Saturday 30 January 2021

Saturday / Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

Another week has sped by, and I am happy to say that I am allowed to go home for the weekend to see how I get on on my own, so it is a good feeling to be making progress. I hope to be home completely in 2 or 3 weeks.

Today I have another tag for  Tag Tuesday, put a photo on it, hosted by Wendy. I used a photo from Erika and a photo from my walks, combined with a digital window and a few shadow pics.

And I have more photos from Zons.
There is a beautiful fountain surrounded by bronze swine

The legend is that in 1577 Zons and the archbishop of Cologne had a feud about taxes. The archbishop stole the swine from Zons, but a brave town official got them back again!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely window scene looks fabulous with your own photo in the background.
    Interesting reading and photos of the swines. Have a lovely weekend..xx

  2. Oh Valerie I am so happy to hear that you are doing better. Enough to go home on the weekends. Your art is wonderful and I like the 3 kiddies way in the back. Great photos too. The zine are amazing as is the story. Have a great evening.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it's a good feeling that things are looking up! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. You must be excited to be home, even if it is just for the weekend. This is a great tag. I love the idea of a window and the nice photo of Erika. You even added those fun little playful children along the path. And I love the piggies. How fun. Enjoy your time at home. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It feels strange to be sitting here at my computer, but good strange! Have a great weekend!

  4. So glad to hear you get a weekend home. Pretty tag and enjoyed the photos of Zons.

    1. Thanks Christine. It's good to be back in my own surroundings!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you will be able to go home, it's been a long time! Keep us posted on our progress. Oh and love your tag!

    1. Thanks Martha! It has been a long time, but time went by really quickly. It's good to be home again for a weekend, things are getting better!

  6. Ich drücke dir die Daumen dass alles klappt daheim!
    Schön dieses Bild mit dem süssen Mädchen und dein Foto darin!
    Ich wünsche dir viel Freude zuhause am Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! Es ist schön hier zu sein, obwohl es sich alles etwas fremd ist! Und ich freue mich auf mein eigenes Bett! Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  7. So happy for you that you can go home! Hope the healing progress continues!
    The window scene is very beautiful, and so is the photo of Erika!
    I love the piggies, and the small town too!
    Have a wonderful weekend at your nest! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. It feels a bit strange to be home, but good! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Thanks Laurie, I have been in the clinic since the beginning of December. I hope I will soon be home for good!

  9. Wonderful news that you can have weekends at home now, and that you may soon be home for good. So happy for you.
    Love the piggies! Is that you in the picture?
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! It feels good to be back in my own 4 walls! That's a friend and fellow blogger in the picture. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  10. First, I am so glad you get to go home for the weekend and the chance of going home permanently soon. Super glad you shared this - I have been afraid to ask and have been very worried.

    Beautiful tag with kind of a haunting feel to it. Love the picture of Erika. Wouldn't it be lovely to have your pictures show up in a family members art like this. Enchanting.

    Great pictures you shared too - very fun pigs and other pretty details you shared. I love those shutters - wonder if hubby would let me do something like that? LOL.


    1. Thanks Nancy, it's good to be home for 2 days, I am really feeling better now, and hope I can soon be back home. I love that photo of Erika, she was a distant cousin. I like using the old photos in my art. The pigs are always fun. Hmmm, wonder what your hubby would think of those shutters? I love them, too! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  11. The fact that you are home for the weekend is the kind of news we have all been anticipating, Valerie, and it is the best gift that Saturday could bring us. I hope that you have been sufficiently restored, both mentally and physically, to be able to cope, and move forward into spring with optimism, somewhat approaching your old vigour. Be sure to let us know how it goes. I don't have a bucket list, but if I did, sitting on a pig would be added to it! I have done many interesting and challenging things in my life; sitting on a pig has not been one of them. I have met a few pigs in life and the human types have been the most detestable of all. I think that politicians, often decent people at the start, slowly begin a slide to piggishness as they start to wallow in the mud and the dirt and the grime. The condition worsens in direct proportion to time in office. Some, like Donald Trump, enter office with a full battery of swinish behaviour built in. Be well, Valerie, get better, keep improving, everyone is cheering for you. With love from Miriam and me. David

    1. Thanks David, it's nice to be home writing on my computer instead of letter for letter with my phone or tablet! It feels a bit strange being here, but sort of good strange! I hope that one day you are able to sit on a pig, I'm sure it's a fun experience, especially for a true naturalist. I would love to fly on an eagle, but that's probably not possible! Your 'piggy' remarks, made me laugh, it's unfortunately true by so many, and DT really had a natural talent for this category! Up till now I have done the washing and thawed out some soup for my meal, and am looking forward to baking a cake tomorrow! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you and M!

