Monday 27 June 2016

The Road to Happiness

Hi Everybody!

Have a good start in the new week! I'm hoping here that the weather
will not be quite as chaotic as in the last one, but 
I suppose we have to take what we get.

For Art Journal Journey, maps,  I have another piece made at the beginning of the month,  although I am convinced that the vote for the Brexit in England is NOT the way to happiness, and seems to have split the country. I was pleased to see that the Scots and Londoners all voted to stay.

On Sunday we had a few hours of dry weather in the morning, so I walked along the Rhine, still very full, and then through our little town, where some events were taking place. At the thrift shop 'One World' there was a flea market, with lots of things to look at and finger and buy....

Here they were selling coffee, cakes, drinks and fresh waffles. I had a coffee,
so a big hello to all of the T Gang here, as I am linking to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday tomorrow. The smell of the waffles made me really hungry!

And I bought myself this lovely handbag/ rucksack for 4,50€,
almost new, and with strong leather clasps and decorations, so I was very happy
with my 'find'.

 Raincoats and wellies here are the correct Sunday clothes for all who 
move about on foot. The orthopedic hospital is in the background - the thrift shop is in the hospital grounds:

 Bunting is hanging everywhere, as it is 'Schützen Fest' -
Marksmen's Festival, and the 'Schützen' were marching  with loud music to their 'bandstand':

This is the little square where they congregate, along with all who want to drink a beer, enjoy a grilled sausage, or just have a coffee and listen to the music:

The musicians were playing good music:

I walked back along the quieter streets:

St George and the Dragon are up on what used to be the 'Ritter' Pub - Ritter means 'Knight':

And it looks like Saint Swidbert is joining in the festivities, holding up the bunting and giving his blessing:

And my quote for today:

'People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do' (Isaac Asimov)

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You are so right about choosing the right way! Wonderful journal page again. Love all the photos, looks like there was some fun going on in your little place yesterday, and you made the most of it. Love that new bag, what a bargain! Have a lovely day, will ring you tomorrow when the visitors have gone (three cheers!)! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wonderful Brexit piece Valerie. I love a good flea market, and yours looks fabulous! Great score with that purse. Have a great Monday. hugs :)

  3. So THIS is the road to happiness, I must take that journey. Love the photos and so interesting and your bag is lovely...wonder what that is worth in Aussie dollars...xx {aNNie}

  4. Smiling at your quote and how lovely your town looks festooned with colorful pendants.
    Some good fortune that the sun came out for the festival time at least.
    Super collage and wonderful photos too!
    It is hard to make sense of these troubled times so I keep trying to stay on that road to happiness. It's a trick sometimes isn't it.
    Happy beginning of a new art week and Happy T Day too.

  5. Great bargain bag Valerie.
    Loved looking at your photos; as always so many interesting things going on. (I have a craving for waffles now too)
    Your map and quote are fab - it's not a road I chose :( but now I have to wait and see where it goes.
    Gill xx

  6. The town looks lovely with all it's bunting and that bag looks brand new, a great bargain! Things are a right mess here, unbelievably no-one seems to have the foggiest idea what happens next! Hey ho! Enjoy the rest of your day.xx

    1. Well, it's always easier to let others do the work!

  7. Really great pages. Fun dimensional pieces. Nice find at the sale. xox

  8. Eine Spitzenseite Valerie!
    Na da war ja gestern mächtig was los bei Euch ... einen tollen Rucksack hast Du da erstanden! Daumen hoch!
    Heute bin ich spät - wir hatten kein Internet....dooof!
    Schönen Abend noch!

  9. Great art today! Love the bag you got at the flea market. I wanted to go to the flea market yesterday but it was so hot and humid it felt like walking in a hot cloud and was difficult to breath. I elected to stay in the AC. and then we got RAIN!!!!! :)

  10. Terrific idea for your page Valerie and such a lot to,look at and take in.

    A good walk around the hospital grounds for us and for you as well. The bag is very stylish and such a bargain. I am sure it will be well used.

    Love Chrissie x

  11. Lovely piece for AJJ. What a wonderful time of year, with all the activity. Love your 'new' bag.

  12. Hi Valerie, Your current piece is awesome. Love it! Looks like a wonderful time happening around your town. Great pics and your new bag is a treasure.
    Have a nice week. Blessings to you. xo

  13. Again....what a great little town and area you live in. The buildings and streets always look so smart and well-cared for.
    The flea market with the music playing looks like great fun.
    Your new rucksack looks good and the strap closure looks more secure than many.
    Sounds like you had a good day.
    I like the London map with all the activity going on.

  14. Your little town looks so festive, super photos. You got a great bargain at the Flea market, its sounds like you had a good day out and the sun shining would be a bonus after all the wet. A fantastic London Page, oh that we could turn the clock back.
    Yvonne xx

  15. This is remarkable. I don't even know where to begin. I was deeply moved by the map entry, because it looks so very London. I have been talking to a few of my friends here in the states and they think this is going to undo the country. It reminds me of when Tony Blair followed Bush into war, which was the beginning of the downfall of the labour party.

