Thursday 2 June 2016

Thursday/Friday This, that and the other

Hi Everybody!

I am posting a bit later than usual, as I was just feeling totally crappy yesterday, and don't feel much better today - It has to get better!

Today is Elizabeth's second on the second, where we re-show some pieces made previously. This is a mixed media one made in 2012, and I chose it for today as it also fits the 'maps' theme we have just now at Art Journey Journey. Once again I am back in London:

I then took part of it and gave it a freshen up to make it suitable for the challenge today, giving it a new frame, and adding some digital details

And as it is Paint Party Friday tomorrow, I am showing another London piece made this week - London in my head. The map is, of course, a map of the London Underground, the 'Tube'. The background was painted with acrylics, and I added some bits and pieces digitally. And once again Mr UM is there, watching what is going on.

There were no blue skies here, and once again it rained all day. Welles and raincoats are the order of the day. There are huge puddles everywhere, and some motorists seem to take delight in driving through them at speed to soak unwary pedestrians.

The horses didn't seem to mind the rain:

The water in the little stream is getting higher and higher:

It has almost reached the top of the bridge:

The grill and chilling place is almost in the water:

But I do like watching the ships loom up out of the haze:

This is the path I usually take down to the shore, but I did not try it today:

The flowers seem to be enjoying the rain:

And the robin and the jay spent most of the day on my balcony, where it was dry:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, hope you are feeling a bit better now, you do tend to do too much sometimes, you know! Love your London pages, old and new, and the photos of the murky and swirling waters of the Rhine are great, as are the birds and roses. Take it easy, hugs, Sarah

  2. You're wet, we are too dry. They say we need a couple of days of heavy rain to get to normal. I love your London pieces.And I always love when you make your heads. Lots of good inspiration for maps. I hope this weekend to give it a try.Hope you feel better too. Get some rest, and maybe some chicken soup as they say that helps (whether it really does, who knows). Take care- Hugs-Erika

    1. Chicken soup is one of the few things I do believe in!

  3. Wonderful London pages. I enjoyed the photo's of the puddles and rising water but sure hope you get a break from the rain before it becomes a disaster.

  4. Great pages! Once again your photos are amazing.

  5. Lovely London inspired pages for the challenges and I hope you don't have any flooding. Most of all, take care of yourself, hope you feel better soon.

  6. AH London town. I would love to visit there. I have hopes of seeing it one day and not just on TV. These pages are genuine tributes to the city I know you still call your home.

    We are finally drying out here, and the rains have shifted to your area of the world. It's definitely not a good time to be ill. I hope you feel better soon, because this is the wrong time of year to be getting sick.

    Thanks for digging up this post from before and for sharing it with us today, as well as revamping part of it for AJJ. As always, your participation in Second on the 2nd is truly appreciated.

  7. London. Another country in my dreams at least I can get the pleasure by viewing your fabulous pages...awesome colours too...take{aNNie}

  8. your journal pages depict London beautifully,, I always loved the red phone boxes,,
    I hope you feel better today,, its rainy here as well,, the sun is trying to peep out but it losing the battle,,

    lovely photos, the horses are looking fine indeed,

  9. Too many wonderful pictures to choose from. Notice how neatly trimmed that horse's tail is?
    The pieces were fun:)
    So sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Hope tomorrow brings you good health and lots of energy.

    1. Yes, I think the horses go to the hairdresser's for a trim more than I do!

  10. Great pages and more wonderful photos of your neighborhood ♥♥♥♥

  11. Sending you get well wishes! Your London pages are lovely, and I love the photo of the robin, along with owls they are my favourie birds ever! In fact robins were the inspiration for my very first art journal page and I was hooked after that. Hope you feel better soon! :-)

  12. Sorry you aren't feeling your best. The dismal rain no doubt doesn't help. I hope you wake up to a better day tomorrow. Stay warm and dry. I love your London themed art. It is bright and cheery and the details always a delight. My you did get a lot of rain. Weather everywhere seems unusual. Poor Texas has had so much rain and lots of flooding and Canada has been fighting a wild fire for weeks. Fix yourself a cup of your favorite warm beverage and watch the birds,and relax and rest.

  13. Erhol Dich Valerie! Die neue London Seite begeistert mich ganz besonder! Absolut genial...und tolle Bilder --menno das Wasser ist echt schon hoch ... gut dass Dein Balkon so ein guter Unterschlupf für die Piepmätze ist!
    Schönen Abend Liebes!

  14. I love your colorful and dynamic art journal pages!! The maps and photos of London are bringing back fond memories of studying Art History there for a month! Enjoy your travels! xo

  15. Amazing colours on your cheerful pages today Valerie and I hope they made you feel a little better. They certainly made me smile..

    Such a lot of www weather you are having but it looks great for the plants and the beautiful birds. Always love to see the variety of boats that you manage to show us

    Take care and feel better soon

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  16. Hello, Valerie! Thank you so much for stopping at Marmelade Gypsy to welcome me! I am simply wild about your beautiful pages. London is a favorite city of mine and you captured her perfectly! But all that rain! I hear it's raining so very hard in so many places, I feel very fortunate that the sun is shining here! Thanks again for coming by! (I think I may have commented to Mary on the Art Journal Journey site but is that yours? I'm a little confused but no matter what, I love what I see!)

