Thursday 16 June 2016

Storms, rust and a dragonfly

Hi Everybody!

We had a couple of storms yesterday which were really scary,
I nearly fell off my chair because the thunder was so loud! It rained very heavily, and even my balcony, which has a roof and usually stays dry, got soaked,
and my living room windows got wet for the first time in 10 years (except for when I occasionally clean them!) The Rhine is still very full, and no end to the bad weather yet - thank goodness for waterproof coats and wellies!

I am taking part in a swap with a group of lovely people, one of whom is my dear Elizabeth. Her chosen theme was rust, and as the pages have arrived I can show the ones I made for her. The dark rust on the backgrounds was given to me by dear Susi, as she had rust paint and mine had dried out! Thanks a million for helping!
The first one is a 'portrait' of Elizabeth with her cats, Bleubeard and Squiggles:

After finishing this page I heat dried the paint on the reverse,
which made the cat's head swell up and bubble - aaaaaargh, it looked awful. So I made a second head and fixed it over the first, and covered other strange bubbles with the metal ornaments. It was not as I intended, but that's life....

Here I used some rusted old linen:

I sent the tags to accompany the pages:

And for Art Journal Journey, maps, I have another dragonfly piece, using stamping on a map background:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin

I discovered this tree in our little town last week. The flowers are gorgeous,  and smell wonderful - does anybody know what it is called?

Sorry, this post is a trifle looooooooooooooong......
Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wundervolle Rostseiten und auch die Tags sind herrlich! Eine feine Maps Seite - sher schön und einen fantastischen Trompetenbaum ( Catalpa) zeigst Du uns!
    Schönen Abend Valerie,
    hoffentlich unwettert es nicht weiter bei Euch!

  2. Wonderful rusty pages Val, I am sure your friend will love them! Beautiful journal pages, too, I love the dragonfly. I think the tree is a Chitalpa summer bells. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow Valerie - really brilliant post - fantastic pieces.
    Loved everything but especially the two with the cats.

    Gorgeous tree... any idea roughly how tall the tree is - I wondered if maybe it was a Philadelphus.

    Hope your weather better today. I hate thunder storms and hide if I can :)
    Nice and sunny here at present but been raining heavy on and off all week.
    Gill xx

  4. Those rusty old things are fabulous ♥♥♥♥ I'm sure that Elizabeth loved them especially the family portrait one :) Sure hope the sum comes out soon for you folks over there. Those types of storms are scary ....shivers here!

  5. Absolutely adore your rusty old things series! Lucky Elizabeth. Beautiful post today with your AJJ page and all the beautiful photos. Gorgeous tree -- I've never seen one before - so no help I'm afraid. I hope your stormy weather abates sometime soon so you can enjoy some summer!! hugs, Donna

  6. The weather sounds awful Valerie. Hope you stay safe.

    Love the rusty works of art with wonderful, colours, images and textures. Great page for AJJ as well.

    The flowers look beautiful even with the awful rain.

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Oh Valerie, I am simply OVER THE MOON in love with these pages. Even Bleubeard, who is often hard to please fell in love with them. And of course, I love each and every one. I must admit, you got my "no neck" perfectly, but at 4'11" tall, those legs are a bit long (grin).

    Loved the dragonfly and the tree, too. But most of all, I simply ADORED the beautiful pages and all the incredible hard work you went through to create them. Above and beyond is my belief! Thank you, thank you again!

    1. I'm just happy that you and Bleubeard like your pages. Next time I'll cut your legs a bit shorter....

  8. If the rain doesn't stop soon people may be getting webbed feet Quack Quack! Seriously moderation is such a nice thing. Hope things even out for you all and that the rain did a good job washing your windows at least = no streaking ;-)
    Wonderful rusty pages you created for Elizabeth WOW!
    Her with her kitty kats is precious.
    Now I'm not laughing at you but your bubble headed cat did make me giggle. You did a great fix and came up with a wonderful unplanned piece.
    Lovely dragonfly and what a pretty tree with the added bonus of fragrance ummmm.

  9. Fabulous rusting on the pages and tags Valerie and all so varied. That dragonfly looks stunning against the map page. Such a gorgeous tree, haven't seen one like that before.
    Avril xx

  10. such lovely work Valerie! So scary about that storm, I am all for raincoats and boots. The tree is beautiful but no idea of the name.

  11. Wow! You have been busy Valerie! Beautiful artwork there and love your pics too. Sorry for your scare as well, just extremely wet and windy here.
    Fliss xx

  12. Just how many pages do you send each other anyway!! Your pages are really delightful - I love your portrait of Elizabeth with her cats. I also love the lady reading and your tag. So delightful.
    Your journal page is lovely - it has a very soft texture feel to it. We could use a little more rain but I won't complain - so many people here have had flooding that has even ruined homes and caused some deaths.
    Hope it clears up soon Valerie!
    sandy xx

  13. Gorgeous rusty pages Valerie, Elizabeth will love them. Awesome dragonflies on the AJJ page as well. Hope your balcony has dried out, who would think this is supposed to be summer.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Wow- those are some gorgeous pieces you made for Elizabeth. I think the first one is my favorite, but then again, I love that big cat. I think in general you outdid yourself. Great dragonfly for AJJ too. Happy Friday. Kids are done here at 11:30 this morning and the relief has lifted the stress off my shoulders. :) Thanks for the support! Hugs-Erika

  15. Elizabeth must be really pleased with the rust pages you made for her as they are marvelous with a huge variety too. Sorry for the storm. The tree with the unusual flowers is gorgeous. I'd like to know what it is as well. I've never seen anything like it on a tree. Your dragonfly map page for your journal is delightful.

