Monday 16 February 2015

Birds and Humans

Hi Everybody!

Here in Rhineland 'Rosenmontag'  (Rose Monday) will be celebrated with parades and festivities in many towns, the biggest parades here being in Düsseldorf and Cologne. A lot of people will be waking up with big headaches and hangovers tomorrow!
I will go for my usual walk, and then perhaps watch the big procession in Düsseldorf on the TV, but not more! Although I sewed costumes for three friends this year, I didn't make one for myself!

For Art Journal Journey, Birds, beasts and humans, I made another Egyptian page. I find the old Egyptian history and mythology very interesting, and  their strange beings fascinating. Today's journal page shows Thoth, the god of knowledge, who appears sometimes in the form of a man with an Ibis head, and sometimes as the crowned Ibis. The quote is taken from ancient Egyptian writings. The background was painted with acrylics, and the figures were coloured with water colours and gel-pens, fussy cut, and glued to the background. I drew the hieroglyphics for 'Thoth'.

This is a canvas made some time back, showing him as the Ibis.

Today started off cool and frosty, with a beautiful sky and a marvelous sunrise:

I know some of you in the States and Canada are struggling with heavy snow storms, so I wish you sun in your hearts, and stay safe.
Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Lovely Egyptian theme and a beautiful sunrise! It is so cold here in Toronto tonight -23C

  2. Good Morning Valerie. I just love these and wouldn't they look nice in a frame. So beautifully vibrant, it makes you take notice right away. Fabulous work. As always your pictures are stunning. Hope you have a good day. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. das ist wieder klasse und die bilder sind traumhaft.
    schönen tag dir.

    bussi jenny

  4. such gorgeous egyption themed creations! stunning color and design. enjoy watching the parade from the comforts of home! meanwhile in my corner of the US we are having an early spring. such a difference from what folks on the other end of the country are experiencing! i share your wish for all to feel the sun in their hearts at least! xo

  5. Das ist so elegant -die Seite hat etwas besonders Würdevolles und der Spruch ist soo weise!
    Der Keilrahem wirkt auch toll!
    Traumhafte Stimmungsbilder Valerie!
    Eine gute neue Woche!

  6. Your Egyptian page is wonderful, I remember that you liked spending a lot of time in the British Museum! The quote is great, too, as are the photos, very fitting to remind us of the hot, Egyptian sun! Have a nice day! Hugs, Sarah

  7. The artwork is terrific and the post is very interesting brought back memories of school history books though they were only in black white.

    I do hope the girls enjoyed their festivities and that the parade on television was wonderful as well.

    Beautiful photographs today with the brightness making me feel warmer. We have dull and wet her so far.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Gorgeous everything. Love the vibrancy of the creations and the beauty of your photos.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  9. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Ich beginne mit Deinem letzten Foto, das ich unglaublich schön empfinde. Es hat so alles, was im Leben wichtig ist. Ja, ich weiß, das es schwer ist, die richtigen Worte zu finden. Oben das Licht und "unten" dieses intiensive Glühen. Traumhaf!

    Das Glühen ist auch auf Deinen Ägypten-Bildern. Die ja auch die Botschaft des neuen Tages, des Wiederkehrens in sich tragen.

    Viele liebe Grüße und eine schöne Woche wünsche ich Dir

    1. JA, das Gluehen am Tagesanfang tut einfach gut.

  10. morning Valerie fantastic photo of the sun rise :)

  11. Super Egyptian page Valerie, and a glorious sunrise. Hope the weather stays good for the parade, it's still rainy here. Enjoy your walk. Xx

  12. I suddenly have the urge to watch Stargate, haha!! (that's a compliment by the way) Wonderful pieces Valerie and gorgeous photos too! hugs :)

  13. Both this and the Africa piece are beautiful! So bright and colorful--Just what we need here!

  14. I love how you paint your figures, fussy cut them and paste them to your backgrounds. I seriously thinking of trying that myself. Beautiful, rich background too. I love your backgrounds. They seem to tell their own stories.

  15. how fun that you are learning of ancient Egypt as you create. it is a striking piece to look at.
    wow three costumes, that sounds like a lot of work and love. wishing you a wonderful date with activities on the TV.

  16. A fascinating Egyptian styled page and again I love the writing. Those three wee dots make such a style change. Hope your hand is doing well; enjoy the rest of your day :o)) ((hugs)) x

  17. Love this journal page!!! The theme and the colors are great and I love that saying. We have snow and more snow here but nothing like the North East has. This is our first real big snow of the season and I don't think it will be leaving anytime too soon.

  18. und wieder eine tolle ägyptenseite, auch der dreieckige canvas ist so schön! und die herrlichen Fotos... bei uns versteckt sich die sonne gerade über dem Hochnebel...

  19. Lots of wonderful Art here today. Love how you added our winged friend in there. You sunny photos have me smiling.


  20. Hi Valerie, Love your Egyptian piece. Great color and details with the bird added. Wonderful walking pics too. Stay warm and happy creating.
    Hugs, CM

  21. Another fabulous pair of Egyptian pieces. Super quote on your first page.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Marvelous piece and I love the ibis. Saw an eagle yesterday - to me that's so special. I love that they are here. xox

  23. Love your page the colours are lovely. Brilliant pics as well


  24. Beautiful page, and the photos are gorgeous! ~Diane

  25. Sehr schöne Ibis-Seite! LG Ulrike

  26. Fabulous Valerie!! I just love this series!! Striking colors and graphics/paintings- all of it- just beautiful! xo

  27. I think this is one of my favourite themes that you've done Valerie, really lovely, and it's nice to see the sun, even if it's only on a photograph xx


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