Saturday 5 December 2020

New challenge at More Mixed Media

 Hi Everybody!

At the moment I am undergoing hospital treatment, so it may take a bit more time that usual to visit your blogs, but I will come by!

Today we are staring a new challenge at More Mixed Media
As always, our challenges are anything mixed media goes, this time with white as an optional extra. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and there are prizes and badges to be won - hope to see YOU there!

I am also linking to Tracey's theme at AJJ

I think we all need something to cheer us up just now, so I painted a spread with geese discussing their plans for Christmas:

Photos taken on our one sunny day this week:

I don't know what was going on here:

Decorations in our little town:

The chrysanthemums on my balcony enjoying some refreshing rain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I hope that you are settling in well, Valerie, and that everyone is being kind to you, and that you feel that already the intervention of the professionals is helping. I am posting my comment tonight instead of in the morning as I usually do because tomorrow I will be out all day from early in the morning until sundown. On one of the series of COVID walks I led recently two women were especially enthusiastic and I promised to give them a personal tour along the north shore of Lake Ontario. Today we met Heather and Lily, and Lily felt snow kn her cheeks for the first time. As for your artwork, I am happy for the geese! Actually, goose seems rarely found in the menu here any more; perhaps it is different in Germany, and of course there is foie gras in France, which I find delicious but really guilty if I eat it! Take care, sleep well, get better soon. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. H David, I hope you have a wonderful romp with your female followers along the shore of Lake Ontario, it sounds delightful, and thanks for leaving an 'early bird' comment for me. I have had my first talks with various doctors and nurses, and now we will see what the next weeks bring. I'm sure it must be wonderful for Lily to experience her first snow. Geese are eaten here a lot for St Martin's Day in November and also for Christmas, restaurants are now offering book-in-advance festive goose dinners to take-away. It used to be very popular in England, too, but not so much these days! Take care, hugs to you and M!

  2. I love your art and photos as always but you can't tell us you are undergoing hospital treatment and just move right on from there. What's going on and are you ok? I will be worried sick about you until hear from you. Sending prayers!

    1. Thanks Martha! I am okay, just in need of rest, peace, new medication and some therapy to get through it all. I am being treated very well!

  3. All the best Valerie thinking of you. Funny pages and great photos.

  4. I hope you are settling in to the hospital OK. You know you have us worried. I think your spread is very cute and clever. The geese are so cute and I laughed when I saw the sentiment. It's another wonderful entry for Art Journal Journey using Tracey's theme, too.

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in your area. I love how the trees sit on either side of the stairs and are all beautifully decorated, too.

    1. It's a lovely place. I'm in the old part of the clinic, in a charming villa from Victorian times, and am being treated very well indeed, no need to worry! Have a great weekend!

  5. Die Gänse, ich schmunzle, ja die sind süss und schnattern was sie so machen an Weihnachten... toll und so süss gemalt liebe Valerie
    Wenn du wieder raus kommst dann wirds auch wieder besser also gutes gelingen dort drin.Gutes aushalten!!!
    Die Blumen sind mit Regentropfen bei mir auch es sollte schneien hiess es ..
    Schön geschmückt alles bei dir überall , wie schön der Rhein aussieht im Sonnenschein.. tolle Fotos.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die klinik st sehr schön, wir werden gut behandelt and alles ist bestens. Ich lasse mich verwöhnen! Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are settling in well at the clinic ad that they are treating you well! Take care, have a great weekend, let yourself be pampered! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I am being treated very well, don't worry. Have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  7. Loving your pages Valerie..great sentiment too.
    I hope all is going well for you while you are in hospital..I am thinking of you xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, everything is going well. Have a great weekend!

  8. Sending you my very best wishes, and a big blanket of healing light to help you through. I hope all goes well and you are home soon, restored, refreshed and recuperated.

    Hugs, Deb

  9. I hope the results of the hospital treatment will be visible as soon as possible!
    The geese are cute and cluck whatever they are going to do at Christmas ... LOL They are very beautiful!
    Sending you the best wishes and a lots of hugs!

  10. I hope all is going well with your treatments. Your geese are awfully cute. Hugs, Teresa

  11. I am so sorry that you are in the hospital.
    I know that you are not there for a vacation so I will keep you in my prayers each night.

    I love your beautiful and your photos are always exquisite.

