie

  16. I'm so glad you are home again! I hope you will have a relaxing weekend. I love your painting-I always do!

  17. I just love that Lady in pink! Just gorgeous! Happy homecoming, Valerie!

    1. Thanks so much. I'm happy to be home, but it feels rather strange after being at the clinic for so long!

  18. Have a weekend as beautiful as those flowers.

  19. I'm so glad you are back home - it must feel wonderful. Yes, take things slowly and make yourself your priority. Take really good care of yourself, Valerie - I'm sure that making art is one aspect of that. All the very best to you.

    1. Thanks so much, Carola. It is great to be Home, but it all feels strange after being away for so long! Have a great Weekend!

  20. Pleased you're back home but! laundry, shopping and housework doesn't sound like taking it easy your health is far more important and you mustn't do to much. Loving your Lily the Pink, we certainly do need someone to sort out the problems in the world at the moment. Stay safe and get plenty of rest. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks for the reminder, I do tend to try to do too much! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  21. Welcome home Valerie so happy for you, take it easy and get plenty of rest too,,just love your Lily the pink painting and now that song is in my head and coming out loud as I heard myself singing while making my coffee...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. Lily the pink is lovely! Your photos are also so pretty. I hope you take it easy and feel better.

    1. Thanks so much Lisa! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  23. I am so glad to hear you are home. Welcome home!! Lovely flowers from your walk and the lady is beautiful.


    1. Thanks so much Soma! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  24. Your job is beautiful. Very nice photos. Good health:)

  25. I am so thrilled that you are home, but please take it easy. Hugs to you.

  26. So good to see you home, dear. I know you must feel happy about that. I've never heard of that song, but I sure like your pink lady. Thanks for another great entry using Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your spring is further along that mine, Beautiful spring trees and plants.

    Are you on CEST time?

    1. Thanks E! Yes, we are on CEST here. We are enjoying spring weather and flowers just now. Have a great Weekend!

  27. Ahh Lily The Pink! I'm showing my age now but I remember it well lol. I love your painting and the photos are lovely. I'm so glad you're home - have a lovely weekend, and not too much of the housework! xx

    1. Srange, isn't it? We're still so young and remember all these ancient songs! Hugs!

  28. Welcome home my lovely friend and Incredible projects and most lovely colours here x

  29. Well here I am late as usual, I hope that you are well settled back home and are enjoying being in your own space once again. Don't over do things, take your time.
    Fantastic art and photos, I loved that catchy song.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Akways good to see you hedre, late or early, it doesn't matter. I am really taking things slowly, I have to! Hugs!

  30. Hoorah! Congratulations! I know how happy you must be to be able to settle back in and enjoy life at home :) The flowers from your walk look lovely.

  31. Yaaaaaaay! You must be delighted to be home. So happy for you. Lily The Pink! I can remember this so well my mum and I singing along to this when it came on the radio. Love the art for it. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Bee. It's a real sing along song
      Have a great week!


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