  17. first of all I do hope you're feeling much better now. Really fabulous collage art- I love London too! Wonderful photos - I like to think of those brown flowing waters as chocolate shots:)

    1. Now that is a great way to see that murky water positively!

  18. Hope you feel better soon. Love your pictures and your London themed pieces of art are fantastic. Tracy x

  19. Sorry to hear you are under the weather and feeling poorly!
    No one has time for that...Sending get well wishes your way liebe Valerie ♥
    So much rain all around...feast or famine it seems.
    Love your London creativity it certainly IS a special place.
    Take care and feel better soon
    Happy June oxo
    p.s. when I tried clicking on your two links on AJJ I got this notice: Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.
    Odd but I clicked on the red HOME and found my way to you...don't want to miss a thing :-)

  20. Ohh I love your London art. However, your photos are amazing. The birds are master pieces. Have a great weekend.

  21. Valerie, I have some travel-themed scrapbook stickers and they would be awesome if I CASED your journal page. So, giving you notice! lol Great pages. xoxo

    1. You do that, looking forward to seeing it!

  22. Valerie, I love your London town series. And Mr. UM. An awful lot of rain, stay safe!

  23. sorry to hear you're really poorly Valerie, I hope you'll be on the mend soon. Your theme this week is very appropriate for me as I'm heading down to London next week to visit my sister (and our beautiful springer spaniel Skye who went to live with them earlier this year which I'm ridiculously exited about!) I love the updated version and the newest version especially. It seems like your weather is much like ours - we had some gorgeous sun which has now gone and its wet and dreary!

  24. Are you feeling better?
    Hope your weekend is filled with sunshine and fun.

  25. Love your London artwork! The last time I visited London it was on a very unusual hot May. :)
    Happy PPF!

  26. Brilliant artwork Valerie, great theme and composition. My U seems quite appropriate with the weather just now. It's a shame it was so wet for your visit.
    Fantastic photo's too especially the robin, jay and rose.
    Happy PPF to you

  27. Oh crap, hope you're feeling better!

    Just love your London-page!

    We had thunder and lightning and huge rain yesterday!

  28. I like the whimsical feel of your London pages, a place I'd like to visit someday. The rains seem a little excessive, but you did get some great flower and bird shots. Happy PPF!

  29. I love maps and this is just delightful! Your London page is brilliant. Hoping you are feeling better soon. Happy PPF

  30. Wow, what a great post Valerie. Your London work is fabulous, so many great elements! Your photos are amazing. I am a huge fan of rain, and we have had only one rainy day since spring started, so we are in huge need! Love the misty pics and of course your wonderful bird photos. hugs to you :)

  31. Happy PPF! Had to come back and revisit your wonderful post and art:)

  32. Great way to represent a city! I especially love your second piece: London in my head. That map of the London underground is in my head too somewhere ;-)

  33. I love, love, love your London art! Especially the piece with the tube map. Sure made me homesick for London!! And the rainy photos - so atmospheric and beautiful!! Sorry you aren't feeling well - I hope that changes soon! xoxo Silke

  34. Wow I absolutely love your fun London travel creation with the underground theme and of course you live in such a beautiful part of the world and your awesome photography reflects that. Have a wonderful weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  35. Wonderful London pages! I like the digital altering too. Happy PPF!

  36. I guess that it must be raining big time in more places than I thought. We had a rain total of well over 9.0" for the month of May, breaking the last high total set in 1889. At last we have a couple of dry days. Your photos of the streams, birds, and flowers are really nice, especially the pink rose. The highlight of this post for me was the new London page. It is great with underground map and all. Great job!

  37. So glad you're feeling better. Thanks for letting me know.

  38. Hope you feel better soon Valerie. What a great post with all it's wonderful photos and your journal is awesome. Thanks for the photos of London, I loved them.:)

  39. Luv Luv Luv the collage

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  40. Amazing post. . .the puddles and water reflections are fantastic. I love Reflections of any kind. London appears wonderful through your eyes. Blessings, Janet PPF

  41. Hope you're feeling better today Valerie, love the pics and the London pages are fabulous, great images.
    Avril xx

  42. Oh I hope you recover soon.You are not alone loving daughter has been twice and still talks about her love of London and wishing to live there for a spell one day!! I love all the wonderful elements in the London tribute with the hat so much quality and depth. I could see this as a magazine cover!! As for the rain all the greenery and flowers seem so happy with it's visit! Gorgeous the birds too!

    Hugs Giggles

  43. Your pictures as always are wonderful and they give me tons of pleasure!
    sandy xx

  44. Fabulous journal page! The water levels certainly did rise but I am glad the horses are ok! Oh! I do love your jay! Chrisx

  45. I failed to tell you that your journal spread is full of fun and color!
    sandy xx


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