Tuesday 26 January 2021

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Our lovely Wendy is hosting and has chosen 'Put a photo, or part of a photo, on it'. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see YOU there!

I have a tag using a photo of my mother with me as a baby:

More photos taken in Zons - this was used as a prison:

The old mill:

Narrow streets along the walls:

Flowers growing in the walls:

And there are more photos to come next time!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tag is so beautiful Valerie and the photos of the old mill are really cool!

  2. I love the photo of you and your mom! Great photos of the old buildings! I love that little art creation on the steps with the little animals! So cute! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, glad you enjoyed the trip to Zons!

  3. Lovely tag with you and your mom! Beautiful photos of Zons.

  4. I'm glad I clicked on this when I did so I can see more Zons. It was perfect to continue right after your T day post. And I love the new challenge and your tag. That is a great part of a photo! Hugs-Erika

  5. Beautiful post with that tag, great photos. xx

  6. Wow, super sweet tag and love the nostalgia behind your tour! A prison - oh my - such beauty it beholds. I imagine if those walls could talk, what did it see?! THanks for sharing! xx

    1. Thae. I often wonder what the old walls by seen!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are doing well! Love the beautiful tag with you and your mum and the delightful photos. Have a great day, hugs from all, Sarah

  8. Lovely tag and photo of you and your Mum. Great photos of the amazing old town.

  9. I knew why I call you "gorgeous"! As a baby you were so beautiful and so photogenic.
    That medieval town is beautiful and here we also have "medieval" cities, especially on the border with Germany.
    The largest medieval castle is in my city. Come and have a look, you will love it!
    Wishing you a beautiful day! Hugs!

    1. When covid is over I will come! Have a great day Sweetie!

  10. So süss dein Foto mit deiner Mutter in deinem hübschen Tag!
    Da gibt so vieles zu sehen in Zons, toll wie wenn ich slebst da herum spaziere.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Irgendwann fahre ich wieder hin! Bleib gesund!

  11. How lovely to have old, family photos to use. I wonder if the prisoner in the tower was Rapunzel?
    Hugs, Deb

  12. I am lucky to have lots of old photos. It could really have been Rapunzel! Have a good and safe day!

  13. Valerie you were an adorable photo of your and your Mum. Great tag. Love seeing all your lovely photos. Have a great day. Anesha

  14. Good morning Valerie: What a beautiful woman your mother was and what a gorgeous baby you were too, bedecked in your finest clothes. It was already apparent that you would grow up to be wise and sophisticated, a femme fatale, a woman of the world, a great teacher and a role model for others. You will have to post pictures at different stages of your life. That would be fun for us all to see. Zons continues to delight, It really is a fabulous old town and that windmill stands out as a very special link to its past. Perhaps this summer when the weather is warm and the birds are singing you will be able to return for another visit. By then, cafés and restaurants may be open, and it will be possible to have a sandwich and drink coffee and watch the world go by - maskless even! When we go out these days, masked, and dressed up in winter clothes, it is not surprising that people we know don't recognize us. The other day, I had on a dark mask, and a winter hat pulled down low - in times past I would have looked like a bank robber! Until tomorrow hugs, kisses, squeezes, embraces, knowing winks, bons mots and jovial greetings. David

    1. Hi David! Yes, in past times they would have rung the police if someone had entered a bank or a shop with mask and dark hat, today you get fined for NOT doing it! Zons is one of my all time 'magic' places, and I am looking forward to visiting again when Covid is over. My mum was always very pretty, and even in old age she looked really good. I hope your zoom conferences yesterday went well! Take care, have a great day, hugs to you both!

  15. The tag with your mom and you is so sweet. That prison tower is where Rapunzel must have been kept! The wishing well with the flowers is such a cute idea, too. Have a good day!

    1. Thanks CJ! I think that could have been Rapunzel's tower, or a similar one which inspiredxd the story!

  16. Gorgeous tag with a lovely photo that must mean so much to you. Thanks for sharing your walk amongst all those interesting buildings. I hope you are doing well. Hugs from Canada, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, I am doing well, thanks for asking!

  17. Nice photo of you and your mother. I enjoy those photos of Zon. Very quaint village.

  18. Your tag is beautiful! I loved the photos too.

  19. Lovely tag of you and your mum. I love to see the old photos. Great photos of Zon, it's looks very interesting, as long as were not in prison at the time.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I wouldn't like to be imprisoned there either!

  20. Hi Valerie! I totally love your photos; they make me want to draw! I was wondering if you could send me photo #8 above for my "I'd like to draw/paint this" folder? It is a beautiful composition! My email is sharonmhickeyatgmaildotcom. If you can, thank you!! Also, you were a very pretty baby!

    1. Thanks Sherry, I will send it tomorrow, I can't access my Photos today. Have fun!

  21. Valery this is a wonderful tag with you and your mom. I also love the photos today. Have a wonderful day.

  22. i adore this place:) i want to come here;)

  23. A wonderful page Valerie, and Zons looks like a beautiful place.
    Alison xx

  24. What a wonderful photo Valerie, your mum looks so happy and what a cutie you are! Zons looks to be a beautiful place, and very interesting.Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  25. I am loving your gorgeous tag of you and your Mother Valerie! How precious!! Your photographic journey today was wonderful. Hugs

  26. Love those old buildings in your photos. Great tags.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Love the tag of you and your mom. You were such a cutie and, of course, still are:)
    Beautiful photos.

  29. Your tag is gorgeous. Luv the photo share. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  30. What a gorgeous Tag Valerie, you were such a cute baby! Beautiful photos of Zons, the buildings are amazing! I hope you are doing well.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, Zons is a wonderful place. I'm doing well!

  31. A very nice tag.
    That old mill looks fabulous.
    A lovely mix of photographs.

    I can't believe it's almost Wednesday!

    All the best Jan

  32. I love your art tag, Valerie. It's lovely. And the photos -- I have such a very soft spot for windmills!

  33. LOVE your tag. You and your mother make such a lovely pair. Adding the bird and flower added to the beauty, too. It's a great tag, possibly one of my favorites to date.

    I think the flowers growing out of the walls is a wonderful find, and seeing all those windmills that seem to have popped up in several of your photos was great, too. Lovely shots indeed.

  34. I'm impressed that such historic sites are along your way. It feels like a step back in history. That little mill wheel! :)


  35. I really like such photos from years ago. You are a lovely child. I like these contemporary photographs as well. Good day, lots of health :)

  36. I'm already sorting our photos!!! Your tag is a great inspiration for me to get going! Love the Zons pics, Hugs, Chrisx

  37. I love that tag of you and your mom ~ it's precious! I saved more of the windmill photos to pinterest ~ so rugged and yet flowers can grow in the walls surrounding ~ just beautiful! I love the one photo looking up ~ takes my breath away ~ Blessings to you friend :)

    1. Thanks Karen! I am Always moved to see flowers growing in Walls. Glad you Like the photos. Hugs!

  38. Love the picture of you and your mother! How great to use it on a tag! Fun stuff!

    Great pictures too - that mill is amazing!!!


    1. Thanks Nancy. I love old mills, too! Have a great weekend!

  39. Such a lovely Tag, that photo is beautiful.
    Love the photos on your blog, the Mill is awesome.x

  40. Gorgeous tag - what a wonderful photo of you and your mum, you've set it off beautifully against that lovely background. The photos of the Mill are so interesting too - alwasy such a lot to see and enjoy on your blog.

    1. Thanks Diana! Old mills are always fascinating!


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