Friday 18 December 2020


Hi Everybody!

The week has flown by, and now it's Friday already, and that means
Paint Party Friday.
I have a piece inspired again by Melanie River. I was trying to paint a strong looking sort of medicine woman, and perhaps she looks a bit too  strong! I painted her on an A3 textured background using acrylics and pastels. I am also linking to Tracey's theme at AJJ:

Walking back over the bridge after a concert - not this year, though!

A visit to the Christmas Market at the gardening centre:

And the gulls all busy watching something...

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yes, she looks strong, but this woman is beautiful. I admire your beautiful painting, Valerie. Hope you feel better, my friend.

  2. Your art is always fabulous, she sure has a very featured face, love this....great pics again. xxx

  3. Beautiful portrait Valerie. Nice Christmas photos.

  4. Hi Val, your lady is fabulous, strong and powerfull! Hugs from US all, Sarah

  5. Fabulous art, she is so her!

  6. A very strong face indeed. Your weather looks as awful as ours. Hope you are keeping well'
    Hugs Wendy

  7. Wonderful painting. Never tried pastels on acrylic, must give it a go. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Anesha x

  8. Thanks Teresa! Have a lovely day!

  9. Another one of your exotic ladies on parade, Valerie. This one looks tough too! I don't think she would have much difficulty maintaining her authority and keeping law and order if necessary. At the same time, no doubt she is charming and has a very sensitive side - and she is very beautiful too. It is amazing how walking to or from a concert seems like such a distant memory now. All the normal activities that took place in our lives, the things we did without giving them a moment's thought, are no longer possible. But we have reason for hope as the vaccine is coming. How does it go at the clinic? I assume that each resident wears a mask, but do you sit together at meal times. Are you able to interact with each other? It's a cold day here but we are going to meet Heather and Lily and go for a walk. Lily is going to be a tough Canadian! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. David! Glad you like my exotic lady. Lots of things feel like distant memories just now, I hope they will all be possible again soon. All goes on as usual at the clinic. We all wear masks when not in our own rooms, and we sit well spaced out around the dining table. We can interact but always keeping at a distance. Strange, but it has to be. Enjoy meeting up with Heather and the delightful Lily, take photos! Enjoy your day, hugs to you both!

  10. She is perfect. Strong isn't a bad thing. You really nailed the shadowing which is something I am working on. She looks like a piece to hang on the wall actually. And I see Germany has those cool garden centers too. Nothing like that in my area, unless you count the box stores. Hope life is good and soon we are all able to walk about and go back to concerts. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The shadowing is always the hardest part. My neighbour loves garden stores and always takes me with. I think we are all longing for a return to normality. Stay safe and well!

  11. I think I would love your garden center -- especially at Christmas. Isn't it great to have good photo archives? Especially these days. Hope all is going well at the clinic for you.

    1. Thanks, all is good here, this is a good place to be.

  12. Your artwork is wonderful! Please show more of it!!!
    Your country is so beautiful.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Your medicine woman is so lovely- strong, yes, but there is kindness and warmth in her face as well. Nice to have so many beautiful photos of town to remember and one day be able to visit again. happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! have a wonderful weekend, one day I hope all will be normal again!

  14. I love her earthy warm and vibrant!
    Thank you also for sharing your beautiful Christmas photos, too 🎄☕🎅🎁🍪


  15. Ein ausdruckstarkes Bild. Die Frau guckt erst, doch freundlich. Gefällt mir.

    1. Vielen dank. Dir ein schoenes Wochenende, GlG

  16. She is beautiful ~ well done and lovely photos ~

    Hope you get this comment ~ Google and my new laptop are not communicating well ~ Happy Weekend to you.

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Valerie, I love this one. She does have power and strength and courage that shines through. Beautiful. Lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Nicole! You have a wonderful day, too!

  18. Nice painting VJ...that's an interesting building with a green dome.

    1. Thanks Ashok. It's a planetarium from the 1920s that has been turned into a concert hall!

  19. I want to go to your Christmas Market :) It looks quite tempting, though not this year.

  20. A beautiful portrait Valerie!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Alison xx

  21. Luv your portrait, very festive lady. Luv Christmas trees but i didnt see many this year, didnt move about. Happy PPF
    Thanks for dropping by my blig today.

    1. Thanks Gillena! Have a good and safe weekend!

  22. Women can't be too strong:)
    Love the Christmas pics.
    Look at those gulls!
    Hope you are having a good day.

    1. Thanks Sandra, women need to be strong! Enjoy your Weekend.

  23. Your painting is fabulous, Valerie. The woman looks ready to take on the world. It's a great addition to Tracey's theme, too.

    Lovely photos. I'm sure you miss the Christmas Market, as do many this year. We can always hope 2021 will be a better year for the Christmas Markets.

    1. Thanks E! We're all missing a lot this year, we need to stay hopeful.

  24. I LOVE her! Yes, strong, but oh so beautiful! Well done! And I love the Christmas photos. Thanks for sharing! I hope you're all well and home again. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks! I'm still in the clinic but it's a good place to be!

  25. Nice to see everything all decked out for Christmas.

  26. Your lady does look good and I like the combination of colours you've used.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    Hope you are still doing ok in the clinic.
    Enjoy the weekend as best you can.

    All the best Jan

  27. Keeping on with art projects despite being in a clinic looks like quite an undertaking for you. I wish you a speedy recovery -- I hope you are out in time for a good Christmas celebration, at least as good as it can be this year.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae! I will be here over Christmas, but that's good!

  28. Eine stark Frau sehe ich vor mir, so schön hast du sie gemalt Valerie und deine Fotos ausgesucht!
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin alle sgute in der Klinik!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  29. Danke liebe Elke! Dir ein schoenes Wochenende! Bleib gesund!

  30. We need more strong, bold, confident medicine women :) Great photos of the Christmas market and the water ~

    1. Thanks Karen, that's really true. Enjoy your Weekend.

  31. Like always, beautiful photos! I like the painting as well, but since I love clouds, they got all my attention! :D
    Merry Christmas!

  32. I think she looks wonderful Valerie, fabulous light and shade. Take care and enjoy being looked after, Sue ss

  33. She's strong yet vibrant with kindness in her eyes, a beautiful portrait, I love her colouration. Melanie is a beautiful teacher, I can see how much you have embraced her work and brought your own sweet way with it Valerie. Thank you so much for sharing her beauty.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  34. Your painted lady is unique and I love her hair buns.

  35. I love your powerful woman! Those Christmas displays are so pretty! Big Hugs!


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