Saturday 9 April 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! We've had wild, wet and windy weather here for days, but slowly it seems to be getting better, so I hope we have some sunshine. This afternoon it was at least dry, and I went with a friend to a delicious Cafe where we had cocoa and cake, yummy!  I will show photos on monday!

Today I am sharing another piece for Alson's challenge at AJJ, inspired by the German song 'Sternenhimmel' (Starry sky) from Hubert Kah. It's an A3 piece painted with acrylics:

You can hear the music on youtube - not everyone's taste, but I liked it!

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your faces just get better and better. She is so pretty. Love the cat with the mirror eyes. I mean in a funny way, would not do that in my bathroom. LOL Have a restful weekend.

    1. I like the cate, too, but not in my bathroom!

  2. That face is fantastic Valerie. Those blue eyes are captivating. I need to go check out the song because your face is so fascinating. And it sounds like you had a nice day out today. We all needs those little pick me ups, don't we? and those puppies, how cute. One of the best things about cats and dogs is they sure make us laugh and smile. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, animals can always bring us to smile! Have a great weekend!

  3. great funnies Valerie, and I love your newest lady painting. cold here and windy but warming up next sometime Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  4. Lovely art today, enjoyed the video and the funnies are hilarious!

  5. wow, Gorgeous makes, art and adorable design.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you are feeling fit and well or the weekend, and that the weather is kind to you! Love your new face, and I remember that song, too, it's got a great chorus. Have a wonderfulweekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi arah, good to hear from you! The weather here is very changeable today, from storm to sunshine! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  7. Great funnies, and your art is simply beautiful Valerie.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Good morning, Valerie: Thanks for a gorgeous, blue-eyed babe to start my day! Glad to hear that you got out to the café with a friend to enjoy some social time. It doesn't seem like you to be having cocoa instead of your usual cappuccino, but I am sure that you are following the doctor's orders. If my doctor ever tells me to give up wine, I'll just give up the doctor! Yesterday we saw Lily and Heather, but we had to curtail our walk when it started to rain. It's hard to believe that in just two months Lily will be two years old. She has a mind of her own I can tell you that. The picture with all the dogs brought a smile to my face. What a gorgeous group of animals. This morning I will be leading a nature walk for a new branch of our local library that will be having its grand opening next week. It has been constructed with a natural theme and is at the edge of one of the large parks in the area. The weather looks a little iffy, but we'll give it a shot and see how we do. We easily passed the maximum of thirty participants and have a waiting list. Maybe I'll do it twice. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Glad the blue eyed babe gave you a good start to your day! And your idea of giving up the doctor instead of the wine is good! I could apply that to coffee, too. How lovely that you met up with Lily and Heather. 2 years already, where did the time go! The dogs are really lovely, I would like a dog again. Or a cat. Or both? Hope the weather holds up for your nature walk, and it's wonderful that so many people are interested - things are looking up! Have a great weekend, big hugs!

  9. Second try -- blogger is a meanie! I am so glad you are able to get out to a cafe and start returning to a normal life.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae I'm so glad to be getting back to normal, whatever that is! Have a great Weekend!

  10. I love how your lady has stars in her hair. The funnies are cute-love those dogs!

  11. Great pictures 😊 Have a nice weekend 😊

  12. Can't wait to hear about cocoa and cake adventure.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. Its good that you are getting out to enjoy visiting a cafe . I loved the page and the beautiful lady you created. Seeing the dogs on your funnies photo made me smile especially the one with the huge images for glasses.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, it's good indeed. Still can't walk too much, but I will get back into training again! Hugs!

  14. Lovely art as always, Valerie.

    I enjoyed the video and loved the funnies.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks Veronica, have a great Sunday, and a safe and happy, new week!

  15. Pretty pink lady. For the 1st half day, it was sunny and hot. Then it rained but the weather is still warm. Have a happy Sunday.

    1. Thanks Nancy. It's April weather here - sometimes friendly ans sunny, then gales and rain again!

  16. Beautiful lady1 I love the colors- the pink is stunning. Glad you got to get out and enjoy some time with a friend. Sounds like you fond the perfect way to warm up.

    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, Hope you are enjoying your Sunday, too!

  17. Happy weekend Valerie! Loving your starry lady and I'm glad to hear you've been out and about with your friend 😀. I've been away visiting family the past week so have a lot to catch up on. Take care! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, visiting family is nice. Have a great week!

  18. She is so very lovely with splendid stars. I love all the funnies. Keep well. V xx

  19. I like your starry lady, that pink colour is fabulous.

    Hope you've had a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  20. Wow she's amazing! You are so good at these. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

  21. Your "Lady" is delightful. And I love today's funnies!

  22. Hello Valerie! Lovely artwork! I really love the Lady is beautiful! Very magical. Love the gold and bright pink.

  23. So cool how her eye shadow matches her eye color!

    1. I was trying to make her a bit like an alien!

  24. Why haven't I seen that post earlier? I love you star woman, she's lovely - and now of course I have that song going through my head! "Ich seh den Sternenhimmel..." I even have it on my Spotify playlist of German songs that I always start my German lessons with (while the students are coming into the classroom). I think I need to play that song again - thanks for the inspiration!
    And I want that cat bathroom - too funny!

    1. I love that song, too, so cheery. The cat bathroom is really fun!

  25. I would have been here sooner, but I've been stuck with my new tax man most of the day. Nothing like waiting till the last minute (taxes are due on the 15th). Although I have never heard that song before, I really enjoyed your beautiful art you shared. Thanks for this beauty you gave us using Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Love the funnies, especially the cat in the restroom.

    1. I know that feeling of doing everything at the last minute! Have a great week!

  26. I love your starry Diva. She looks very regal sitting there with her jewelled pieces surrounding her.
    How good did that feel to go out and have a coffee, it must have been wonderful for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  27. What a beauty!I I enjoyed the song too! Great funnies! Hugs,Chrisxx


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