Friday 27 February 2015

Two birds, a beast and a human

Hi Everybody!

Today started out with sun, but clouded over in the course of the afternoon. The next few days will be very changeable again, but I think we are used to it by now!

For Art Journal Journey, birds, beasts and humans, I have another picture from my Van Gogh series. I still have one more, which I will show next week. This shows Joseph Roulin, and was painted in 1889. Van Gogh spent a lot of time with the family Roulin, and painted portraits of all of them. My attempt was painted with water colours and pastel chalks, cut out, and fixed to the background, which was painted with acrylics. I added the flowers as they are in the original portrait, too - I think it was painted in the Roulin's living room. I have realy enjoyed doing this series of portraits, and learnt a lot.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

A morning sky like this makes me happy that I wake up early!

And last but not least, Lilly, at least her head!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your Van Gogh pieces. I like how you added the flowers to the background. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Das ist ja wieder eine fantastische Arbeit!!!!
    Hier schien gestn auch dieSonne und ich habe viel Zeit draußen verbracht. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  3. Lovely interpretation of the Van Gogh painting. And that is a beautiful morning sky! Cute Lilly, she looks content.

  4. Love your interpretation and your scenery photos. Your cat Lilly is awesome.:) Have a great weekend.

  5. Ich liebe deine van Gogh Bilder! Happy PPF!

  6. Herrlich ist das Portrait wieder! Ganz toll ist die komplette Serie Valerie!
    Herrliche Aufnahmen gönnst Du uns heute !
    Happy PPF !
    Danke im Namen von AJJ !
    Schönen Freitag!

  7. Beautiful painting again, great photos and love the way Lilly is looking! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  8. Valerie the colours in this are so bright and glowing, a beautiful piece with so many great touches! Such lovely photos of nature, sky and Winter light.

  9. I love your art, the colours are fabulous. You live in a beautiful part of the world.

  10. und wieder so ein leuchtend schöner Hintergrund hinter Vincent! auch die Fotos wieder besonders schön, auch hier war uns gestern den ganzen tag sonne vergönnt.

  11. Your painting glows! Lovely photographs and beautiful cat :)

    Karen x

  12. Another great painting-i love how his face is almost luminous. Funny i did a quiz recently on which famous painter should do my portrait and i got van Gogh!!

  13. Stunning art page today Valerie and love the history lesson as well. It is good to find out things about the artists.

    Beautiful photographs and such a variety. The boat looks 'shipshape' ready for the season. Poor Lilly looks a bit confused by it all.

    Hope the weather improves for you

    Beautiful sunny day here and we have a lovely day planned that doesn't include MIL hopefully.

    You enjoy whatever you are doing

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Lilly wanted to sleep, and was giving me a go-away-and-leave-me-alone look!

  14. Super painting Valerie and beautiful pics, though Lilly is looking a bit mean! Lol! Lovely and sunny here today. Enjoy your Friday. Xx

  15. Good Morning Valerie. More of your amazing artwork. I love it. The pictures today are looking very spring like and beautiful. Love your cat. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. Very interesting colors in your painting, I like your composition! The sunset photos are great!

  17. So vivid colors in your work!

    The light in your photos have already the promise of spring!

  18. Another wonderful piece Valerie and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Love your vibrant colors! Wonderful photos - and what kind of boat is that? It is so cool! Your beautiful kitty looks like she wants to be painted!

    1. It's the ferry and brings people and cars over the Rhine and back again!

  20. Gorgeous as always Valerie!! Have a wonderful weekend! hugs :)

  21. gorgeous colors, and those eyes are very penetrating! Lovely scenery as usual-I do love the boat:)

  22. Love photo, scenery of peace. Beautiful art!!!

  23. The tape at the bottom of your piece ties the composition together wonderfully! Had to smile at Lily today! Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Wonderful photographs and art. Saludos

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. A great van Gogh-like painting, Valerie. I love the gorgeous and bright colors.

  27. Your Van Gogh is beautiful, and you put sooooo much work into it. Thanks for sharing the process with us! Your photos are brilliant as usual. I love the crane and duck shot and the light post was awesome!!!

  28. Beautiful work on your Van Gogh rendition! LOVE the vibrant colors. Hugs to you!

  29. Ganz wunderbar! Schönes Portrait und tolle Farben!
    Danke für deine so schönen Fotoimpressionen!
    Schönes Wochenende für dich!
    LG, Annette

  30. Very nice Valerie this is a great series!! I did a series of card with the text wrapped around my character like this....I loved it...and love it here too!! Great colours too!! Boring boring boring that's how life would be without courage!!

    Hugs Giggles

  31. So colourful again, I love these series!

  32. happy PPF, your Vang Goghs this week are equally interesting
    thanks for stopping by to view art this week

    much love...

  33. What a fabulous journal entry ~ such a cool image and great color *and* wonderful inspiration!

  34. WOW Du malst wirklich verblüffend einfühlsam in die großartigen Künstler, Du hast ein echtes Talent! Und die Fotos lassen mich wieder schmelzen, mein geliebter Rhein samt Umgebung von seiner schönsten Seite.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenenede,
    lG Anja

  35. Your portrait is great - I'm supposed to be doing some of them for Studying the Masters part 2 - will have to get back to them. I always love your photos - you have a great eye. I could tell your cat was giving you the "evil" eye - had quite a few kitties myself!

  36. Awesome portrait today and super background colours. Loved the photo of Lily, took me a while to work out how she was sitting.
    Yvonne xx

  37. Valerie! Your colors are spectacular! As is the sun in your photos! Be Gone! grey days!! xoxo

  38. Catching up on your blog, Valerie. More lovely projects and especially the Van Gogh portraits. The photos today look so bright and cheery. They make me will good too. Chemo went well yesterday and now a week to rebuild and prepare for the next one. Have a great weekend.

    Love hugs,

  39. Another fabulous painting, Valerie.

  40. Love all of your Van Gogh pieces. He is definitely one of my most favorite artist. Great photos too. It was nice and sunny here today...cold but sunny. Tomorrow the snow is suppose to return with a possibility of 6 inche :( I'm going to start sleeping under my grown light for my plants. :)

  41. Timeless art made modern and personal. Wonderful work here. And I love your photos. They are enchanting.

  42. You are so good with your Van Gogh reproductions Valerie - of course you have been so talented with all your work, but I have to say I do love Vincent Van Gogh. I also love cats! I now have three and they were all strays that we took in, had neutered and they are now up to date with shots. No more cats here!!
    Sandy xx

  43. I agree - you're so good!!!
    Here in Fiji art is mainly turtle, tribal....nice fabrics!
    Hot and 95% humid greetings! (right now it's raining)

  44. Yikes, some men look like that. Love the Heron and Duck picture. What a wonderful World you live in. Blessings, Janet PPF

  45. Such a sweet picture of Lilly! Great photos and art!

  46. What a great Van Gogh piece!! And I love the photos of nature in sunshine! Just beautiful!! :) xoxo


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