Tuesday 12 January 2021

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start!

Today we are staring a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting with the theme 
-Faery Garden-
As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, and tags of all formats are welcome. Hope to see YOU there!
Michele made 2 beautiful and inspiring tags which you can see on our blog.

I made a magical, winter scene:

Some walking pictures:

I found the first snowdrops, but no snow:

Some green in a neighbour's garden:

And I saw another coypu/muskrat by the old mill in Kalkum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another great collection of photographs.
    I always enjoy seeing snowdrops :)

    Where did Monday go?
    Can't believe we are already in Tuesday!

    All the best Jan

  2. Beautiful art and gorgeous walking photos Valerie!
    You are amazing!!!

    Hugs ☕đŸȘ

  3. Love the tag. This sounds like a fun new tag challenge. And wow, you have green. And snowdrops. It's like spring is about to arrive. Hugs-Erika

    1. The snowdrops always start blooming very early, even when there's snow.

  4. I really love your art work today and the photos are gorgeous!

  5. Lovely tags and nice to see the snowdrops.

  6. Beautiful tags and gorgeous photos. xx

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your faery tags,S will love them, too. We also have the first snowdrops in the Garden. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good and safe day, hugs to all!

  8. i feel like your photos in this post also go with the faery garden theme! i love your sweet tag! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, glad you like it! Have a good and healthy week.

  9. Goodness, a Coypu! Are they native, or is it an escapee from a zoo?

    1. The originally escaped from fĂŒr farms, but meanwhile they are very widespread.

  10. Hello Gorgeous!
    I love your faery tags!
    Snowdrops ... I missed them. They haven't appeared in my garden yet! And a few frosty days are coming ... but they're coming soon!

    1. Hi my Lovely! Today I saw another patch of snowdrops, so pretty! Stay Safe.

  11. What a sweet and pretty tag. I’m glad you can get out walking and it’s still nice weather for it.

    1. Thanks Teresa. Today it rained a lot, but no snow.

  12. I thought that the faeries looked like little angels, so I was sure this post was about me, especially when I saw the Snowy Owl in the picture, and then I realized they were all girls. I think I must go immediately to the anti-discrimination league since there are no faeries of male persuasion included. I could say that I will sulk for the rest of the day, but in reality I will quickly get over it! Nice job with the tag, Valerie, unisexual though it may be! It must be lovely to have snowdrops already and the coypu looks like it has no difficulty finding food. Yesterday was quite dreary here, very grey, with a bit of a bite to the wind. I must say, however, that we have had bright sunny snowy days of late so one bad day is not to be complained about too much. And Miriam and I made a wonderful dinner, opened a bottle of wine and lit the candles, so it was bright and cheerful inside. Today looks a little drab still, but the vivid red of a cardinal in the yard adds zip to the day instantly. January is almost half over. Can you believe it? Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I'm trying to imagine you dresses as a fairy! I will see what I can manage in my next tag.... There are a lot of coypus here, I love watching them, but farmers are always complaining about the damage they do. They would love to get rid of them all. Here is cold and grey today, too, with copious amounts of rain. Glad you both enjoyed a wonderful dinner and some wine. I wish we had cardinals here. Time flies! Hugs to you both, Valerie

    2. Oh, gosh! Look who's dreaming now! David đŸ€·‍♂️ ... as an angel? LOL 😂
      Thank you for making me laugh! Hugs to you both! đŸ€—

  13. Sweet page. The snowdrops would make perfect flowers for it, too. They are so pretty. The muskrat is a big fellow. You almost can't tell front from the back because he's so fluffy! Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. I Love snowdrops. The muskrats are not shy and very well Fed!

  14. Very fine photos;) have a nice day:)

  15. Ohhhh Valerie this is adorable. I love this art. If feels peaceful. Have a great day today.

  16. Flowers already! Nice! We don't have muskrats here (beavers and nutrias, but I've never seen a muskrat). Great photos!

  17. Impressive tag. Love the design and coloring. Your photos during your walks are wonderful. Love the "hen and chicks" photo. They are some of my favorite succulent plants.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim! Those succulents are very pretty. Stay safe!

  18. A great tag, and wonderful photos Valerie!
    Our neighbours have snowdrops in their front garden, so pretty!
    Alison xox

    1. Thanks Alison, I'm always happy to see the first snowdrops.

  19. Beautiful tag, loving your little fairies Valerie! Hope you are well and what a joy to find the first snowdrops!

  20. Cute winter scene. That muskrat is huge. Wow.

  21. Lovely faery tag AND gorgeous photos. Happy Tuesday

    much love...

  22. Your piece makes me smile and warms my heart.
    Look at those snowdrops. Great pics as always.

  23. Lovely tags. I've never seen a coypu in the wild.

  24. O ist das sĂŒss deine winterliche Szene, grossartig dein StĂŒck!
    Die Wanderbilder sind auch so schön!
    Ich wĂŒnsche dir noch eine gute Nacht!
    Lieben gruss Elke

  25. Beautiful tag,and I always enjoy your walk photos I have never seen a muskrat before.

  26. Valerie your tag is so pretty, I love it! You can almost feel the cold in you walk photos, it's pretty chilly here today too, but it's wet and very miserable. I've never seen a coypu either, but there was a piece on the news yesterday that rats are taking over the city centres due to lockdown. I hope this was just sensationalism - I'm not a fan of rats! Take care and have a great day, Sue xx

    1. I'm not a fan of rats, but the coypus are okay!

  27. Love your art! ANd especially love seeing your critter. He looks like our woodchucks. We are months away from seeing flowers-so your photo brought hope to my soul.

    1. Thanks Debra! It's similar to a woodchuck, and has orange teeth!

  28. Beautiful tag Valerie, I love the winter scene you created! Awesome photos today, the green succulent ground covering is gorgeous! I hope you are doing well, stay safe.
    Tammy x

  29. Look at those pretty green Hens and Chickens. At least that's what they are called here.
    Hope you are feeling well and have a wondrous day.

  30. Your tag is so beautiful!!!! Love the muskrat and the snowdrops! Big Hugs!

  31. A beautiful Tag..as always a wonderful selection of photograhs.I love trees and when I scrolled down and saw those snowdrops it made my day, they are my favourite flower.
    Hope you are keeping well Valarie x

  32. I like snowdrops.
    This animal is beautiful I have never met like this :)

  33. Beautiful tag - I love your sweet images. Lovely photos of your walk too.

  34. I've been wondering why I didn't comment on this but then remembered it was at the time we kept losing our internet connection! It's a fabulous tag and I'm sorry I didn't get around to entering! Love the Winter pics, Chrisxx


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