Tuesday 5 January 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT ,

Our theme to start the new year is to use an uplifting quote. I made some paper dollies again, on an A3 painted background using uplifting quotes for their faces. The sheet of quotes was a gift from Tam Laport at Willowing. The birds and words were stenciled.

I am also linking to Erika's 'favourite things' challenge at AJJ - playing with paint and paper is one of my fave things!

Some photos of icy puddles - some look like abstract art:

Have a great day, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely positive page and those puddles are nature's works of art.

  2. Those photos are so cool and I absolutely love your uplifting and colorful paper doll artwork! I hope your year is off to a good start Valerie :)

  3. Inspiring art and interesting pics.
    Thanks for your vote. xoxo

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Your paper dolls bring back childhood memories, love the inspiring quotes, too. All is well here. Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  5. Very fine photos;) have a nice day;)

  6. Love your artwork today. Ice is so amazing, look at the inspiration and possibilities, but be careful too. Hugs, Deb

  7. Oh my gosh, your dollies are just adorable! And love their positive thoughts! And... your icy photos are breathtaking... these would make super background for art! LOVE them! ((HUGS)) and positive thoughts sent your way! Helen

  8. Fabulous Valerie! Love the brightly coloured dolls (uplifting in themselves!) Those quotes certainly do the trick too! Oh! how lovely those icy puddles look - I remember the days of jumping onto icy puddles to make cracks in the ice - dare I now? OK...I won't try!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I used to Love jumping one the ice, too but it's too dangerous these days!

  9. Such a beautiful page! Such a fabulous colourful design and I love the "be happy" wording and the positive affirmations in the heads - perfect 😁. Wow, your frozen puddle photos looks so amazing and very pretty! Happy January and wishing you all the best for the New Year! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, we all need positive thoughts just now. Have a great week!

  10. Love those happy dollies. Just their colors make me smile. Very nice page for both TIOT and AJJ. I'm with you and playing with paper and paint. And I get exactly what you saw in those iced puddles. They are very cool. Hope all is well. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's always good to play with paper and paint! Have a great day,Valerie

  11. Your dolls are so positive and affirming! Words we need to repeat to ourselves often. Very cool and great idea, Valerie. The puddles would make some great backgrounds - love the patterns and that you captured them. You have such an eye. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. It was fun making the dollies, and I've is fascinating! Stay safe!

  12. I'm always happy! Well 99% of the time anyway! Based on your pictures I can see that I need to pay more attention to frozen puddles. The designs are really intricate. I usually am focussed on stepping around them, so I don't slip and injure my aging bones, or my misplaced pride! The way that winters are going here we'll be showing photographs of ice to kids who have never experienced.it. By now we should be getting temperatures in the minus 10 to 15 range and we are not even close. I haven't even worn gloves when I hold my binoculars. I am sure that you stay warm on your walks, Valerie, especially now that you are fuelled by all that good food you are getting in the clinic. Until tomorrow, hugs and kisses. David

    1. Glad you are always happy! Iced puddles are worth looking at, once I started I couldn't stop! The world temps are really getting out of hand, and some still deny climate change. The food here is too good and too tempting and probably too much! Have a good and safe day, hugs, Valerie

  13. We all need friends like your little girls with their positive messages.

  14. Terrific reminders! Be happy ~ Very cool frozen art too ~ Enjoy your day!

  15. You and mother nature are both talented and creative!!!
    A very happy and lovely post!!!


  16. Very interesting article! Happy new year! 🎉🎉🎉

  17. I love your page Valerie, so cheery, just what we need right now as we are back to a full national lockdown here. Those icy puddles look very interesting, almost like they are under a microscope. Take care and have a very happy week xx

  18. Love the piece. The pics are fascinating.

  19. A bright cheery journal page Valerie and I love how you added the positive quotes to the girls faces. There's some fabulous shapes in those ice puddles, mother natures always knows how to paint a picture whatever the weather.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, Nature is always the best artist!

  20. I love today's happy and affirming art. And those frozen puddles are a stunning batch of photography. Well spotted and done!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We need to stay positive just now!

  21. Those paper dolls brought me back to my childhood. These are so much more clever than any I could have made, though. I love the positive quotes in each of the dolls' heads. This was wonderful and a great entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I was mesmerized by the ice cracks and crystals. I started to say the same thing Sue said about the microscope, then saw her comment and felt foolish. Really amazing art and photos.

  22. Wow, I can't believe how many people have left comments since I started writing my comment. Sue was right above me when I left my last comment.

    1. I Love playing with paper soll's, even at my age! The ice was really fascinating, I suppose we don't usually Look at it. Take care, stay Safe!

  23. Adorable paper dolls Valerie, I love their dresses and the awesome quotes! Fabulous ice photos, the crystals are amazing. Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

  24. I like your page very much, it`s fantastic.
    Happy New Year and stay safe.

    1. Thanks Marjut, happy New Year to you and yours!

  25. I love the dolls with the quotes. And the photos are superb!

  26. I LOVE your girls and the quotes! A+++ Your pictures of the frozen ice are amazing! Big Hugs!

  27. Great page Valerie, love your paper dolls and inspiring quotes

    Joan x

  28. I love the encouragement and the cheering colors in your art. The photos are stunning and make wonderful abstract pieces.

    1. Thanks. I never before realised how beautiful ice can be!

  29. The puddles are natures own art-work :)

    All the best Jan

  30. Love how you turned the circles into dolls - what a lovely idea and they are all holding hands thereby linking the words and spreading the hand of friendship.
    Lovely photographs - they would make nice backing papers or inspiration for art with the movement of the water underneath them.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xx


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