Wednesday 9 December 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

Today I am sharing a mixed media journal page made for my family album, showing my great grandmother Rachel. I am linking to Tracey's challenge at AJJ:

The tag is meant for Sandie's anything goes/Christmas challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I used an altered photo for the background, added in some shadow pics and photos of my late husband as a little boy and Erika as a child - they fit well with the wintry surroundings!

Sunset at the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. How lovely your great-grandmother looks framed in your beautiful page for your family album!
    Valerie your photos are so amazingly beautiful...I love visiting your fantastic blog 🎄☕🎅🎁❄
    Hugs ❤

  2. Beautiful art work, I like how you incorporate family into your piece. Beautiful sunset photos, it looks a bit cold!! Hope you are ok.

  3. That is a beautiful page for your album Valerie. You are lucky to have a photo of her. I don't have any of my great grandmothers. I don't know what happened to a portrait of one of mine that my grandmother had in her home. And nice tag. That umbrella man is trying to keep snow off him I guess. Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

    1. T, I am happy to have the photo. Have a great day!

  4. The pieces are purrfect as are the sunset shots.

  5. Beautiful and and what really gorgeous photos today!

    1. Thanks Martha, sunrise and sunset are always beautiful!

  6. Nice that you have a pic of your great grandmother. Lovely tag too. Beautiful photos.

  7. Hi Val, good morning. Lovely to see your great grandmother today. Hope all is well, take care, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks, she must have been quite a character! Hugs to you all!

  8. Lovely art work. I wish I had more photos of my forebears, but I do not. The landscapes are so atmospheric today.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. I don't have many, but treasure those I have! Have a great day!

  9. Your two creations are just so beautiful and being able to use personal photos is just so special. Hope you are having a good week. Sending hugs Anesha

  10. Good morning Valerie: I hope that all is well, that you are comfortable, and continue to make progress. Have another coffee, maybe a cookie too, sit back and relax. I am struck by your great grandmother, Rachel, and her wonderful name. She could never have possibly imagined how her picture would be used so many years later. Even having a portrait taken back then must have been quite an event. Just imagine how different from ours was her life. She probably worked hard physically every day, without benefit of modern appliances of any kind. I had very few photographs of this nature, so I have no idea what most of my ancestors look like. The few old photographs I did have I already passed on to my daughter, but I think she shares my indifference to them. The sunset along the Rhine looks quite splendid. May you can superimpose a bench with Rachel sitting at the water's edge, contemplating the meaning of life. i suspect she will be there for a very long time coming up with the answer to that age old question! Hugs and kisses from Canada.

    1. Thanks David! I think my great grandmother was a very resolute lady and achieved her goal to leave the Ukraine and settle in London, and she walked most of the way! Our lives are definitely easier today. I love my old family photos. Sunset at the Rhine is always magnificent, I love to watch the sun disappearing behind the trees. We just had a good meal here and now I feel like a nap....Ah, the meaning of life, that's a question with never ending answers! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you and M!

  11. Lovely album. I can see the resemblance. Nice tag and nice to see your umbrella man again. It’s been a while. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for all your nice comments on my advent journal pages. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. I love that umbrella man! Have a great day!

  12. Your Winter Wonderland tag touches me to the core. I love how you integrate the photos of those you knew and loved with your other art. It's beautiful and very poignant.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I like personalizing things with old photos. Have a great day!

  13. Such a wonderful page, and I love your Christmas tag!
    Great photos also.
    Alison xx

  14. Those sunset colors are lovely, the shades of color as the sun slowly sets are a marvel. You always get beautiful shots.

    1. Thanks, sunrise and sunset are always very special times!

  15. Your great grandmother was a beautiful woman. The photos are awesome. I hope you are recovering well in the hospital, Valerie. Take care.

  16. A lovely tribute to your great-grandmother and the tag is so precious. Brrrr. looks cold along the Rhine or is that just me? Take care.

  17. so amazing river in in the sun set...

  18. Those roses just pop on the first piece.
    Wishing you a pain free day.

  19. Beautiful and so nice to show your great grandma.

  20. Beautiful journal page with your Great Grandmother and I love your tag and how you used your own photo as the background! Awesome sunset photos, they are gorgeous! I hope you are doing well.
    Hugs, Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, I like working with my own photos! Have a great day!

  21. Beautiful photos:) Have a nice day :)

  22. Your sunset photographs are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  23. wowzer absolutely fabulous, lovely designs and gorgeous post as always. x. xxx

  24. I was here when there were only five comments. I tried to leave you one, but the (%$&%* robot wouldn't publish it. I tried several times and gave up. I'm hoping I can leave a comment that the robot allows this time.

    I was so in awe of your lovely journal page. I love how you used your own great-grandmother in your art. The sewing was great and backing her with the doily was lovely, too. Sweet adding the roses. It's a great entry for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    That's a clever tag, too. I enjoyed seeing Erika and the umbrella man.

    Your sky shots were fabulous today. NOW, I hope this takes.

  25. My great great grandmother was named Rachel and I wished it was my name. Your tribute to her is beautiful. She is looking down saying, look at my sweet great granddaughter making such a lovely page and not forgetting me!

    Your tag is also beautiful and even more so as you used cherished photos there as well. It does look like a winter wonderful. Such a great feeling you created. Wonderful work.

    Of course, I love your pictures. Hope you are doing better! I am praying for you and worrying too (not the way it supposed to work but I can't help it). Hugz!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, that's a lovely thing to say! Don't worry, I feel good, and everyone is really friendly. And I have time for some art every day. Look after yourself, stay safe!

  26. Loving the altered photo you have used for your tag, looks great as a background for the little cuties in the foreground.
    I hope you are doing well Valerie, I'm checking in at TT at least every other day to keep up to date on the commenting, so you must rest up..xx

    1. Thanks so much Sandra, much obliged! Stay safe and well!

  27. How lovely that you are keeping up with your beautiful blogposts even though you are in hospital. I love the setting you've given that wonderful photo portrait of your great grandmother - she has such wisdom and gentleness in her eyes. The umbrella man makes me happy, and your photos as always are beautiful.
    Alison x

  28. What fantastic photos you are treating us to today. I love that glow they all have about them.
    Your great grandmother photograph reminds me so much of my own. I just have that one huge photograph of her sat just like yours and with her hair pulled back in very much the same way. I never knew her but she did look as if she was the head of the family. I like the way you have framed her with fabric.
    Lovely tag of a winter wonderland and how lovely that you have that photograph of your husband as a child, it certainly rivals anything Tim Holtz produces.
    Hope you are getting better,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Neet, I think that was the style back then, but I often have my hair like that, too. I love old photos, they are real treasures.

  29. A lovely way to share your family!

  30. Your great GrandMother looks like a fabulous lady, beautiful to have images from the past to keep and share in ways just like this, just like your tag with young images of your Hubby and Erika surrounded by the snowy wintery scene. How I wish I had past images to use just like these. Wishing you well this weekend, I'm hoping for a little me time (fingers crossed) Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your me time at the weekend!

  31. What lovely pieces, the family photo's look perfect in your christmas makes. Have a great weekend, Sue xx

  32. Gorgeous page and fabulous tag! That sunset over the Rhine is breathtaking, the views and colours look amazing 😁. Wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, sunset over the Rhine is always good!

  33. A truly beautiful post!!! Big Hugs!

  34. How lovely to have a photo of your great Grandmother Valerie! Your album page is just beautiful as is your gorgeous tag. Take care xx

    1. Thanks, I am happy to have originals of these old photos!


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