Thursday 21 January 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has been good up till now!

Today I have an A3 mixed media page to link to Erika's 'favourite things' challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday

I love to be by the sea and to swim, and would love to be able to swim with dolphins and sea-horses!

A beautiful sunrise as seen from my window at the clinic:

Some pictures of our snow - in the meantime it's back to mild, wet and windy!

Hearty Ivy:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amo el mar, bellas obras. No me gusta el invierno, pero me gustan mucho las fotos. Mucha salud :)


  2. I love the sea, beautiful works. I don't like winter, but I really like photos. Good health :)

  3. Gorgeous! I especially love the little snowman -- and the ivy!

  4. Beautiful!! I love your snow photos - I do miss that! Love the wee snowman and of course your beautiful under the sea artwork!

  5. Lovely page by the sea! Beautiful wintry photos.

  6. I just love your sea page Valerie. Your textured background and images really create a lot of motion.I'm with you. Swimming with seahorses and dolphins would be great to do. And your photos are great, especially the ivy which looks like harts growing off the stem. Thanks so much for adding another page to AJJ. Muc appreciated. hugs-Erika

  7. ooh look at that snow, wonder what it's like to play and have the snow surrounding me....
    Beautiful and different creation, great elegant colours and designed page. xx

    1. Snow looks pretty, and kids and dogs always love it!

  8. This is my favorite art yet. I absolutely love all things to do with the sea. Beautiful sunrise and snow shots too. Hugs!

  9. oh, my! Your beautiful sea page takes me to warmer days and swimming in a clear blue ocean off a sandy beach, then you bring us snow! The sunrise is superb and so colourful.
    Hugs, Deb

  10. Liebe Valerie deien Unterwasserwelt ist so schön und die Fotos mit dem gebauten Schneemännchen und dem Herzenefeu sind mal wieder wunderschön anzusehen.
    Bei mir stürmt udn braust der Wind um die Häuser!
    Ich wünsche dir einen shcönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Bleib gesund und sicher zuhause!

  11. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. We had a stormy night here with bowling winds! Love your undersea page, so fresh and happy! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks. It was stormy Here too! Hugs to all!

  12. I am quite sure that the seahorses and dolphins would welcome you with open fins, Valerie, well the dolphins would anyway. The seahorses would have to wiggle their tails, I suppose. Did you know that it is the male seahorses that give birth to live young? The world of nature is full of surprises! Yesterday I had to have some routine bloodwork done and it is quite a procedure during COVID. Anyway, it is done now and I expect a Zoom meeting with my doctor in a week or so, so that she can tell me what a fine specimen I am! Joe Biden and Kamalla Harris are now installed and the world is a better place. Keep a close eye on that woman. She is going to make a difference! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David! I like the Idea of being welcomed with open fins! Glad you got your bloodwork done. I'm sitting waiting for the eye Specialists to Check my eyes,my right eye is inflamed and the clinic got me an appointment straight away.I am happy that the inauguration went well. Take care, you fine specimen! Hugs!

  13. Look at all that snow. I love your art with the the sea horses. So cute and evocative of the sea.

  14. Well I think your art is as close as you can get to swimming with the sea life. Well done indeed. You are in the midst of winter. The snow looks pretty from afar. LOL have a nice day.

  15. Gorgeous page Valerie, so colorful and I love the cute seahorses! Beautiful sunrise pictures too, love the sky. Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

  16. A beautiful page, and a great quote Valerie!
    I love your snowy photos and the heart ivy too.
    Alison xx

  17. Thanks Ella! I would love to go snorkeling again. Stay Safe,big hugs!

  18. I love your piece. It makes me feel like I'm in the middle of the sea. I too would love to swim with dolphins and sea-horses. Did you see Aquaman?
    That heart Ivy is wondrous.
    Take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I haven't seen that film. Have a great day! Hugs!

  19. Love the sea-horses and pictures of sunrise are absolutly beautiful :)

  20. Beautiful mixed media page, I love living near the sea, I have seen dolphins here but not seahorses maybe if I went diving under the pier I might see some 😄. Lovely sunrise and snow photos, fun to make a snowman.

