Sunday 12 June 2016

Maps and More

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made a journal page after playing around with
a dragonfly stencil, a map stamp and a script stamp. Unfortunately it got splashed with water which made a few splotches, but that's life! The background was painted with blue and white metallics. I stamped the squares using  distress ink-pads stamped directly onto the paper, and the circles were made with a sponge. 

Yesterday started out sunny, but soon clouded over:

I enjoyed my walk to the supermarket:

The horses are on a meadow opposite the supermarket, and although it is directly under the flight path of the planes, it doesn't seem to worry them at all:


The little wayside chapel has been nicely restored:

This villa along the road is for sale. I will not be buying it, as I don't have the millions they are asking for it....

There are a lot of statues in the gardens and grounds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. These map stamps are interesting, I've not seen any like these. I suppose they were lurking around your magic table waiting for the right theme. Your blue art is really lovely.
    The chapel looks very fine, I wonder what it looks like inside.
    Again, as has been said before many times, you live in a beautiful area with so much to see and such a variety of scenes, architecture and the natural world - and you search it out and find it and share it with us every day - thanks, Valerie.

    1. I'll try to get a photo of the inside when I go that way again.

  2. I think you were thinking of the sky when you painted the lovely background - it's a very serene and pretty journal page. Nice photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous page Valerie, love the moody blues. Great pics too and lovely to see the area where you live.
    Fliss xx

  4. I love this page Valerie. Using the maps in the dragonfly wings is very clever and looks great. And I love today's photos too. Those draft horses are gorgeous, and that's quite the villa. I really enjoy seeing where you live, and these are a different view from what we usually see. Nice. Hope it was a good weekend; mine was relaxing and I really enjoyed that a lot. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  5. Love your journal page and how you incorporated the maps. Lovely monochromatic colours too. Loved seeing your photos. Tracy x

  6. love the idea of your dragonfly soaring free over the world...wonderful imagery. I enjoyed today's photos too.

  7. Love this Valerie. What a great layering of squares and circles at the bottom. Great idea using a sponge to make the circles. Gorgeous color for your background. Thanks for the photos. So very lovely!!! -- Mary Elizabeth

  8. Your walks must be so spectacular and I feel like I share them with you each time I look at the wonderful photos....Now if you buy that villa we can all come and stay with you for a holiday... :) Love your page today and love the blue.xx{aNNie}

  9. Every time my stamping isn't perfect (which is most of the time), people tell me it's hand made, and perfection is overrated. I actually enjoyed the splotches. BTW, I was curious about the sponge circle stamps. Or did I misunderstand that?

    LOVED the photos of the horses. Was surprised to see what looked like telephone poles, too.

    We could all pool our money and buy that villa, then turn it into an art studio. Sounds like a dream come true to me (grin). Happy Monday, dear Valerie.

    1. I inked a round piece of sponge to use as a round stamp! I have a round stamp but it was too small! The telephone poles are the flight path markers.

  10. Very beautiful page with a quiet and peaceful feel to it.

    The horses look happy as always and the little figures are beautiful. Not sure about the house. I am pleased you are not buying it I would so miss the birds on your balcony

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. A wonderful page, I love the dragonfly flying around the beautiful blue background.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Very, very pretty, love the soft blue tones! Great take on the map theme!

  13. I think the water 'splotches' on your journal page give it character. Once again .. great page. Interesting interpretation in the way you have used the maps. You got some fabulous shots of the white horse. Don't like the Villa -- no character and definitely not you. Let someone else have it. :o) hugs, Donna

  14. I like the soothing feel of your map inspired journal page. I'm glad you were able to capture and share those gorgeous sky scenes before it got cloudy. Blessings, my friend!

  15. Eine ganz bezaubernde Arbeit ... so schön mit den filigranen Motiven und wunderbare Fotos Valerie! Bei Euch ist wahrhaftig schön..kein Wunder dass Du Dich so wohl fühlst in der Gegend!

    Eine schöne neue WOche!
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Lovely journal page Valerie and I love how you've incorporated the maps.
    Great pictures today, especially the sunrise.
    Avril xx

  17. Hi Valerie, Love your beautiful journal page. I love anything with dragon flies and this is so pretty. Great walking pics and the horses are beautiful. The little restored chapel is darling. Love the beautiful home for sale too.
    Have a great week!! xo

  18. I think you need that villa! :)
    Love seeing those horses:)
    The sky is gorgeous.
    I love dragon flies and the fly free. Isn't that what we all want to do?
    Hugs, friend.

  19. Your blue map page today is gorgeous. You always come up with ideas to use your stamps differently making your page an extra gift to us. Count your blessings. If you purchased the huge villa, you would have no time for art, walks or coffee by the Rhine. We would miss so much.

  20. Love the map art today ♥ Looks like you had a beautiful day with the weather :) I always love seeing the horses ♥ My granddaughter wants me to do a horse painting for her new bedroom when she gets moved. I guess I had better start practicing.

  21. A gorgeous the sheen on the map journal page, the blues look great and so do those dragonflies. That house, lovely though it looks would take hours of the dreaded H...W... to keep clean and in order.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Beautiful dragonfly stencil and how cleverly you incorporated the map circles too!
    You and your birdies have a wonderful "villa" already :-)
    p.s. Love the blue's blooming here too

  23. Wow Valerie, your dragonfly art is gorgeous! I love all the blues! Beautiful shots, the sky images are always my favourite! hugs :)

  24. Beautiful monochromatic design, Valerie. hugs, Teresa

  25. Love the way you incorporated the map stamp in the dragonfly's wings and the "fly free, soar, explore"! And what lovely blues! My favorite color!

  26. It seems like it is so easy for me to get behind Valerie - I would rather have a cottage or a flat than the villa but I do love statuary! Have several in my tiny yard.
    I love the roadside Chapel - no matter what faith you are it gives one pause to reflect on what is important and to express gratitude!
    Sandy xx

  27. Oh! So I can't pop by for coffee served by a butler? Lovely photos ! I loVe that journal page!! Chrisx

  28. I don't know which I love more -- your beautiful blue pages which have an ethereal quality or the marvelous sunsets that are so majestic. Everything in this post is indeed a treat.


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