    Your bag is wonderful. I like the way it is seamed at the bottom, too. There is a lot of detail in that bag for not a lot of money.

    I loved seeing all the wonderful streets and shops you walked by and of course the market area, too. Gotta love the idea of coffee and waffles. Save me a piece, please. Thanks for sharing all this for T this week. What a great post that covered just about everything imaginable.

  16. LOVE the London piece today. I've been hearing about the Brexit, and it seems to run along the same lines as our Presidential candidates. Although I don't think some states are going to leave the US, I think the political ramifications will be similar. One man looking out for his own monetary interest (and none of these people who think they form the silent majority) and then the rest of us. What a strange time we live in right now. Anyhow, I love seeing all the festivities in your photos of Schutzen feast and the people out and about. I remember some of your snapshots from last summer. What a score on the bag too. I really like it and I would use that. Very stylish! Hope your weather stays nice for the new week. Hugs-Erika

  17. a brilliant collage Valerie! You have so many beautiful surroundings and festivities around and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it in dry weather and share it with us:)That sure is a great buy on your bag-wow! Happy week and happy T day too!

  18. Valerie, I really enjoyed your walk today to view the events and see your flea market purchase; however, your journal page takes center stage. I love viewing the red phone booth, the double-decker bus, the ceremonial guardsmen and on and on. To make it all worth while, a new bag for you at an ideal price. What a day!

  19. it looks like you had a wonderful time out and about. so nice when the rain stops and inspires a walk about. Lovely week to you!

  20. i love your map piece, it is really awesome and is an idea i would like to emulate. i would love to have a walk about in your German town with you, it looks like a wonderful time and i am sure you would be a most enjoyable walking companion! thanks for your kind comments on my blog, always. xo

  21. Love your piece today - wish I could jump right in and walk those streets again. Yes, it's a mess and it will be interesting to watch history unfold itself as this entire fiasco moves forward. Walkies was lovely - your old town all dressed up and having fun. You must be chuffed about your bag -- what a great find. Hugs, Donna

  22. ja, das mit dem brexit und deinem road to happiness sind wohl zwei paar stiefel. schade, dieses Ergebnis... aber deine ausflüge sehen interessant aus, auch wenn Sommerwetter noch etwas anders geht. vielleicht wird's noch. dir jedenfalls eine schöne Woche!

  23. Great art and it looks from the photo's that you took the road to happiness - or at least the road to some good coffee which qualifies as happiness in my book. Enjoyed seeing where you walked and your purchase looks quite handy. Great quote at the end of the post.

  24. Valerie I absolutely love your journal page and the signposts with the inspiring words. Such a fun market too and I can smell the waffles from here. Loooove your bag find.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. I so enjoyed walking through your town, so prettily decorated with buntings. (In my imagination) I listened to the band. I love a brass band when they play well. I also love flea markets and thrift shops,so seeing that was a pleasure. Oh, and I can just smell those waffles. I love waffles! I am often tempted to buy a waffle iron or an electric waffle maker but I know I would eat more that would be good for me, so better to buy an occasional treat.
    Your rucksack bag is a real bargain! Well done for finding that. I have recently bought something similar (with blue canvas and I'm afraid not real leather straps, but it is so much more convenient to use a rucksack. I hate having to carry a bag on my arm or shoulder.
    Thank you for taking me through town. I really enjoyed it.
    Happy T-Day,

  26. What a wonderful map page.
    I so enjoyed the photos on your stroll. The buntings are so festive.
    Happy t day

  27. Love the quote. Ha!
    Your fest looks like so much fun.
    Brexit is such a mess isn't it. I feel like if our politicians on both sides of the water had been concentrating on the folks in need instead of keeping the money at the top this wouldn't be happening.

  28. What a cool page. It seems to go with the busy scene in your real-life pics. hugs, Teresa

  29. We here think the same about Brexit.I love your artwork.Gorgeous!Love your photos too.Flea markets are cool.We always find something nice.

  30. I love your photos as I can pretend I am there too as love flea markets..I love the saint too and no rain unlike here at the moment..I like your page too

  31. Another super map page, I love your London collage with such fabulous combination of images. Great flea market and photos too. Hugs, Mar

  32. Gosh Valerie you make me miss Germany.... Thank you for sharing all those lovely photos...Your back pack looks wonderful. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  33. Sunshine at last :-). Lovely map page and photos! Happy T day :-)

  34. What a really great deal on your bag! And it's lovely. I really do like this particular page. Very nicely done and really has a lot of energy and much to dig into and really study. The Brexit thing I find very disturbing...

  35. All (or at least most) of the problems here have been caused by politicians or would be politicians - I think some folk thought leaving would be a return to the 'good old days' which in these days of modern technology is never going to happen so it's just a case of hanging onto our hats and wait and see! I love your journal page! What a great time you had and I love your bag! Hugs, Chrisx


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