Monday 28 December 2020

T sTands for This and ThaT again

Hi Everybody!

I hope that you all enjoyed your Christmas and weekend, even though we are all in a very different situation this year, where staying safe and healthy has to be our priority.

This evening Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party will begin, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Today I am showing some pages made a couple of years back where there's lots of eating and drinking going on:

And I've got Cola and coffee on offer today:

Some photos taken on a winter walk through our little town:

I thought this was an owl till I got nearer:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I remember these pages, and it is fantastic to see them again Valerie. They are great for T day. The last one of 2020. Wow! It is so nice to be able to walk. I finally got out today myself as we had rain so now walking is easier again. I hope you have a lovely start to your week and T day too. Hugs-Erika

  2. That hat did look like an owl! LOL! Loved all your gorgeous photos! Loved all your cute art! Big Hugs!

  3. Love the pages, thanks for sharing with us Valerie. I can't wait for this year to be over. I know nothing will magically change for any of us but it's sure looking a whole lot better than this year so far!

    1. Let's hope that next year will be better! Stay safe!

  4. This is so fun! I love the bears :) I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Love the beary pages, such fun! Here all is well, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good and safe week! Hugs to all!

  6. I would have thought it an owl also. We need to get an eyesight test! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, glad I'm not the only one! Have a great week!

  7. Lovely photos from your walks, Valerie. You know how much I love them.
    Beautiful pages too. They are funny and... may I have the Coca Cola coffee please? It seems interesting! Ha ha! Hugs, my friend.

  8. I love your art and do not remember seeing them before-they are so fun.
    Enjoyed all the views on your walks-Happy T be well hugs Kathy

  9. The Canada Geese are out on the water, Valerie, so all is well. Perhaps their T day is that they are Terribly happy to be there. They are probably upending and Tugging at Tubers. When they come out of the water they might Trot over to meet you. I got a chuckle out out of the festive events going on in the woods, especially where the beats tell each other not to feed the tourists! I can see how you initially thought that you spotted an owl; Miriam and I actually did see one yesterday, a gorgeous Barred Owl roosting in a tree, waiting for the darkness to come, to sally forth to dine on rodent du jour. We actually ran into one of Miriam's sisters and were able to show it to her. It may have been her first owl ever, I am not sure. The New Year is almost upon us. Better times for everyone are on the way. This evening we are going to Face Time with our friends in Melbourne, Australia. Technology is amazing! This is all for today Miss Funky Feet. Until tomorrow, hugs, more hugs, and kisses from David

    1. Thanks David, I made sure the geese lined up, especially for you! They did trot over to meet me because I had salad in my bag! Not feeding the tourists is always a good idea!Glad you saw a real owl, I hear one each evening at the clinic, haven't seen it yet! Good that you could show it to Miriam's sister. Owls are so special. I watched a good programme last night on TV about Eagles, it was fascinating. Let's hope next year will be better, and bring us more freedom! Enjoy your facetime time, technology is indeed amazing. Have a great day, take care, lots of BIG hugs, to you both!

  10. Sweet pages. I love all the Teddy Bear picnics. The "owl" made me smile and it took a minute for me to get it. I guess I need a second cuppa this morning. I always enjoy walks around your little town. The architecture is so interesting and everything looks so peaceful. Take care and stay safe.

    1. Thanks CJ! A second or third cuppa is always a help in getting going! Glad you liked the bears!

  11. Your little town really has a lot of picturesque sights to photograph. Very pretty and pleasant.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's a good place to live. Happy T Day!

  12. Really lovely page, the second one made me laugh. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  13. Love those pages. “Drinking knocks the stuffing out of you” Haha!

  14. Cute pages Valerie, I love the fun sentiments and all of the adorable bears! Gorgeous photos of your town. I hope you are doing well.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love bears. I'm doing well, thanks, hope you enjoyed your Christmas.

  15. What fun pages Valerie, and your little town always looks wonderful. I hope you had a good Christmas, and that 2021 is kind to us! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks, let's hope that the new year will be better than this one!

  16. Hey Valerie. I hope you are doing well and able to keep busy. I would love to go on a pick nick. The kind when I was a kid. You know how much I enjoy your area and love seeing those photos. Have a good day.

    1. Thanks Nicole! We sometimes go for a picnic by the Rhine! Stay safe and well!

  17. Cute animal pictures and captions! Glad your Christmas weekend was a good one.

  18. Your art is really cute and I love the photos of your town. It looks like a lovely spot to be.

  19. Your art is so darn cute!!!
    Gosh! You take gorgeous photos Valerie!!!
    Hugs and Have A Happy New Year 🍸🎉☕

  20. Great photos, and wonderful artwork Valerie. Looks like you had a lovely walk. I had to smile at the 'owl'.
    Alison xox

  21. I SO enjoyed your incredible teddy bear picnics. Wonderful and fun photos and I remember them, too.They are still great for T, too.

    I actually laughed at the "faux owl," and it takes a LOT for me to laugh right now, Thanks ever so much for sharing your coffee and your beautiful town with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E, glad you were able to laugh! Happy T Day!

  22. Fun journal pages - love the sayings (especially the one about tourists) and all the critters. Magical and imaginative for sure. Super pictures too - love the statue and the fake owl. Fun stuff. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun with those bears! The'owl' was too funny! Happy T Day!


  23. But these teddy bears are fun. The cap resembles an owl, probably waiting for its owner :)

  24. Such fun pages today, those Teddy's are adorable! Loved the winter walk too, you captured such pretty photos with the town and frosty landscapes - beautiful 😀. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Happy T Day and all the best for 2021! Hugs, Jo x

  25. I love your coffee mug. The sights you see on your walks! That sculpture is striking. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks! I Love all of my coffee mugs, especially when they are filled! The sculpture is by a local Artist.

  26. I love the 1st Teddy bear picnic one, Valerie. Very funny. They're all adorable. When I taught "ballet" to 3 and 4-year olds, we did a dance to that song. At the end, the girls would all go down in a crouch with their heads on the floor as if they were resting after all the food. One little girl fell asleep and had to be carried off stage. It was very funny and the audience loved it.

    Your photos are always wonderful and I enjoy viewing them as an armchair tourist.

    I'm hope you're improving day-by-day and will soon be back home.

    Happy T-day and a Happy Improved) New Year! Hugs, Eileen

  27. Thanks Eileen! I always loved the Teddy Bear' picnic. I can just imagine the kids dancing to the music, lovely memories! Happy T Day and a happy and healthy New Year!

  28. Aww these made me smile today Valerie, reminded me of the Teddy Bears picnic's I used to arrange for my pre-school groups and my own children too.. happy days. I hope someone came back to reclaim that fab pom pom hat!! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Perhaps the hat changed into an owl and flew away!

  29. that tag is so YOU! love it! beautiful photos -- looks like a foggy hazy day! xo


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