Tuesday 22 December 2020

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody! 

Christmas is coming nearer, so I hope you have all of your preparations finished. I don't need to do anything, as I am staying here in the clinic over Christmas, which certainly saves a lot of work!

Today I am showing an A4  piece made after a lesson from Toni Burt in the Lifebook taster sessions, using acrylics,collage and gilding flakes:

I am also linking to Tracey's theme at AJJ.

Early morning:

At the Rhine:

Men at work:

Looking up:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi my friend, lovely art and post as always. We are on our own for Christmas and wishing you a lovely stay at the clinic. Rest, enjoy and relax./ xx

  2. Wishing you a super happy birthday, my friend!

  3. Happy birthday Valerie. I hope you can celebrate at the clinic. And I love your latest art. The gold flakes give the page such an amazing bit of sparkle and depth. She does look sad though, so I hope she is just having a moment of contemplation. Enjoy your Tuesday. And stay safe. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I baked scones here, and we all enjoyed them with cream and home made jam! Have a lovely day!

  4. Beautiful art and photos as always. I hope your stay at the clinic over Christmas will be a happy and festive time. Big hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday and that you were able to celebrate. Here all are well and happy. Have a good and safe day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful day! Hugs to you all!

  6. Beautiful art, my dear!
    I love your photos where the sky is so blue! It's gloomy and gray here!
    Wishing you a beautiful day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella, it's gloomy and grey here today, too! Take care!

  7. Penblwydd Hapus {Happy Birthday} I'm sure they make a fuss of you. Also, Christmas, you will have people around you, and you won't have to lift a finger, just sit back and relax.
    Thinking of you. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, how nice to have a Welsh greeting. Yes, being i the clinic has its advantages! Have a safe and happy day!

  8. Very fine pictures;) Have a nice day:)

  9. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Valerie!!! Hope you feel better, my friend.
    I always love your photos (especially the raven) and your new painting is beautiful. Interesting technique combining acrylics, collage and gilding flakes. Kisses!

  10. I am not quite sure that she looks sad, maybe pensive. She has that air about her - reflective and a little serious - and after all part of her advice is to "think your thoughts" so that is perhaps what she is doing. And I bet the sparkle on her cheek is the equivalent to a twinkle in her eye. I'd be happy to have coffee with her. I am glad to see so many birds along the Rhine with formation flights of ducks and a very wise crow keeping watch over everything. The brilliant red tiles stand out, a little touch of the Mediterranean almost. It is on the cusp of Christmas, Valerie, when so many work themselves into a frenzy of exhaustion. You will be able sit back at the clinic, and watch them deliver your dinner, and you won't have to lift a troubled finger. The news from Britain regarding COVID is not good, but hanging around Boris Johnson would cause anything to mutate! Stay well, stay healthy, stay cheerful, stay happy, eat, drink, be merry. Hugs and kisses from far away. David

    1. Hi David, I just got back from lunch here, and it was good, as always! Yes, my lady looks pensive, but full of good advice! Glad you like the photos. The cross were very loud this morning, and when I went out they were feasting on a dead rabbit. Not my taste, but good meal for them. This year I don't need to go shopping or do cooking, so that's positive. But a Boris mutation sounds scary! Hope you are enjoying your week and will have more walks with lovely Lily. Take care, hugs to you both.

  11. A lovely page. Merry Christmas to you. May it be a relaxing, healing time for you.

  12. wunderschön deine Seite und mit diesem Spruch darauf!
    Lass es dich gut gehen dieses Jahr und verwöhnen so weit wie möglich im Klinikaufenthalt dass deine Gesundheit besserung bringt.
    Frohe Weihnachten wüsnche ich dir im Herzen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch ein glückliches und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest. Bleib gesund!

  13. Have a wonderful birthday and a fun christmas!

    stay healthy! ... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  14. Happy Birthday!! So nice that you can bake and go out for walks and continue with your art ~ Blessings and well wishes to you ~ Love, Karen

  15. Love the sentiment. The image is appropriate for our times. I am draw to the eyes. They are wonderful. Your early morning walks and images reflect the quiet of the new day. Enjoy the season and may you be blessed in every way.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  16. Lovely artwork but I awed by your excellent photography too !

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, Happy Christmas to you and Angel!

  17. I love your lady Valerie, she looks so elegant. Take care and have a very happy Christmas xx

  18. Your lady is beautiful Valerie!
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
    Alison xx

  19. That is a nice piece of art. Love that black bird.

  20. what a great suny day you have showed us:)

  21. Lovely art and photos today Valerie! Glad you will be safe at the clinic over Christmas.

  22. Another great creation. Hope you have a lovely time over Christmas. Hugs Anesha

  23. Oh I love her. I also love seeing men at work. LOL Have a great day.

  24. Love the piece and the vibrant colors.
    Hope your day is a wondrous one.

  25. Gorgeous page with bright colors Valerie, love the flowers at the bottom! Beautiful photos... wishing you a wonderful and relaxing Christmas.
    Hugs, Tammy

  26. Beautiful art work Valerie. As always I enjoy your outdoor photos. I hope you are very well looked after over Christmas.

  27. This is a stunning lady, Valerie. Rather pensive, perhaps, but lovely anyway. the gold gilding flakes around her face really brought this piece out. Thanks for another great entry for Tracey's theme at AJJ, too.

    My favorite photos were the men at work. You don't see that kind of activity where I live.

  28. She's beautiful Valerie, I love those gold flake touches on her cheeks and the fligae around her. Great taster session. Enjoy being pampered.. you deserve it Hugs Tracey xx

  29. Happy Birthday! (belated) I love your girl. I've really enjoyed Toni Burt's classes, she sounds like someone I would like to hang out with and drink tea lol

  30. I love your art piece and I love your quote! Great photos!!!! Even the men working! LOL! Happy Belated Birthday! Big Hugs!

  31. Beautiful page and lovely girl - wise words too. You do the most interesting pages! Always a delight. Super cool pictures too - I love seeing the architecture in your town and the water. Delightful post. Hope you are doing well my friend. Hugz

  32. Obviously your lady is not a reflection of how you are feeling, she looks so sad but you sound as if you are having a lovely time and looking forward to having meals prepared for you. Your Christmas will certainly be different.
    I do hope you are feeling much better each day.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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