  12. All those structures are still around after all those centuries. Amazing!

    1. Thanks Glenda, it's good to see that so many ancient buildings have survived. Have a great weekend!

  13. Good morning Valerie, I am so happy to read you are able to go home for the weekend. Your tag is beautiful, and I am in love with all those brick buildings and roadways. the story about the swine was interesting. Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, Zons is indeed a very pretty town! It's good to be home for a weekend! Take care of yourself, stay safe!

  14. I do hope that you will be well soon and can be comfy and well in your own home once again.
    Your art is beautiful and your photos magnificent!!!

    Hugs ☕

  15. Hi Valerie, so happy to read that you get to go home for the weekend and I hope you continue to feel better. Gorgeous tag I love how you combined your photo with other elements! Awesome photos of Zons, it's such a beautiful town.
    Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, it's good to be home for 2 days! Have a great weekend!

  16. Great to hear you can get to go home for a few days. Your tag is lovely. I enjoyed your day out photos, lo e that little yard with the swing seat and buckets of bright flowers. Keep safe.

    1. Thanks a lot. Zons is a very pretty place! Have a great day!

  17. I love your artwork-it's really sweet. Zons is beautiful-I'm glad it is kept up and not just forgotten. It's important to have old things. Your pictures are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Debra. I love all of the little, old towns around here!

  18. Gorgeous tag, the two photos go together well. Fab photos of Zons, I would like to go there. Pleased you are feeling better.
    Hugs Wendy.

  19. So glad to hear you're doing better and it must be nice to be home even for a little while. While the piggy statues are cute and I think would make a great addition to my Zensical garden, I really love the tuxedo cat figurine. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, it was fun to be home, I just baked a cake to take back for my friends there! I thought you would like that cat!

  20. I’m leaving this generic message so you don’t think I’m a flake. I didn’t feel good Friday, and when I woke, the entire area around the eye that got damaged last summer had swollen so badly, I couldn’t open it. After speaking with the vision specialist, the soonest I can get in is Monday morning. I am not to wear the eye patch I was given in case it might exacerbate the swelling, but I am to take the eyedrops I was given from before. Thanks for understanding why I haven’t been to visit you. Glad to read you are home, too, at least for ahwile.

    1. I am so sorry Elizabeth, that sounds awful. Please take care of yourself, and hope you get it sorted on Monday. Sending hugs and healing vibes!

  21. The pig fountain is just wonderful. I love all your photos this week -- I assume they are from the past, as the season appears to be spring, not winter.

    Good luck with your recovery and return to your own home.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I am reshowing older photos as it's not possible to go anywhere just now. And thanks for the good wishes, I hope I can leave the clinic in 2 or 3 weeks, that would be great!

  22. I am super happy to hear you are at home for the weekend Valerie. Definitely a step in the right direction!! Fingers crossed it won't be long. I love your gorgeous tag. The window scene is such a great idea! Sending many many hugs your way xoxo

    1. Thanks Pinky, it's a good feeling to see light at the end of the tunnel! Have a wonderful, new week!

  23. I love your tag, and what fabulous photos, but the best bit has to be that you can go home for the weekend.Take care of yourself and be careful not to overdo it, Sue x

    1. Thanks Sue, I was very good at home and even baked a cake!

  24. Congratulations on test week-ends at home. Progress is wonderful to see :)

    I've decided my patio needs one of those bronze pigs :) No room for one, of course, and large pieces like that would be beyond our means... But still ;)

    The architecture in your street scenes fascinates me.

    1. Dreams keep us going! It was good to be home for the weekend.

  25. I do like your current header photograph, and I love your tag.
    Always enjoy seeing your photographs.

    So pleased to read you were able to be home for the weekend :)
    Take care and I send my good wishes for the new month of February.

    All the best Jan

  26. Hello Valerie, I do hope you have managed to have a good weekend at home, for some reason I thought you were home already. I hope to that you are healing and can get back to normal again very soon.
    Your tag is delightful..hugs to you x

  27. Wonderful that you are making good progress and will be home soon 😀. Your tag is so adorable, I love the vintage style and the little girl image is adorable! Great photos too. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The little girl was a cousin of my grandmother.

  28. Oh Valerie, such good news that you got a test-weekend at home. I hope it went well for you and that a permanent return is due soon. I love this tag -- thank you for another visit to Zons. It's lovely!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I hope I can go home in 3 weeks!

  29. A lovely tag, and great photos Valerie! I hope you'll be home for good very soon.
    Alison xx

  30. VERY INTERESTING tags and photos

    this week MINE

    much love...

  31. Your art piece is so beautiful! Gorgeous photos! Love the pigs! LOL! Big Hugs!


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