Saturday 18 June 2016

Rain, rain go away....

Hi Everybody!

Greetings from another day in very wet, windy and thundery Germany.
I want summer!

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another hybrid piece, and these lucky guys seem to have better weather:

Recently I got given some plastic sleeves for jazzing up old jars. You just pull the sleeve over the glass or tin you want to cover, dip it in boiling water, and it shrinks to fit. I changed some jars into storage elements for my flowers, pins, clips etc and brightened up my storage area.

Here I used an empty veggie tin:

Okay, this is my idea of tidy....

Recently I showed the little wayside chapel, and somebody asked if you can go inside. These days it has to be kept locked, barred and bolted to prevent damage and destruction:

I poked my camera through the bars, but was not able to see much:

Last week Ben Nevis was cruising along the Rhine, this time it's Big Ben:

And Big Ben is really big:

There are buoys and dredger ships on the Rhine since a couple of weeks, digging out the sand and dirt that accumulates to keep the river free for the big ships:

The Rhine is still full to the brim:

I just got the photos of the hollyhocks this morning and then it pelted down, so I had to run for shelter under an arch!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely journal page, you should have gone off somewhere warm with those good looking men! Great photos, too, and I think your kitchen looks really good with the new jars and tins, what a great idea. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Was für eine tolle Seite und super Fotos.. Deine Bastelsachen sehen großartig aus vor allem mit den neuen aufgehübschten Gläsern und Dose!

  3. Wow what an awesome idea those plastic jar covers are. So neat that you just dip them into hot water to take shape. Wonder whether we will get them here in South Africa. Your craft space is so inspiring. Wonderful photography again.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  4. Love your journal pages!
    LOVE the jars!
    Generally LOVE your posts!!!!

  5. What fun and lovely art! The jar covers look great and I love your photos too.

  6. lovely 'dry' page, so sorry about all that rain trying to steal summer! Enjoyed your photos today, that's a long boat.

  7. Great page and those jar and tin covers are fabulous! It's a great way to recycle too. The Rhine is so busy and it's nice to see the weather seems to be brightening up after all the rain, let's hope the water levels drop soon. Have a lovely weekend :-)

  8. Nice to see a page with a great sentiment and some handsome men! Your kitchen looks so inviting -- I want to get my hands into all those wonderful shelves and see what is actually there. Love your jars. Yes, Big Ben is huge isn't she! Love seeing the barges lying so low in the water. Great post, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  9. Those guys look ready to take on a great adventure of some type. Its a great page. And those jar covers are a fantastic idea. Your work space looks bright and sunny. I love the clock you have hanging. I can see why your art is so wonderful because it seems to be such and inspiring place to work. And Big Ben is a BIG ship. I wonder how deep the keels of those ships go down. I wonder how deep the Rhine is at that point. They must be interesting to watch those ships going by. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Rtika

  10. OH those gorgeous Hollyhocks!
    So glad you got to snap some photos to share with us liebe Valerie.
    Do you have webbed feet yet from all of the rain?
    Your trio of wise men in your collage are really super ♥♥♥
    Fabulous jar covers.
    Reminds me of the Ukrainian egg covers I got at a Russian deli.
    I would really like to find your jar and can cover size of shrink plastic = Very pretty and your organization looks wonderful to me!

  11. You were out taking photos of hollyhocks and ships, while I was mowing my front yard and edging my back patio when the rain began pelting down. Thankfully, the back door was close or my gas trimmer would have gotten soaked, possibly beyond repair. It rained (actually poured) most of the rest of the day, so I suspect my basement has suffered, just as I was in the process of making sure I had no mold on the walls, floors, or art supplies I keep down there.

    Really enjoyed the three men hoping their goals will take them far in life.

    I was saddened to read that the chapel has to be bolted because someone might vandalize it. It's hard to believe people could be so cruel, but I guess it's a fact of life, and better to be safe than sorry.

    I think your idea of tidy is PERFECT. It's truly an impressive space, and those jars make it even more comfortable looking. I was truly impressed, especially since you are always saying what a mess your space is. I promise, that is NOT a mess, but a well organized art space.

    Hope you have a super Sunday.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my tidy kitchen, it's nice to be able to find things quickly!

  12. That group sure does look like they are chillin and havin a good time. Wonderful layout and hybrid! Your shrink wrapped jars are awesome sauce and remind me of the wraps I would put on my Easter eggs for decoration. Wonderful memories! Hugz! ~Niki

  13. Such a terrific page Valerie took me back to the days when I used to like Westerns at the cinema--what ever happened to those?

    The sleeves for the jars are amazing and would make lovely presents. Your storage area has a beauty all of its own as well. Definitely tidier than mine for sure.

    Wow to the photos today with such a variety of interesting things. What a shame the little church has to stay locked but so do most of them these days. Maybe there is a caretaker who would show you inside one day.

    Enjoy whatever you are doing today

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Fabulous page today, love the absolutely fantastic jars you converted, how clever are you , love the beautiful colour theme. Your idea of tidy suits me fine and your photos are always gorgeous.xxxx {aNNie}

  15. Gorgeous altered tins and jars, I really must do a few of these. It's interesting to see some of your craft area, I love that shelf unit! Beautiful pics!!

    Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a wet, windy and thundery Canada!! It has become so hot here that I cannot enjoy my walks during the day anymore, and the leaves and grass are starting to shrivel from the dryness!! WANNA SWITCH?? tee hee

  16. Yay 3 days in a row!
    Cool guys and page today - I love the quote.
    Love the storage containers you altered too - they are very pretty. .. and yes... it does look very tidy and very nice too :)
    (did I spot some metal looking mini suitcases? mine had a chipboard alphabet in and I keep meaning to decorate the tin).

    The chapel looks lovely - shame about not seeing inside... mmm I see theres a thing at the top (probably has a proper name) that maybe would show inside - how are you with heights and carrying a big ladder? ha ha :)

    Fab photos and post Valerie... hope your weather improves soon... today for a change we have lovely sunshine I'll try and send some your way.

    Have a great day.......... Gill xx

    1. I think my days of scaling ladders are unfortunately over. They do have an occasional day when it is open to visitors, so I will have to see if I can visit then! We had 10 minutes sunshine today and it hasn't rained YET!

  17. Really cool page and those jar sleeves are amazing.

  18. A big treat today, a view of your very tidy craft area. The sleeves added to your jars are so pretty and the men included on your journal page are "pretty" too. They appesr ready to explore the world. Sorry you had more rain. Hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine.

  19. Like the idea of the plastic sleeves for the jars, not heard of them before. They look lovely and your work space looks so neat and tidy. Its a fabulous page and three very handsome fellows.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Love the piece!!!! Your tidier is much tidier that mine and I love what you did with those plastic sleeves. Big Ben is a monster for sure!!! Love;y little chapel and a shame is has to be locked up for protection. Thanks for sharing all of your loveliness this day !

  21. These jar covers look like a really clever idea and look good. Nice to see part of your apartment, it looks very well organised.
    Thanks for trying to see inside the chapel (it was I who asked about the inside), the blue door looks rather magnificent.

  22. Great journal page! Love those jars - I'll be looking for those sleeves now - I remember boiling eggs one year for Easter with something similar! Gosh! The Rhine still looks very high! Chrisx

  23. Great art journal page! Love the quote!!


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