  16. Sarah was correct. The flowering tree is a Chitalpha;

  17. These pages are just wonderful. The rusty effect is brilliant and I love the jute for arms and legs. Have a great weekend.

  18. Fabulous rust pieces so varied! I love all the interesting details and whimsy in these! All the pages are really terrific! Scary weather...we've had some very odd flooding out our way too! Part of a highway disappeared up has turn cool too! Thankfully its not too bad in my area! Take care stay safe!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. Hope you are still safe after the storms. We also have serious thunder storms in the summer here in Johannesburg. Absolutely love your creations and especially Elizabeth's frilly lace dress. Awesome flower pic too.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  20. I borrowed Mr. Rusty because my scan didn't show the one flower. I didn't think you would mind.

  21. What a fabulous selection of art this week Valerie! I really love the rust theme - those earthy colours and metallic effects are wonderful - you always have such clever ideas for the themes. The dragonfly on the map is beautiful and I hope you will tell us what that lovely tree is called when you find out!

  22. Ganz supertolle Rost-Collagen! LG Ulrike

  23. The portrait of Elizabeth with her cats is stunning and what a very nice artwork to make for her with her pretty lacy top and skirt, and her red hairstyle. All of your rust pieces here are wonderful.
    Your dragonfly piece is quite different - a minimalist design but also with a lot of texture and interest, I like it very much.
    How interesting that you are having a lot of rain too, our vegetables like it but the flowers are a bit droopy. Apparently it will get better here tomorrow.
    The tree is so beautiful with these gorgeous flowers. I wonder if it would grow here.
    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  24. Stunning. Beautiful and love these pages, beautiful colours and look at those added gorgeousness....xx {aNNie}

  25. Ooooh! Your pages are wonderful and so inspirational!!!

    The weather has been the same here in Finland, heavy thunder and rain storms, we're soon sinking!

    1. Right you are, I'm waiting for Noah to sail by.....

  26. really brilliant creations Valerie!! Your art for Elizabeth is so perfect fro her and I love all the sculpture like imagery. You may need to invest in a row boat soon with all that rain-wow! Don't know what that tree is but it is gorgeous. Let's hope that beautiful dragonfly brings you sun:)

  27. Love the rust theme!! A must try!! <3

  28. Wow, what a gorgeous line up of art today!! That tree is gorgeous, I'm so glad someone was able to identify it for us! hugs :)

  29. Lots of fabulous rusty persons Elizabeth will treasure them for sure. The tree looks so beautiful and I am glad you now know it's name

    TF's and best wishes
    Fingers crossed the rain stops soon

    Hugs Annie x

  30. Oh my you have been busy once again Valerie.
    Those rusty colours and textures are gorgeous. The lace skirts look great.
    That tree is stunning, but I fear it wouldn't survive here.
    We have had five days of persistent torrential rain, wind and fog for the last five days! Summer?
    Happy PPF to you ... have a wonderful weekend and let's hope the sun comes to call ;D

  31. All your rust art is wonderful. You have such a great imagination to think up all those different ways to use "rust". I especially like the "read or rust" piece, the gorgeous tags, and the cat. I know your art pieces are just as good to touch as they are to see.

  32. Your pieces are just beautiful, Val. I know Elizabeth is thrilled.
    Sorry about the thunderstorms:( When it rains it pours. Groan. Bad pun.
    Hope you're having a great one.

  33. I love all the dragonfly's and the rust pieces look fun.

  34. I love it all. You can set up an exhibit with just the pieces you share here :)

  35. What a treat to see so many creative pieces having to do with rust! They are wonderful! Love the dragonfly work, too! The tree is beautiful and not one that is familiar. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Wow! These are so gorgeously textured and I love the rust colours.

  37. Luv every bit of it. The doll is my favourite

    Thanks for dropping by my blog to see my pieces.

    Much love...

  38. I enjoyed seeing every one of the rusty pieces you sent to Elizabeth. Great work, great imagination. Nice that you community is so colorful with the plantings, the bike path and those bright yellow containers

  39. I love your long post. No apologies, please! Your rusty creations are lovely. Is it acrylic paint? I think I saw this tree at my local botanic garden. I will take a walk there this week and do some investigating.

    ~~ Irene

  40. We got the tail of your storm. It's getting better slowly, tomorrow should be almost sunny again, jeeee.
    Your pages are great. Nice, strong colors, lots of handwork...
    Have good week ahead!

  41. Wow what gorgeous art, each one more beautiful than the other, or maybe not, they are all very special in their own way, such a show! It's been stormy here too, but not as bad as what you had, though we too had a violent storm a couple of weeks ago, very unsettled weather this early Summer! I hope the sun shines on this week your way. xx

  42. The rust pages are fantastic. Such a visual treat! I am sure your friend will love getting them I would :). The dragonfly looks beautiful.

  43. Cool rusty pages. Cutest ever "skirt" on your doll piece with the seals. Lovely flowering shrub at the end, not sure what that is. xox

  44. Oh Valerie! Elizabeth's pages are stunning - no wonder she is over the moon! I love your dragonfly! Your photos are once again gorgeous - especially that tree ! Hugs, Chrisx

  45. I saw your pages on Elizabeth's blog and all I can say is that she is lucky she had you for a partner! These are fabulous! Each and every one.

  46. Delightful art journal pages! You are so prolific and truly are an inspiration!!


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