Sunday 26 June 2016

Trying to make the best of bad weather

Hi Everybody!

I'd better not say this too loud, but it isn't raining (yet) today. We had heavy storms again in the night from Friday to Saturday, and yesterday it poured all day, so I decided to stay home and hibernate, which gave me a day of painting, reading and  crafting. In the afternoon I watched a DVD of Jane Austin's 'Sense and Sensibility', and turned the catastrophic weather into a relaxing day.

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made a hybrid piece showing a map of England and Shakespeare. The image was made with a stencil from Stencilry. The background is one of my old documents written on animal skin.

I am glad that my flowers survived the rain:

The view out of the window was depressing, so I closed the curtains:

These photos were taken on Friday along the Rhine:

I love the houses round about the Basilica:

And my quote for today:

'I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade....And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party'
Ron White

Have a great Sunday!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Loving your Shakespeare creation and your flower photos are beautiful. Hope the rain subsides a bit. Its a sunny winters morning here in Johannesburg and we are off to my nieces later on for a late fathers day celebration, even though we are not parents. Have a lovely Sunday.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. This is a lovely piece, and very fitting to your love of Shakespeare! Glad you had a good day yesterday in spite of it all, and love the photos. It's always good to see the world through your eyes. Hugs, Sarah

  3. BEAUTIFUL creation just love the flowers and the weather, well it's the same here...cold, wet and

  4. Well, you certainly made the best of a rainy day, - absolutely stunning page!!
    Weather here not much better, I think the sun is on holiday or something.....

  5. Hope the weather is better today Valerie. It was too hot here yesterday but back to dull and cool again today.

    How lovely to have a day to just relax and then fit in so much.

    Love the page with the wonderful ideas-where do they come from?

    Great photographs of this and that and wonderful close up of the sun flower that must make you smile when you look at for sure.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wow.. eine super digitale Arbeit Valerie und herrlich wie Deine Sonnemblume strahlt! So viel Regen... das ist ehrlich deprimierend..versteh ich gut, aber klasse dass Du Dich zu Hause so gut mit Deinen Art Journalen und Lesen und FIlmen ablenken kannst!
    Schönen Sonntag!

  7. Fantastic Shakespeare piece Valerie :)
    Glad your lovely Sunflower is surviving the rainy days. Hope its nice and sunny for you today to get out and about.
    Have a great day ... Gill xx

  8. Beautiful page inspired by England. At least the flowers like all the rain.

  9. Beautiful page a photographs, I LOVE the Sunflower :) I would love a day of rain, it's dry dry dry here, and very hot. It will cool off again this week down to a 'cool' 22, today it will be close to 40 with the humidex. Take care, xx

  10. Fantastic page today Valerie. It took me a minute because I thought you actually made an old looking book, not used an image on your page. LOVE it. Keeping my fingers crossed that you have sun today too, and if you send a little of that rain my way for just a couple of days, it would be good. We're out there watering every morning or evening it is sooooo dry here. But I don't want daays of rain. You must feel very washed away. I'm with you about those houses around the Basillica-VERY charming. Hope its been sunny and beautiful ALL day! Hugs-Erika

  11. Great spin on the make lemonade quote liebe Valerie *gg* which I'd not heard before hiccup
    Wonderful collage you created and rainy days are good for relaxing inside.
    Here's to more sunshine oxo

  12. I walked out early this morning to water my herbs and before I could get off the porch, the rain started down in sheets. It was a downpour that created a flash flood in parts of the city. So I'm hoping we both have better weather today, because I hope to go to the Art Museum.

    Your Shakespeare inspired art was wonderful, and I'm so glad the sunflower is hanging on. A "little" rain can't squelch hope. Truly enjoyed the lemonade quote, too. Hope today is a great one.

  13. Good morning, Valerie. Happy you had a day to yourself to do as you pleased. Love your Shakespeare art and the terrific photos. You do entertain me on a daily basis. I had to laugh when you said you closed your curtains so not to see the dreary or wet rain. I close my curtains so I don't see my dirty windows. Hope this week is a sunny one in your part of the world.

  14. Another great page Valerie! Your sunflower is looking great and the other flowers are lovely too. You always have the best photos of your world ♥

  15. A lovely page Valerie, and a great theme.
    Flowers look lovely, and pleased the rain hasn't spoilt them. The Rhine does look full, we've had heavy downpours, but mainly at night and I can close the blinds!
    Avril xx

  16. A wonderful journal page Valerie and beautiful photos, I love the quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. Awesome journal pages and a super choice of quote to go with the Bard.
    Hope you had a better day, we had Hailstones yesterday...summer... not happening here either.
    Super photos and your flowers look lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Wow! This is a fabulous page! Oh!the rain! The weeds are loving it! It seems there is more to come this week too! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. I love your piece. It's wonderful!
    And your flowers are beautiful. I picked up some Black-eyed Susans this weekend I'm going to plant.
    Way to salvage the weekend!

  20. Wonderful art piece, love the vintage feel. It's funny that the view out my window is also depressing, but for the exact opposite reason...everything is dried up and dying. Mother Nature needs to spread her love around a bit more evenly!! hugs :)

    1. You're right there, whoever is responsible for distributing the goods should do it more evenly!

  21. Both your page and your flowers are beautiful. I'm glad they survived the rain -- mine could do with a little more wet, and that reminds me, I should stop reading blogs and go water!


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