    Hugs and feel better soon ❤

    1. Thanks Jan. This is more vacation than I've had in a long time!

  12. That page is really fun Valerie. It was a good smile on a dark Saturday morning. And I see you still have flowers blooming. Lucky you. Even my chrysanthemums are gone now. 8-12 inches of snow today predicted. Guess winter is here. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Today is relatively mild and sunny here, but in the South of Germany it's deep winter. Keep warm, have a lovely day!

  13. OMG - that spread looks so adorable and fun! Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro, glad you like it! Have a great weekend.

  14. What fun pages, those ducks are super sweet! I loved seeing all the Christmas decorations around the town and the flowers on your balcony are so pretty too 😀. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  15. I hope your treatment goes well. The festive holiday decorations add some public cheer to these dark days. So happy to see that people are still decorating outside :)

    1. Thanks. The clinic here is beautifully decorated.

  16. Wishing you all the very best Valerie. It's not a great time to be in hospital, I pray you will be safe, and that your treatment goes well.
    Your geese made me smile. I don't think I've ever tasted goose. I love seeing them on my walks, and watching them fly over in formation.
    Your photos are great as always.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. They take all precautions here, Covid test before admission, you have your temperature taken daily, lots of distance and masks mandatory. I prefer seeing the geese in nature, too. Have a great weekend!

  17. I hope your hospital treatment does the trick and you will improve healthwise. Good luck. Prayers for you.

  18. I hope you are doing better and will be back home soon. Cute geese. Wonderful decorations in your little town. And your balcony still has flowers?!?! Mother Nature is dumping a load of snow on us today. Take care.

    1. My chrysanthemums didn't bloom till late October! Stay warm with all that ❄❄❄ snow!

  19. I hope that you are soon going to be out of hospital and the treatment is going to work for you. In the meantime keep your chin up and do exactly as you are told by the doctors and nurses so that you heal well and quickly.
    Love your artwork, those ducks are so cute. I hope someone is looking after your balcony of flowers for you.
    Sending gentle hugs, Neet xx
    ps sorry I have not been as active as before, one or two issues with my back

    1. Thanks Neet, sorry your back has been so bad. Look after yourself!

  20. I hope the hospital treatment goes well for you. The outdoors decorations are lovely. Your geese are great! Keep safe.

  21. Your POST is so sweet and beautiful and gorgeous duckie image the cuteness of this .... big hugs. xx

  22. Oh valerie, your ducks make me happy. I hope you are being well cared for during your clinic stay. Sometimes there's no place like home but when in a good clinical setting you have people who are caring for you and usually are very kind. I hope your visit is short and your results spectacular. Meanwhile, rest and do what you need to do.

    1. Ducks are beautiful creatures. Have a q weekend!

  23. Great post my friend! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week and thanks for visit my blog! 🎄🎄🎄

  24. Thanks Carolina! Happy St Nickolas day!

  25. Your geese are so cute, Valerie! Your town looks so pretty and gorgeous pictures of the flowers on your balcony. I hope you are doing well and your hospital visit is short. Sending hugs, Tammy x

  26. I wish you a lot of health, because this is the most important thing. These geese and beautiful photos are great.

  27. Wow! Love the goose and captions and wonderful photos ~ we haven't had much sun in New England either ~ Be safe ~ be well ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. I hope you are OK. What ever the hospital visit is I am sending healing energy. I really like these geese.

  29. Thinking of you and sending healing wishes.
    Hoping the hospital stay/treatment goes well.

    Also sending you a virtual slice of cake and a large mug of coffee to enjoy...

    Lovely art and your town is looking so festive.

    All the best Jan

  30. Hee hee.... i'm so jealous they are taking a break haa haa! What a great way to use a double page spread, painted beautifully, I feel this could be a journal dedicated to these wee geese with the nonsense and chatter throughout the year.. thanks for the chuckles Valerie. Hope all is going to plan, sending hugs & positivity your way for a speedy recovery. Hugs Tracey xx

  31. Oh No! I hope things are going well, Valerie, and you get better and out soon. I hate that you are not feeling well. Glad the clinic is nice. Your birds are fun and we do need some extra happy these days.

    Your town is super lovely - I know it is special this time of year so hope you get out soon and can enjoy it. Bunches of hugz!

  32. I like the mixed media. Feel better soon.

  33. What a fun and darling spread, Valerie. I get the meaning - "vegetarian express" - lol.
    Hugs, Eileen

    P.S. I hope you're doing better.

  34. Sending you BIG HUGS!!
    I love your birds! LOL!
    Your flowers are beautiful and the Christmas decorations beautiful!


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