    1. Thanks! Take photos of you go diving under the pier!

  21. I love your water art! It's so pretty! Gorgeous sky photos and I love your winter pictures!! Take care my friend! Big Hugs!

  22. Under the sea reminds me of a song, but I can't remember it at the moment. I really LOVE the sea horses. They are my favorite, along with the star fish. It's a great entry for Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme, too.

    You got snow! It looks so lovely there. And your sunrises are gorgeous, too.

    1. I want to be, under the sea, in an octopus's garden in the shade.....

    2. YES, that is it. Thanks for the reminder.

  23. Very nice photos! Have a great weekend! 😍😍😍

  24. Love your journal page and super photos

  25. awesome article guys :)... have a nice day

  26. Thanks for sharing pics above and below sea level, beautiful!

  27. Very fun sea page, Valerie. The quote is true - I think the sea captures us all. Such fun images in your scene too. Lovely pictures - my faves are the little snowman and the heart shaped ivy. Great post. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! The Heart ivy was really pretty! Have a great Weekend.

  28. Such a pretty page! The background texture fits perfectly with your underwater theme and the swirls and seahorse look amazing 😀. So lovely to see the sunrises, the colours are so beautiful and I always enjoy seeing the snow - perfect ❄️. Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks so much Jo! Have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  29. Your artwork definitely shows how "the sea casts its spell".

  30. The sea really is magical isn't it! I love your page, and I would love to be at the seaside even if I would need my wellies! Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I so want to be by the seaside again, even with wellies! Enjoy your weekend.

  31. A lovely bright colourful sea scene, love it. I love sea horses and dolphins. Great photos.
    hugs Wendy

  32. Luv your undersea mix. Happy PPF


  33. I love the sea-themed art :) Sea horses!

    A snowman! What a treat :)

  34. Pretty colors in your sea fantasy page. Lovely sunrise. We've been getting dustings of snow, too, this week. Doesn't make me ambitious enough to go outside to make a snowman. Take care.

  35. as an ocean lover too I'd love to swim in your delightful sea page! I have been beside dolphins- an amazing experience! Your sunrise photos are so beautiful. I catch sunsets but no up early enough for any sunrise-which wouldn't matter at home cuz I can't see the sun rise with all the neighborhood homes and trees. Thankfully that's not too much snow you have. Stay in and keep warm and safe. happy PPF!

  36. Thanks Linda, the des is always so beautiful! Stay safe!

  37. Lovely sea art page. Seahorses are so amazing.
    I finally saw a real one a few years ago.
    I love the quote too.
    Such beautiful sunrises. An all around wonderful post.
    Happy PPF!

  38. Lovely page especially the sea horses. Great photos.

  39. I love your seahorse art!! :) And, your ivy hearts are so nice!! :)

  40. I like your seahorse journal page.

  41. Your mixed media pieces are just wonderful! So many fun details! Such fuN!

  42. Love the sea piece! Oh, how I would love to spend some time by the sea this year, but I think I'll have to wait another year due to the circumstances. Your snow pictures are wonderful. We just received a bit more snow this morning. But due to the temps it will be gone by noon I think. Happy PPF!

  43. Lovely artwork. Very nice sketches. The seahorse looks really cool. And such pleasant photos. :)

  44. It's a joy to see this painting bubbling over with creatures free of care.

    1. Thanks, I hope we can soon all be carefree again!

  45. Oh such wonderful mixed media 'sea creation' and always wonderful photography ~ lovely variety ~

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  46. Beautiful photos! I love the pink sky ♥ -I'm ready for some sea, sun, and seahorsies!

  47. Just love the dolphins and seahorses ...
    Nice to see the snowy pictures, our youngest Grandson was fortunate to have snow and build a snowman ... he was so happy :)

    All the best Jan

  48. Fabulous page, I'd be happy just walking along the sand - I'd mind your clothes for you as I'm not much of a swimmer! Love those snowy photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  49. I wanted to dive in your page and swim with those dolphins and seahorses and watch all the marvellous seashells and fronds surrounding me.
    Thank you for all the photos too, love snowy photos, just not driving in it. Lovely scenes from where you are.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I like snow to look at! Driving in it is no fun!


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